Word count: 501
Choice count: 15
Section count: 10
Image count: 10
Error count: 3
Field Related Analysis:
Education : 22 matches (School, aptitude, choice, classes, college, course, don, exam, fail, feedback, field, field of study, graduate, management, school, semester, skills, skip classes, students, teachers, test, university)
Psychology : 13 matches (analyst, aptitude, aptitude test, data, factor, feedback, field, game, habit, negative feedback, personality, positive feedback, questionnaire)
Computer Science : 10 matches (application, choice, computer, data, field, huge, hypertext, pass, physical, skip)
Target Structure:
OJT (1 match)
pension (1 match)
premium wage (1 match)
retirement (1 match)
straight A's (2 matches)
time management (1 match)
wage (1 match)
I am studying in Computer Sciences at Montmorency College but I do not know if I want to continue in the same field of study or do what I always wanted to do and hand a subscription to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP).
Choice 1 : Continue in Computer Sciences.
Choice 2 : Hand a subscription to the RCMP.
Since I am sure to continue in Computer Sciences of course my mind has now plenty of other questions. To what University should I go?
Choice 1 : Go to Laval University.
Choice 2 : Go to Montreal University.
I have now sent my subscription to the RCMP. I am happier than ever and I'm waiting for feedback.
Choice 1 : Get a positive feedback and have a job in the RCMP.
Choice 2 : Get a negative feedback
University Laval is everything I expected. Nice school with great teachers and cool students... Unfortunately I am lacking. I skip classes which is something I never did before, and I don't do my assignments. To finish, I definitely party way too much. Fortunately for me it's midterm, and I still have a chance to succeed if I want to.
Choice 1 : Keep up with my bad habits.
Choice 2 : Pull straight A's until the end of the semester.
After they accepted my application I had to do the physical test, the Six Factor Personality Questionnaire and the RCMP Police Aptitude Test. It was hard and long but I use my skills in time management to go through theses tests.
Choice 1 : I fail the RCMP exams
Choice 2 : I pass the exams.
I do not finish University and end up a homeless.
Choice 1 : Game over. Start again
If, I get a negative feedback or I fail the RCMP exam I end up homeless.
Choice 1 : Game over. Start again.
I passed the exam, and everything is great. They give me an OJT, after that I become a famous RCMP officer with three kids and a wonderful wife.
Choice 1 : Great job. Start a new life.
After, I stopped my bad partying and my procrastinating habit. Every semester until I graduate have been great. I became a known data analyst with three kids and a wife.
Choice 1 : Great Job. Start a new life.
University is easy and I passed every course without problem. I easily found a job and climb the ranks. I have few premium wage due to my excellent work, a great retirement and really good pension.
Choice 1 : Great job. Start a new life
The End.