Be an early childhood educator

A hypertext narrative by

Elisabeth Gendron

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2475

Choice count: 27

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 8

Field Related Analysis

Education : 122 matches

(choice, class, classes, cognitive, college, compensation, don, education, educational, emotional, field, field of study, first, graduate, high school, knowledge, learn, learned, learning, management, motivation, nursery, school, semester, senior, sets, social, specific, task, test, trainee, training, university, vacation)

Law : 71 matches

(absence, act, alienation, assets, bias, case, child, children, compensation, corruption, criminal, development, direction, director, fact, family, government, government officials, harassment, information, interest, living, local, misconduct, mortgage, offer, office, officials, order, parent, power, profession)

Sociology : 55 matches

(act, alienation, bias, care, class, education, fact, group, interests, language, organization, power, school, sexual, small, society)

Target Structure: (99 matches)

abolish (2 matches)

abolishing (1 match)

abolished (1 match)

alienation (5 matches)

background check (1 match)

bias (1 match)

come in handy (1 match)

comes in handy (1 match)

came in handy (1 match)

compensation (2 matches)

dead-end jobs (1 match)

deter (1 match)

deterred (1 match)

deterring (1 match)

deters (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

dread (1 match)

dreads (1 match)

dreading (1 match)

dreaded (1 match)

drudgery (1 match)

flirtation (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

fulfillment (1 match)

getting sucked up in (1 match)

hinder (1 match)

hindered (1 match)

hindering (1 match)

hr (1 match)

if I were you (2 matches)

in-depth (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (5 matches)

interns (1 match)

internships (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

learning the ropes (1 match)

leave of absence (1 match)

leaves of absence (1 match)

leg work (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

more often (1 match)

mortgage (1 match)

office politics (5 matches)

ojt (1 match)

on-the-job-training (7 matches)

overtime (2 matches)

overwhelm (1 match)

overwhelmed (1 match)

compensation packages (1 match)

pension (2 matches)

pensions (1 match)

perpetrator (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

recipient (1 match)

recipients (1 match)

retirement (5 matches)

retirements (1 match)

set aside (1 match)

setting aside (1 match)

sets aside (1 match)

sexual harassment (6 matches)

test drive (1 match)

test drove (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

the drive of work (1 match)

though (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

undermine (1 match)

undermined (1 match)

undermining (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)

vacant positions (1 match)

wage (4 matches)

wages (1 match)

withholding (1 match)

withhold (1 match)

withheld (1 match)

worthwhile (1 match)

corruption (6 matches)

corrupt (2 matches)

corrupting (1 match)

ingrained (1 match)

bribe (1 match)

bribes (1 match)

bribed (1 match)

bribing (1 match)

theft (1 match)

thefts (1 match)

asset (1 match)

assets (1 match)

volunteer (2 matches)

volunteers (1 match)

volunteering (6 matches)

abroad (1 match)


Be an early childhood educator

End of high school.

High school is coming to an end, and now it's time to figure out what I want to do with my life. My parents told me : "If I were you, I would continue my studies". On the other hand, a travel opportunity was offered to me with my best friend to go to Guadeloupe for a year. If I continue my studies, I'm thinking of going to Montmorency College in Childhood Education Techniques, but I would like to go to Guadeloupe... I don't know what to do.

Choice 1 : Go to Montmorency College in the Early Childhood Education Techniques.

Choice 2 : Go to Guadeloupe with my best friend.

Graduation of high school

Go to Montmorency College in the Early Childhood Education Techniques.

With the suggestion of my parents, I decided to continue my studies at Montmorency College in Childhood Education Techniques. During my second semester, the winter one, two interesting possibilities were offered to me; go volunteering or do an internship.

Choice 1 : Go volunteering.

Choice 2 : Do an internship.

Montmorency College

Go to Guadeloupe with my best friend.

It's our first day in Guadeloupe and my best friend and I are very happy to be here on vacation. We are hungry and looking for a restaurant to eat our dinner. We have the choice of going to a restaurant on the beach, which offers local specialties, or in town.

Choice 1 : Go to the restaurant on the beach.

Choice 2 : Go to the town restaurant.


Go volunteering.

One day, I go abroad in Guatemala for volunteering in the nurseries. My purpose is to improve in the profession of early childhood educator while being a volunteer. The advantage of being a volunteer is to be able to help other people in need. The biggest disadvantage is not being able to see my family for an indefinite period. Other advantages of doing this volunteers work is to meet others volunteers and gain a lot of experience compared to dead-end jobs, because we in-depth what we learn by working in the field. It is more important to gain experience than have a premium wage. By volunteered, there are more advantages in comparison with the disadvantages because all the learning that you gain by volunteering is invaluable. Unfortunately, I broke my forearm when I fell trying to pick up a child. I had to leave my nursery and my doctor put me on compulsory leave. I can no longer continue my volunteering. This situation makes me sad, because I love helping others by giving my time. Try another time and go back at the end of high school.

