What Could My Life Be.

A hypertext narrative by

Marianne Julien

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1409

Choice count: 42

Section count: 28

Image count: 28

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 92 matches

(choice, college, diploma, doctorate, don, failure, homework, knowledge, learn, learning, lessons, mark, motivation, school, teacher, university)

Paramedics : 31 matches

(cold, depression, diploma, doctor, heart, medicine, patients, perform, practice, trauma)

Biology : 24 matches

(balance, breeding, cancer, chemotherapy, competition, death, donor, environment, food, heart, hippocampus, host, laboratory, learning, line, lymphatic system, motivation, organ, pet)

Target Structure: (12 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)

fulfillment (1 match)

hinders (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

more often (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)


What Could My Life Be.

Getting my Diploma.

I finish college, and I need to do something for the rest of my life that I like. It is time to make some decisions.

Choice 1 : Studying Medicine.

Choice 2 : Becoming a Professional Singer.


Studying Medicine.

My long dream comes true. Helping people in need like those with cancer or those who have hemorrhaged, so we need to intervene rapidly is a big purpose for me. It will take long studies to learn all the systems like the muscular system, the lymphatic system or the endocrine system, but I am ready to face up those difficulties.

Choice 1 : Going to the University of Laval.

Choice 2 : Studying Overseas.


Becoming a Professional Singer.

If others can be famous, why can't I? It's time to taste glory and experience new aspects of life, maybe I can discover myself new talents.

Choice 1 : Taking Singing Lessons.

Choice 2 : Going to The Voice.

Lady Gaga

Going to the University of Laval.

It is the University the closest to my home, so I can stay with my parents and save money for later in my life. They are happy to keep me, and I can always talk to them if I need it, it is comforting.

Choice 1 : Taking a 2-year Doctorate.

Choice 2 : Taking a 3-year Doctorate.


Studying Overseas.

Learning a lot about the problems around the world and seeing how much developing countries need help really expand my knowledge. Also, before going, I need to practice my gestures when I speak, so that they will be able to understand more what I am saying.

Choice 1 : Flying to Africa.

Choice 2 : Flying to Mexico.


Taking Singing Lessons.

I have a pretty up to the mark teacher, but she is really annoying. She is pretentious, and she is undeniably rude with me. It is time to continue my path alone because she hinders my future success.

Choice 1 : Singing Rap.

Choice 2 : Singing Opera.


Going to The Voice.

My audition is going well. I can enter the competition, but I have to start at the blind auditions. I don't understand why they don't send me to the final right away, I have the voice of an angel!

Choice 1 : Winning the Show.

Choice 2 : Not Winning the Show.


Taking a 2-year Doctorate.

I am drowning under a ton of homework, but maybe I can keep up the work. My life is school. I don't remember how it feels having friends.

Choice 1 : Falling in Depression.

Choice 2 : Finishing it Wonderfully.


Taking a 3-year Doctorate.

Medicine is arduous, but it is going pretty well. I learn a lot of diseases and structures like seborrhea, ligaments, and muscles. I have a lot of pleasure in the laboratory because I see directly on a corpse what I am learning. The effects of antibiotic, chemotherapy and cerebral commotions have no more secrets for me.

Choice 1 : Becoming a Family Doctor.

Choice 2 : Becoming a Surgeon.


Flying to Africa.

People are really kind there. Everyone is helping, so the environment is filled with harmony. I love my workplace, and I am grateful for not experiencing office politics.

Choice 1 : Staying There.

Choice 2 : Creating a Humanitarian Organization.


Flying to Mexico.

The food is really spicy and the weather is genuinely hot, so I have to make sure to drink a lot of water to keep heatstroke away from me. Sometimes, I encounter some stomach burn because of the food.

Choice 1 : Staying There.

Choice 2 : Try to Pet a Spider.


Falling in Depression.

The school destroys my happiness. I need to find myself and get rid of my lack of motivation.

Choice 1 : Scheduling an Appointment with a psychologist.

Choice 2 : Interring a Therapy Group.


Finishing it Wonderfully.

After so many years, I am starting my life as a doctor. I have to learn to be resilient when I lose patients because it is really appalling right now that a family is in mourning, but overtime, It will get better. Just being there is a big fulfillment for me.

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Scheduling an Appointment with a psychologist.

The psychologist understands me so well. He examines the psychosocial factors that disturb me and intervenes to help me find happiness. I finally found the job I want to do. Now, I love my life.

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Interring a Therapy Group.

It's soothing to talk with other people who are struggling because they understand what I am going through. We each have our reactions and story, but we, more often than not, are connected by our emotions.

Choice 1 : Going back to University.

Choice 2 : Falling in Love.


Going back to University.

I'm finally back strong to learn what I have left. I only have to learn the ropes about tomography, stitches and the hippocampus. After that, I'll be ready to heal my surroundings!

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Falling in Love.

I have met my soulmate in my therapy group. I leave medicine, and I start a dog breeding with him. Moreover, we eat the same food as our dogs to feel more alive and close to them!

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Destroying my Voice.

I have forced my voice too much and now, I am stuck with nodules. I am only able to whisper, I think singing is not for me anymore, it is a dead-end job.

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Singing Opera.

This style is so complicated! I'm going to have to practice a lot to get to the height of Victory Brinker from America's got talent.

Choice 1 : Destroying my Voice.

Choice 2 : Destroying People's Ears.


Singing Rap.

I become really famous, extremely fantastic and refreshing for people who don't know me. However, my parents don't love me anymore. They hate this style of music, so, now, they hate me too. What a failure!

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Winning the Show.

I am now more famous than Céline Dion and Lady Gaga. This is called a success! If you want to see me perform, just buy a ticket at the 333-666-8888.

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Not Winning the Show.

People don't know how to recognize real talent. I now have to sing in bars or in the street, but in the snow, it's freezing cold. I am ready to dress up as a princess and host children's parties to get out of this mountain of snow!

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Destroying People's Ears.

I believe that some people have developed sound trauma because of me. I don't think that everyone eardrums like me. I might have to cogitate about another career choice because people want me to put aside this one.

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Becoming a Family Doctor.

This job allows me to have a good balance between my family and my work, since I can take time off a little more freely. I am very happy with my choice and I will clearly keep working as long as I can before going in retirement.

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Becoming a Surgeon.

The scalpel is my best friend, and it is really rewarding to save life and organs. Tomorrow, I will give a new heart to a sick child. It is miraculous, and I recommend to everyone to be an organ donor to save lives and somehow continue to live after death.

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Staying There.

I am helping those who need it the most, and I am definitely proud of it. My life is full of complicated operations requiring more difficult sanitary precautions to achieve and this spices up my life, I like it!

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Creating a Humanitarian Organization.

These wonderful people deserve that we do everything in our power to help them, so please, give money to my organization called “Afrihealth”. Just one dollar can change lives.

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.


Try to Pet a Spider.

This spider looks soft, so I try to pet it, but, all of a sudden, it bites me. Later, I learn that I only have 3 hours left to live because it was a venomous spider. Farewell...

Choice 1 : Getting my Diploma.
