My Fate as a Radiation Therapy Technologist

A hypertext narrative by

Wenting Gu

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1221

Choice count: 35

Section count: 20

Image count: 19

Error count: 10

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 28 matches (Down, National, School, certification, choice, class, college, diploma, don, exam, fail, failed, field, first, graduation, learn, learned, management, mark, performance, research, review, school, score, student, teacher, training, vacation)

Nursing : 25 matches (professional, cancer, conflict, contact, dose, dosimetry, effects, Health, hesitation, hospital, HR, lung, lung cancer, nervous, oncology, planning, position, radiation, scan, solution, review, tumor, treatment, patients, treat)

Computer Science : 17 matches (Argument, certification, choice, Class, computer, don't care, effects, field, mark, News, pass, planning, restart, review, scan, score, table)

Target Structure:

dead-end job (1 match)

HR (1 match)

income (1 match)

internship (2 matches)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

though (1 match)

thoughtful (1 match)

time management (1 match)


My Fate as a Radiation Therapy Technologist

Ahuntsic College

Start here.

When I arrived in Canada, I did some research and I decided to study in the field of radiation oncology. I chose to study at Ahuntsic College because of its good reputation in this field. What should I do next?

Choice 1 : I was accepted by the program successfully.

Choice 2 : I was refused by the program due to my low score at secondary school.


I was accepted by the program successfully.

I celebrated with my family for this good news and I decided to prepare something for my future study.

Choice 1 : I reviewed maths and physics during the Summer vacation

Choice 2 : I decided to spend a good summer vacation with my family before 3-years intensive study

I was refused by the program.

I failed because I didn't have a good mark for my secondary school. But I didn't give up, though I was upset. I talked with the College to find a solution. I was suggested a program called "Tremplin" to win a second chance.

Choice 1 : I finished my tremplin successfully

Choice 2 : I was failed. (restart)

radio oncologist

Start Study.

After a long vacation and good preparation, my first year of study started. I was nervous because I don't speak French very well. But I was also excited because I wanted to learn something interesting.

Choice 1 : I decided to work hard to get a good score

Choice 2 : I just want to pass all the exams.


A good summer vocation.

I spent a really good time with my family and my daughter asked me if I can stay at home instead of studying in this new program.

Choice 1 : stay at home and give up my study. (The end)

Choice 2 : explain to my daughter and keep my choice

work hard

Work hard.

Although I had two children to take care of, I was good at time management. I studied very hard and I became a straight A's student in the class. My purpose is to pass the National Certification Exam.

Choice 1 : I pass the exam and become a very good radiation therapy technologist

Choice 2 : I fail the exam. (restart)

60 is enough

60 is enough.

I just want to get a diploma and I don't want to spend too much time on studying. I review what we have learned in the class just before the exam.

Choice 1 : I pass all the exam but I don't know very much how to be a good technologist

Choice 2 : I haven't passed my exam and I decide to work hard to get my diploma

lung cancer

A good technologist.

With my good score at school and hard work during my last year's internship in hospital. I pass my first job interview soon after my graduation. The HR in CHUM hire me without any hesitation. After three months' on-the-job-training, I treat my first patient who is suffered from a lung cancer.

Choice 1 : He is very nervous and I manage to calm him down during his first radiation treatment

Choice 2 : I am very nervous and I forget what I should do during the treatment


A bad technologist.

Since I haven't learned very well during my school, I don't know how to do my internship in hospital. I meet a lot of problems and I don't know how to solve them. What should I do?

Choice 1 : I ask for help from my teacher

Choice 2 : I don't care.


First cancer patient treated successfully.

This successful experience makes me feel more comfortable. Everything goes very well in the beginning. But one day, I am in conflict with one of my colleagues. We have different opinion about the result of scan. What should I do?

Choice 1 : I argue with her and several patients cannot be treated due to our argument

Choice 2 : We contact with the radio oncologist and he makes the final decision


To be better.

I talk with my teacher and he helps me to understand how important to be a good technologist. I realize that I have to take responsible for the health of my patients.

Choice 1 : I decide to review all the materials that I have learned and try to be as good as possible during my work.

Choice 2 : I don't care and I don't want to continue because I find the income for a radio therapy technologist is low.

the end

I don't care.

Little by little I find that this is a dead-end job and I can't be a radiation therapy technologist and I don't like this job, either. So, I decide to resign my position.

Choice 1 : The end.



I can't bear that my judgment is wrong so I argue with my colleague. I haven't realized that this has a very bad effect in the department of radiation oncology.

Choice 1 : I am so sorry and I apologize to all the people who have been affected, and I talk with the radio oncologist to find a solution.

Choice 2 : I don't care and I think I am right.


I am fired.

Due to my bad performance, I am fired by the hospital, and I am forbidden to work in this domain in the future.

Choice 1 : The end.



We talk with the radio oncologist and he gives us his professional opinion. After this experience, I know better how to deal with my colleagues.

Choice 1 : Little by little I become a very good technologist


How to deal with nervous?

During the cancer treatment of my first patient, I am so nervous and I forget how to do next. What should I do now?

Choice 1 : I ask for help from my colleague

Choice 2 : I just stand there and this makes my patient uncomfortable


Getting better.

My colleague is so kind that she notice that I am nervous. She helps me to finish positioning the patient in the treatment table and help me to explain the side effects of the treatment to the patient.

Choice 1 : Little by little I become a very good technologist

Choice 2 : Little by little I find that I don't really like dealing with patients


Change the domain.

After several years work in the treatment room, I decide to change my domain, which domain I should go?

Choice 1 : Planning.

Choice 2 : Dosimetry.



Just before the treatment, all the patients have to do a scan of planning to help the radio oncologist to decide where is the tumor and how to treat it. In the beginning almost all the patients are nervous. It is a challenge, but I am good at dealing with patients.

Choice 1 : I become a very professional technologist who is specialized in planing.(The end)



During my studying in college, I have already been interested in this domain because I am thoughtful and I like to work with computer in order to calculate the dose of treatment. So once there is a chance, I decide to change the domain and become a dosimetrist.

Choice 1 : I become a very professional technologist who is specialized in the dosimetry. (The end)

The End.