Choice 1 : End of high school.


Do an internship.

I decide to do an internship in an early childhood center. When as an intern, even if sometimes I am overwhelmed, I am able to learn the ropes by putting into practice what I learned in class. For instance, when I will go on-the-job-training, I will have the chance to do the same tasks as the other's educators with my group of kids. Learning the ropes comes in handy to discover if the profession is good for you or not when you learn what you have to do with all the advantages and the challenges, this is called a test drive. Internships is a great way for the interns to put a foot in the door with all the learned ropes and all the contacts you make, it's come in handy. Even if test drove makes you sometimes overwhelm, don't hesitate to do it, because the internship I did, came in handy for my future profession. Now, go to an on-the-job-training.

Choice 1 : Go to an on-the-job-training.


Go to the restaurant on the beach.

The specialty of the restaurant was some kind of rare fish. Unfortunately, my friend and I fell ill. We stayed locked in our hotel room for a week after that meal.

Choice 1 : End of high school.

Restaurant on the beach

Go to the town restaurant.

At the town restaurant, we ate like queens. It was excellent. After the meal, we decided to go to the beach.

Choice 1 : Go to the beach.

Town restaurant

Go to the beach.

At the beach we decided to have some "piña coladas", and we relaxed for the rest of the day. Try another time and go back at the end of high school.

Choice 1 : End of high school.


Go to an on-the-job-training.

I decide to go to an OJT at an early childhood center, I am a trainee. In fact, I am training for becoming a better educator of early childhood. When I work as an educator, I earn a wage. In comparison with the wages of some qualified educators, my wage is lower than theirs. It is not a drawback that the wage of an educator still in formation is lowed because it is a type of motivation to finish the formation. However, even though I am not qualified yet, I make sure to do ins-and-outs by asking questions to my colleagues and to the direction to make sure what I do is correct and adequate to erase the bias some parent can have on an educator who is still in formation.

Choice 1 : Return to Montmorency College to finish the session.

Choice 2 : Stay where I do my on-the-job-training


Return to Montmorency College to finish the session.

In my classes, I have a lot of fun, and we have a lot of fun with friends. There's a lot of teamwork, so we work together a lot. I love learning new things to deepen my knowledge and become a better future early childhood educator.

Choice 1 : Graduate from Montmorency College in Early Childhood Education.

Montmorency College 2

Stay where I do my on-the-job-training.

Since the CPE where I do my on-the-job-training offers me a job, I decide to stay working there. I love the atmosphere at this early childhood center and the work team is superb. Indeed, everyone helps each other, whether it's between educators, with the cook, with the other members of staff or with the parents, everyone is always ready to help each other and find solutions to problems. It's a very nice working atmosphere. Furthermore, since I am not yet qualified, my salary is lower than if I finished the techniques of childhood education at Montmorency College. In fact, I decide to go back to the College to finish my session, and to become a qualified educator.

Choice 1 : Return to Montmorency College to finish the session.

On-the-job-training 2

Graduate from Montmorency College in Early Childhood Education.

In three years, I persevere a lot, and I end up graduating from Montmorency College in Childhood Education Techniques. Now, I have two choices available to me : work in an early childhood center or continue my studies at university in an Education field of study.

Choice 1 : Work in an Early Childhood Center.

Choice 2 : Go to university in an Education program.

Graduation of Montmorency College

Work in an Early Childhood Center.

Now I work in an early childhood center. In this work, as educators, we work 4 days a week, which is positive since we have several holidays. These days off are established so the educators do not exhaust themselves mentally or physically, as it can be psychologically and physically difficult to work with young children. When I work, I observe the overall development of children by making connections with the 4 domains of development; physical and motor, cognitive, language and social and emotional development. Furthermore, I write my observations of the day in the electronic daily diary of each of the children. In addition, I make sure to offer to the children, activities that are in their current interests. Choose what happens to you next.

Choice 1 : Sexual harassment.

Choice 2 : Corruption.

Early Childhood Center

Go to university in an Education program.

I realize that I don't have enough money to finish my studies at university. My parents tell me "If I were you, I would work as an educator to raise money to be able to pay for my studies in order to finish my program at university". In this case, I would return to work at an Early Childhood Center to earn some money to finish my university Education program later.

Choice 1 : Work in an Early Childhood Center.


Sexual harassment.

