
A hypertext narrative by

Élodie Lehoux-Therrien

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2148

Choice count: 71

Section count: 45

Image count: 25

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Nursing : 29 matches (abdomen, accident, alcohol, bleeding, coma, contact, death, director, Doctor, dressing, foot, grade, heart, heart attack, interval, medical, medicine, neck, plane, play, poison, practice, reaction, recipient, social, sound, stage, tears, wounds)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 26 matches (accessory, accident, act, contact, death, Direction, director, drugs, harassment, hire, House, murder, offer, opinion, poison, premium, profession, register, reputation, secure, Sexual, state, street, value, vocation, young)

Tourism : 23 matches (Alcohol, Australia, Bulletin, Bus, First class, Form, Party, Plane, Program, US, balcony, bus, content, course, delinquent, door, field, first class, program, register, stop, through, times)

Target Structure:

a foot in the door (1 match)

abolish (2 matches)

cursory (2 matches)

deter (1 match)

dread (1 match)

flirtation (1 match)

in-depth (2 matches)

ins-and-outs (2 matches)

internship (6 matches)

invaluable (2 matches)

learn the ropes (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

OJT (2 matches)

on-the-job-training (2 matches)

premium wage (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

purpose (2 matches)

put aside (1 match)

recipient (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

thoroughly (2 matches)

though (2 matches)

thoughtful (1 match)

time management (2 matches)

trainee (1 match)

undermine (1 match)

wage (2 matches)



Start at the beginning.

I’m in grade eleven and it’s soon time to register at a college. I have no idea where I want to go. My parents are maddening with constantly telling me that I should enroll in medicine. I don’t want it at all.

Choice 1 : I give in to what my parents want and I enroll in medicine.

Choice 2 : I revolt and register in a theater program even if I have no idea if I like it or not.

I give in to what my parents want and I enroll in medicine.

After studying medicine for a year and having a bulletin full of straight A's, I realize I'm not happy.

Choice 1 : I go on anyway.

Choice 2 : I change my vocation and I register in a theater program.

I register in a theater program.

I continue to put aside the reproaches of my parents with my choice and I realize that I am very happy in this field.

Choice 1 : I enroll in a thoroughly three-year theater internship in Australia.

Choice 2 : I enroll in a cursory theater internship for a duration of two weeks.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

I go on anyway.

The following year, at the first class, a terrorist enters the room and kills three people, including me.

Choice 1 : Play again.

I enroll in a thoroughly three-year theater internship in Australia.

I pull off my internship, and I am hired in a big theatrical production.

Choice 1 : I go back to Canada and my career goes ins-and-outs.

Choice 2 : I stay in Australia because I had an offer of OJT to learn how to make production models.

I enroll in a cursory theater internship for a duration of two weeks.

A stage director recruits me after seeing me practice a few lines with a lot of subtexts.

Choice 1 : I agree to take a course about diction exercises because I know I'm not perfect.

Choice 2 : I do time management and I combine my memorization techniques with a lot of diction exercises during the rehearsals of the show.

I agree to take a course about diction exercises because I know I'm not perfect.

The stage director is satisfied with my progress. He is very thoughtful to me.

Choice 1 : Though, he is reluctant to choose me as the main actress in his next show.

Choice 2 : He offers me a big role in his next play and he wants to increase my wage.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

I do time management and I combine my memorization techniques with a lot of diction exercises during the rehearsals of the show.

I try to do too much at the same time. Everything goes wrong. After the rehearsal, I hear someone screams. I go on the stage and a spotlight falls on my head. I die instantly.

Choice 1 : Play again.

I go back to Canada and my career goes ins-and-outs.

I meet a great stage director.

Choice 1 : He falls in love with me.

Choice 2 : He admires me and offers me a big role in his next play.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

I stay in Australia because I had an offer of OJT to learn how to make production models.

As I head for the workshop, I have a car accident after hitting a kangaroo. I succumb to my wounds.

Choice 1 : Play again.

Though, he is reluctant to choose me as the main actress in his next show.

He decides to hire me like a trainee.

Choice 1 : I accept.

Choice 2 : I burst into tears and I give up hope.

He offers me a big role in his next play.

He’s biased with me and he favors me a lot.

Choice 1 : I ask him what is his purpose to do that.

Choice 2 : I act as if nothing was done, even if it causes drawbacks to my colleagues and friends.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

He falls in love with me.

He doesn’t stop to flirt with me. His acts look like sexual harassment because I keep saying no. I am tired of his flirtation and I try to deter him, but his misconducts still go on. I dread his reaction, but I hit his face. He gets mad and pushes me violently down the balcony. The fall is fatal to me.

Choice 1 : Play again.

I accept.

He wants me to learn the ropes, like what is a stage direction or what is the set up, etc.

Choice 1 : I realize this in-depth on-the-job-training comes in handy.

Choice 2 : I don't feel he sees my true value.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

I burst into tears and I give up hope.

I run outside the theater, cross the street without looking and die, hit by a bus.

Choice 1 : Play again.

I realize this in-depth on-the-job-training comes in handy.

The stage director recognizes my talent and offers me a premium wage if I accept to learn how to use the sound system.

Choice 1 : I think this request is a dead-end about the career that I want to have.

Choice 2 : I gladly accept this invaluable offer.

I ask him what is his purpose to do that.

He confesses that he’s trying to seduce me because he’s crazy about me and my talent.

Choice 1 : I take him to the wing at the opposite prompt side and I kiss him passionately.

Choice 2 : With regret, I announce to him that I will abolish the project.

I act as if nothing was done, even if it causes drawbacks to my colleagues and friends.

My friends realize what's going on with between the stage director and me. They are really mad at me.

Choice 1 : They decide to abandon the project.

