Health and Science

A hypertext narrative by

Mashal Ayam

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 756

Choice count: 33

Section count: 22

Image count: 22

Error count: 13

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 7 matches (choice, college, don, first, graduate, student, university)

Psychology : 6 matches (attitude, family, love, miss, nerve, sweet)

Nursing : 5 matches (clinic, Doctor, Health, hospital, nerve)

Target Structure:


Health and Science

By Guilhermeduartegarcia [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Which University?

I am a student in Health Science at Montmorency College.This year is my last year. I will finally graduate, but I don't know which University I should apply for.

Choice 1 : University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : McGill University.

Choice 3 : University of Sherbrooke.

By Université_de_Montréal.JPG: Colochoderivative work: Chicoutimi [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

University of Montreal.

I finally decided to apply for University of Montreal. I am studying to become a dentist. The past five years were very difficult, but I will finally graduate this year and I don't know were to work after.

Choice 1 : Work in dentist clinic

Choice 2 : open my own clinic


I chose to work in a dentist clinic. I like my colleagues but I don't appreciate my boss, because he is very arrogant and he has a bad attitude.

Choice 1 : Should I stay ?

Choice 2 : Should I work for another clinic ?


I decided to stay here because I really like my colleagues.

Choice 1 : Try again !

Another Clinic.

I chose to work for another clinic. I really appreciate everyone here: my colleagues and my boss. The atmosphere is really good. I want to work here.

Choice 1 : Try again!

My Clinic.

I have decided to open my own clinic and be my own boss. I don't know where to open my clinic.

Choice 1 : Montreal.

Choice 2 : Laval.


I made a bad choice to open in Montreal, because there is a lot of traffic. It takes me more than an hour to get to my job.

Choice 1 : start at the beginning


I made the right choice to open my clinic in Laval. My clinic is very close to my house compare to the clinic in Montreal.

Choice 1 : start again

By Musée McCord Museum from Canada [No restrictions], via Wikimedia Commons

McGill University.

I decided to apply for McGill University. I decided to become a doctor. After years of studies, this year is my final year. I will graduate this summer, but I don't know in witch hospital to work for.

Choice 1 : work in Cité-de-la-santé hospital

Choice 2 : Sacré-Coeur Hospital.

By Jeangagnon [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Laval Hospital.

I chose to work in Cité-de-la-santé hospital, but I don't like my schedule because I start early and I finish late. I even work on the weekend. What should I do?

Choice 1 : stay in this hospital

Choice 2 : work in other hospital

Cité-de-la-santé Hospital.

I decided to stay even, I don't like my schedule right now.

Choice 1 : Try again!

Saint-Eustache Hospital.

I decided to work in Saint-Eustache hospital and I really like working here.

Choice 1 : Start again

By Stéphane Batigne [GFDL ( or CC BY 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

Sacré-Coeur Hospital.

I decided to work in Sacré-coeur hospital.I do like my job, but the traffic gets on my nerve because it takes me more than an hour to come here. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Stay where I am ?

Choice 2 : Change hospital

Montreal Hospital.

I decided to stay here because I really like my colleagues, they are very kind.

Choice 1 : Start again!

Another Hospital.

I decided to quit this hospital and I decided to work in hospital where there is no traffic.

Choice 1 : Start again !

By UncivilFire [CC BY-SA 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

University of Sherbrooke.

I chose finally to study in University of Sherbrooke. This year I will graduate, but I don't know what should I do after.

Choice 1 : Work in Sherbrooke hospital

Choice 2 : Come in Laval and work here.

Sherbrooke Hospital.

I decided to work in Sherbrooke hospital, I like working here, but I miss my family what should I do?

Choice 1 : Stay here

Choice 2 : leave Sherbrooke and come in Laval


I chose to stay in Sherbrooke because I made friends and I don't want to leave them.

Choice 1 : Try again!

Home Sweet Home.

I leave Sherbrooke to work in Laval where I can often visit my family.

Choice 1 : Try again!

Coming Back.

I decided to move in Laval and work here but my girlfriend works in Sherbrooke and she wants to stay there. What Should I do?

Choice 1 : visit her rarely like one time in a month

Choice 2 : Stay in Sherbrooke with my girlfriend.

Family first.

I decided to work in Laval and I visit my girlfriend once in a month. I find difficult this situation.

Choice 1 : Start again

My love.

I chose to stay in Sherbrooke with my girlfriend and to work there.

Choice 1 : Start again

The End.