A future kinesiologist.

A hypertext narrative by

Ariana Reyes

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 381

Choice count: 11

Section count: 10

Image count: 10

Error count: 15

Field Related Analysis

Education : 28 matches

(cegep, choice, classes, field, first, knowledge, learning, private, school, semester, university)

Web development : 14 matches

(child, define, drop, field, location, private, write)

Business : 9 matches

(benefits, customer, insurance, money, salary, team)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


A future kinesiologist.

Which sectors to choose?

In healthcare, there are two sectors of work: public and private. You can only choose one of the two sectors, depending on the benefits you want. Which is more beneficial?

Choice 1 : Public sector

Choice 2 : Private sector



In the public sector we have fewer advantages. We must always fight for our rights and a better salary. I'm exhausted and I can't take it anymore.

Write a choice here.

Write a choice here.



I always wanted to work in the public sector. The benefits we have are very reasonable and will save me a lot of money. I look forward to working in private laboratories!

Choice 1 : The good life!

Choice 2 : The good life!


the good life!

At Medicus, I work full time with a very good salary. I have insurance and other benefits. The work environment is excellent and respectful.

Write a choice here.

good life


In the hospital, the working atmosphere is very calm and comfortable. There is a good team spirit and we help each other among colleagues. The customer approach is more frequent.

Choice 1 : Medicus.

Write a choice here.



After two years of hard work I decided to resume my studies at university. I would like to deepen my knowledge in the field of kinesiology.

Choice 1 : kinesiology

Choice 2 : drop out

mcgill university


I am unhappy and I no longer find it interesting to work in orthotics-prosthetics. I quit my job and fell into depression.

Choice 1 : Drop-out.

Write a choice here.

gave up

First semester at university.

It's been a while since I graduated from cegep. Going back to school is exciting and stressful at the same time. I can't wait to start classes again and become the best kinesiologist.

Choice 1 : continue my studies


Define my carrer.

I am finally learning about my dream job. Now is the time to make a decision about my practice location. I hesitate between working at the Saint-Justine hospital or opening my own laboratory.

Choice 1 : I did it!!!


I did it!!!

I succeeded! I am finally a professional kinesiologist and I practice the profession at the Sainte-Justine hospital where I was followed when I was a child.

Choice 1 : I did it!!!