Some parents sexually harass other educators and me, when they come to pick up their children by making unsolicited comments, or even sometimes by attempting to make inappropriate gestures. Sexual harassment is something not request that someone forces to do to another person who is not consenting. Sexual harassment can be remarks, gestures, compliments related to sexuality, touching, etc. Flirtation is different, because if the other person is consenting, she would not deter and have dreads by being with or thinking about that person. Flirting is a playful way to attract someone, but sexual harassment is made by one or many perpetrators. Deterring a perpetrator is difficult, because you are afraid of a misconduct that can happen. It's scary to feel like a recipient. Because they are dreaded what they can do with them, recipients deters the people who flirted with them. Dreading create anxiety and useless stress and fear. Deterred a flirt is impossible, it is just amplified the dread for the victim.

Choice 1 : Office politics.

Sexual harassment


Some parents try to corrupt the early childhood center management by trying to get their child a place faster, either by offering money or gifts. In addition, some parents omit paying for their child's care costs at the early childhood center by befriending the management and offering them gifts. There are a lot of conflicts of interest and corruption in the childcare center where I work. Corruption is the act of corrupt people in the society by making bribes. A bribe is harmful, because it ensures that people who are rich and who have a lot of assets, have more and more power, and therefore, can lead society by inculcating their own regulations and laws, indirectly, by corrupting the senior government officials. Furthermore, in corruption, treats are common. In fact, a treat is really easy to do because it is ingrained in the society system, and it is very difficult to prove. Bribing can lead more easily to theft an important asset for the government or the society because the bribed and thefts acts have a link between them.

Choice 1 : Office politics.


Office politics.

Last year, I got sucked up in a bad environment where office politics were not respected by all employees. In fact, more often than not, some people hinder and withheld some important information that allows you to have a good functioning at work. For example, some employees withhold messages from superiors about what to do, so it was more complicated to know what to do. In addition, some employees arrived late and complained and undermined when they were given specific tasks to do. Getting sucked up in a job with people that are hindering and withholding important information and undermine the tasks was not really pleasant. That is the reason why, for the future, I don't want to get sucked up in bad office politics with people who hindered the way to operate the job and who are undermining on the tasks. This year, I decide to change my workplace. I decide to choose another early childhood center, but even there, they are so many problems in connection with corruption and sexual harassment. It is not fun. I don't like working in this work environment, so I call the Human Resources.

Choice 1 : Alienation.

Office politics

Human resources.

While I was searching for a job, I checked where I could find some vacant positions for an early childhood educator. One day, I found a vacant position near my home. I was really happy. Before becoming a hired employee, HR have to background check me to make sure I wasn't a criminal. The benefit with the job I found was that is a leg work because of multiple installations for the same early childhood center, so I had a compensation in my salary. An early childhood center hires you to be an early childhood educator, a cook, an educational consultant, an assistant director, a specialized technician, etc. Being hire in an early childhood center comes with compensation packages like supplementary benefits, a pension for retirement and some annual vacations. Furthermore, another package is the fact the leaves of absence of the employees are paid because it is primordial to take care of the educators’ mental health, so they can continue taking care of the early childhood center children. Indeed, a justified leave of absence or annual vacation comes with pensions when you had been hiring in an early childhood center.

Choice 1 : Retirement.

Human resources


When I was 17 years old, I started working in a grocery store. With my colleagues we were doing a lot of overtime worthwhile it was important for our superiors. In fact, if we were not working enough, our superiors abolished our position, so we became alienated from doing the same task all day long and doing overtime. We had lack of passion at this point. The same and repetitive tasks alienates every worker and the alienation was inevitable. We were feeling powerless related to this toxic situation. In fact, in a small business, you don't have to abolish the alienation because it is very difficult to become alienate due to the fulfillment and the contentment you have with your big accomplishment. In short, when you are directing an organization, be sure to abolish the alienation in your workers work before they make a plan for abolishing you. Now, in my actual early childhood workplace, I have the same problem, so after months, I decide to change my workplace again.

Choice 1 : Human resources.



After years of joy in my last early childhood center, I decide to retire. Retiring is a big part of the life of someone and his career. In fact, even if I have worked all my life with the drive of work, my pension does not allow me to pay my mortgage. That is the reason why it is primordial to sets aside. Setting aside money is very important when you get retired because it will determine your future standard of living once you are going retires. In fact, all retirements are different because on how each person set aside for his own retirement. Finally, retirement has always been pleasant when the job was drudgery.

Choice 1 : I live my best life.


I live my best life.

Now that I am retired, I live my best life by traveling and taking care of my grandchildren. The end.

Choice 1 : End of high school.

I live my best life