The Game of Life

A hypertext narrative by

Anna Phan

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1283

Choice count: 21

Section count: 15

Image count: 15

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 94 matches

(ability, choice, class, college, course, courses, degree, don, education, exam, field, field of study, first, grade, head, learn, learned, learning, library, primary school, research, school, social, student, students, teach, teacher, terminate, test, topic, university)

Web development : 25 matches

(call, child, class, field, library, name, pass, position, setting, show, test, write)

Law : 22 matches

(cheat, child, clinical, development, fact, pregnancy, publication, reputation)

Target Structure: (14 matches)

cursory (1 match)

dead-end job (1 match)

in-depth (2 matches)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

more often (1 match)

overwhelming (1 match)

pension (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

pulling off (1 match)

setting aside (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

undermined (1 match)

wage (1 match)


The Game of Life

A new beginning.

After 2 years and a half, I officially graduated from Ahuntsic College with a Social Science Degree. I have been waiting for this day since my first day in College. I can't wait to go to university and finally get closer and closer to my future career. The only problem I have, at the moment, is choosing between 2 universities.

Choice 1 : Go to UQAM in psychology.

Choice 2 : Go to Concordia University in psychology., CC BY-SA 4.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Go to UQAM in psychology.

I'm happy that I chose to go to UQAM. I feel a lot of contentment being around my friends that I've known since primary school. The courses are really interesting, especially one of my courses that talk about child development. I'm learning a lot more, which can be very overwhelming. I have this exam next week in my clinical Psychology course, I studied for it, but I don't think I'm not gonna pass it.

Choice 1 : Cheat on the exam.

Choice 2 : Don't cheat on the exam.

Paju~commonswiki, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Go to Concordia University in psychology.

I can't believe I'm actually going to Concordia! What a dream! I'm happy that I made this choice, and I can spend even more time with my boyfriend since he goes to Concordia too. Since I've been invested in my education, I've been going to the library more often to study, and met a lot of students in the same field of study as me. They talked about how they work in this research lab about child development. They said that there was still space for one more student to be part of it.

Choice 1 : Accept the opportunity to be part of the research.

Choice 2 : Decline the opportunity to be part of the research.

Guilhem Vellut from Paris, France, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Cheat on the exam.

Oh, no! I got caught cheating on my exam. The teacher gave me an immediate 0 on the exam, and I got embarrassed in front of all of my piers.

Choice 1 : Try again.

Cheating on an exam

Don't cheat on the exam.

I decided not to cheat on my exam. Couple days have passed, since the exam, and I finally got my grade back. I PASSED! I feel a lot of empathy for those who did not pass the exam since it was a very hard one. I was very skeptical about pulling off straight A's, and passing this class, but better be optimistic than not. Because I passed the exam, I have a chance to apply for this assistant job at a therapy firm.

Choice 1 : Apply for the assistant job.

Passed an exam

Accept the opportunity to be part of the research.

I'm so glad I get to have this amazing opportunity in my life. It is a unique chance that I get to work in something I'm passionate and that is related to a career I would do in the future. Throughout this job, a patient was assigned to me and all of his files.This kid has a very particular disorder including bipolar disorder and paranoia that many researchers can't figure out. After a thorough and cursory analyze of this kid's file, I might have found what's been the problem occurring in his mental development. I decide to write a research paper on this topic to bring welfare to this kid.

Choice 1 : Show the research paper to my superiors.

Choice 2 : Publish the research paper on my own.

Accepted for the opportunity.

Decline the opportunity to be part of the research.

How can I decline this amazing opportunity that I have? Of course, I'm going to accept it without a doubt. This opportunity can give me a lot of advantage in the future, and teach me more in-depth about my future career in the field of Psychology.

Choice 1 : Try again.


Apply for the assistant job.

I arrived at the therapy firm for the assistant job. They ask me to remain in the waiting room. Whilst waiting I contemplate my life choices and feel anxious about the upcoming interview. I think to myself, what if I mess up and don't get the job? And all of a sudden they call out my name and I quickly proceed to the room. Quick what should I talk about?

Choice 1 : Talk about what I've learned throughout my studies in this field.

Choice 2 : Talk about why I want to apply for this job, and what I would be useful to.

Apply for the job

Talk about what I've learned throughout my studies in this field.

Sadly nobody likes when someone shows off what they know about a certain subject. Unfortunately, the hiring manager thought I flaunted a lot, and found me very cocky.

Choice 1 : Go back home with my boyfriend and rest.

being cocky during a job interview

Talk about why I want to apply for this job, and what I would be useful to.

Congratulation! I've got the assistant job at a therapy firm. I can't wait to start this new job related to my field of studies. This job will definitely give me advantages in the near future, and make me learn all the ins-and-outs of becoming a therapist and not bring me to a dead-end job.

Choice 1 : Try again.

Write a choice here.

being respectful at a job interview

Go back home with my boyfriend and rest.

My boyfriend and I went back to our apartment, and decided to prepare a nice meal, and just relax for the night since I needed something to bring my mood up from being rejected for the job. After eating our diner, I felt a bit sick, and threw up in the bathroom. My boyfriend asked if I was okay, and I told him that I've been late for 2 weeks.

Choice 1 : Take a pregnancy test.

Choice 2 : Don't take a pregnancy test, I'm just sick from putting too many efforts.

Resting at home

Take a pregnancy test.

Oh, no... The unexpected happened... I'm pregnant. What should I do? I had a whole future dedicated to my future career in psychology. I can't terminate this baby either. I guess I'll have to put my future career aside for now, and think about this future baby in the meantime. I'm going to have to think about things I never thought about like setting aside a pension, and not being able to accomplish my dream job right away. Nevertheless, I will definitely learn the ropes of motherhood.

Choice 1 : Try again.

Josh Parrish from Bellingham, WA, USA, CC BY 2.0, via Wikimedia Commons

Don't take a pregnancy test, I'm just sick from putting too many efforts.

I should probably take a pregnancy test just to be thorough with everything. Even if I'm skeptical about being pregnant, it's better for us to make sure and to think about the future.

Choice 1 : Try again.

No pregnancy

Show the research paper to my superiors.

My superiors found some flaws in my research but decided to help me rewrite and fix my research paper. With their help, I published my paper, and it was a great success through which I received fame. Following the publication I was promoted to the head researcher position in that lab. I ended up becoming a well-known and respected psychologist with a premium wage.

Choice 1 : Try again.

Showing paper to cat

Publish the research paper on my own.

Oh, no! My research paper was flawed, and I got a bad reputation. My reputation has now been ruined. My superiors were displeased with my work and weren't happy with the fact that I hadn't consulted them. I have been fired from the research about child development and will no longer be part of an opportunity like this ever again. At the end of the story, I really undermined my ability to do proper in-depth research.

Choice 1 : Try again.

Paper published