Choice 2 : They start bullying me and defaming me.

I think this request is a dead-end about the career that I want to have.

He's disappointed at me.

Choice 1 : I leave the project.

Choice 2 : I lose confidence in my abilities.

I gladly accept this invaluable offer.

It gives me a foot in the door in the world of the technical managers.

Choice 1 : It makes me want to try to learn lighting too.

Choice 2 : I can't stop to undermine this profession. I'm not in my place.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

It makes me want to try to learn lighting too.

Lighting becomes my passion. During the interval of a show, I make sure that all spotlights are still in place and I have a heart attack before the second act begins.

Choice 1 : Play again.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

I'm not in my place.

I take refuge in the tiers to think about my life. Another comedian comes to join me and gives me a bottle of strong alcohol to drown my despair. I drink all the content really quickly, I make an ethyl coma and I die.

Choice 1 : Play again.

By Lestath (Jan Mehlich) (pl.wikipedia: Lestat). [GFDL ( or CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

I take him to the wing at the opposite prompt side and I kiss him passionately.

We realize we are made to be together.

Choice 1 : We go to China to get married.

Choice 2 : The play was a great success, even if I had a big stage fright and we decide to repeat the experience with a new show.

With regret, I announce to him that I will abolish the project.

He becomes violent and threatens me.

Choice 1 : I fled.

Choice 2 : I push him down the balcony and he dies.

They decide to abandon the project.

With a lot of vacant positions, the stage director starts to threaten me and tell me it's all my fault.

Choice 1 : I’m reluctant and I leave the project.

Choice 2 : I don't stop repenting and I feel really bad.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

I feel really bad.

By dint of being the recipient for a lot of bullying, I hang myself in the wing at the prompt side with a rope that was in the dressing room.

Choice 1 : Play again.

I leave the project.

I break every contact with this man.

Choice 1 : I decide to become a stage director myself.

Choice 2 : I realize that this world is not made for me.

Choice 3 : I start looking for new contacts.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

I lose confidence in my abilities.

I'm going to apply for unemployment, but I get stabbed by a thug as I walk down an alley. I die.

Choice 1 : Play again.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

We go to China to get married.

The plane crashes and we die hand in hand.

Choice 1 : Play again.

By Andrew Storms (Happiness) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

The play was a great success, even if I had a big stage fright and we decide to repeat the experience with a new show.

My career has an enormous success, and I am one of the best actresses of Quebec for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 : You won! Play again.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

I fled.

I run, but he takes out his pistol, shoots me, and I die bleeding out.

Choice 1 : Play again.

By Струјајое [CC BY-SA 3.0 (, GFDL ( or FAL], from Wikimedia Commons

I push him down the balcony and he dies.

Leaving the theater, completely confused, I meet a director by chance. He approaches me.

Choice 1 : I apologize for not being in a good state to converse and I leave.

Choice 2 : I explain what just happened.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

I apologize for not being in a good state to converse and I leave.

I go back to my house crying, I can’t take it anymore, I swallow a hundred Tylenol pills and I quit this cruel world.

Choice 1 : Play again.

By Andrew Storms (Happiness) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

I explain what just happened.

He comforts me, supports me and help me go through it. He helps me get famous and I spend the rest of my life with a lot of success.

Choice 1 : You won! Play again.

I decide to become a stage director myself.

I achieve to contact a great stage director.

Choice 1 : He takes me under his wing and guides me in this world.

Choice 2 : He tells me that he hesitates between another girl and me to form one of us with the best bases and formations that can be hoped for.

Choice 3 : He tells me that I am not made for this job and that I am better to give up.

By Hkeely [CC BY 3.0 (], from Wikimedia Commons

I realize that this world is not made for me.

I go back to school.

Choice 1 : In medical studies.

Choice 2 : In mechanics.

Choice 3 : In social work.

I start looking for new contacts.

I find enough people interested in creating a show.

Choice 1 : I'm the main actress.

Choice 2 : I agree to give the star to a new actress who wants to prove herself.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

In medical studies.

I become a doctor with a great reputation. I have jealous colleagues. They poison my coffee and I die in agony.

Choice 1 : Play again.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

In mechanics.

During an internship, I fix a car. I am below the car. I didn't secure it well. It falls on me and my head explodes.

Choice 1 : Play again.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

In social work.

I help a young delinquent exit the world of drugs. He invites me to a party and convince me to try drugs with him. I die of an overdose.

Choice 1 : Play again.

By Andrew Storms (Happiness) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

He takes me under his wing and guides me in this world.

He gives me an excellent training and I become one of the best stage directors in Quebec.

Choice 1 : You won! Play again.

By Valerie Everett from Indianapolis, USA (Old Noblesville jail-once home to Charles Manson) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

He tells me that he hesitates between another girl and me to form one of us with the best bases and formations that can be hoped for.

I'm desperate. I decide to murder the other girl to make sure I have all of my chances. I finish my days in jail.

Choice 1 : Play again.

By Andrew Storms (Happiness) [CC BY-SA 2.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons

He tells me that I am not made for this job and that I am better to give up.

I decide to ignore his opinion and do as I want. I manage to make my great fame all alone.

Choice 1 : You won! Play again.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

I'm the main actress.

At the raising of the curtain, I have a panic attack because of the huge crowd, I fall at the bottom of the stage and I break my neck! Instant death!

Choice 1 : Play again.

By User:Darwinek [CC BY-SA 3.0 ( or GFDL (], from Wikimedia Commons

I agree to give the star to a new actress who wants to prove herself.

During a rehearsal for the show, the new girl and I practice the scene where she attacks me with a knife. But, instead of taking the plastic accessory, she took a real one. I die after she stabbed me fifteen times in the abdomen.

Choice 1 : Play again.

The End.