My career as a special educator.

A hypertext narrative by

Sophie Breton

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 815

Choice count: 19

Section count: 13

Image count: 13

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 63 matches

(behavior, campus, choice, diploma, don, education, elementary school, high school, learn, learning, options, primary school, register, school, student, university)

Sociology : 19 matches

(education, interests, primary, psychology, school, work ethic)

Law : 14 matches

(bond, children, interest, option, profession, register)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


My career as a special educator.

What do I do?

I am a student at the Cégep of Thetford Mines. I am studying the program of special education. It is a program of 3 years, where you learn how to be a special educator. I am learning about people who have some difficulties, to know how to interact with them and help them. We also focus on work etiquette and the behavior in our future workplace so, work ethic. Normally, I am finishing my program in a year, but I am not sure of what I want to do. Should I finish my program to get my diploma to become a special educator or leave my program?

Choice 1 : Finish my program.

Choice 2 : Leave the program.

Cégep Thetford Mines

Finish my program.

Three years of my program passed, I am officially done. I am done with my program and I now have my diploma. Since I have my diploma, I officially have my job as a specialized educator. I have two options available to me, either I go to university to continue my studies or I start working in my profession. If I choose to go to university, I will have to choose which one. It is the same thing for my job, I will have to choose where I would like to go.

Choice 1 : University.

Choice 2 : Work as a special educator.


Leave the program.

I have decided to finally leave my program tomorrow, but I don't have a plan for after. What should I do? Should I look for another program that could interest me and register to it or find a full time job.

Choice 1 : Another program.

Choice 2 : Full time job.


Full time job.

Since I have decided to leave my program and not look for another, I found a full time job. I am going to work there to earn some money during the time when I am going to look for what I want to do in my life. I have earned money and thought about going back to school. I just need to choose which program.

Choice 1 : Another program.


Another program.

I'm not sure which program to enroll in. I had the Nursing program in mind. If not, maybe enroll in psychology to become a psychologist.

Choice 1 : Nursing program.

Choice 2 : Psychologist.



I looked at several university options, but I still hesitate between the University of Sherbrooke and the one of Laval. I would like to go to the one in Sherbrooke since my best friend goes there too. The option of having an apartment together could be good, but Laval also interests me a lot for the student campus.

Choice 1 : University of Sherbrooke.

Choice 2 : University of Laval.


Work as a special educator.

I'm pretty sure I would love to work with children. So, I would go to a primary school. However, I might also like to see how I would work with teenagers, so maybe going to secondary school would be interesting too. I now have two options, either primary or secondary school.

Choice 1 : Primary school with children.

Choice 2 : Secondary school with teenagers.

work special educator

University of Sherbrooke.

I am currently at the University of Sherbrooke with my best friend as a roommate. I am also very happy. I am pursuing my studies to become a psycho educator.

Choice 1 : What do I do?

University of Sherbrooke

University of Laval.

I am currently at the University of Laval. I have met several extraordinary people who are nice to me. I have a nice apartment all to myself. I love the student campus, and I am pursuing my studies to become a psycho educator.

Choice 1 : What do I do?

University of Laval

Primary school with children.

I now work with elementary school children. I love my profession, it was a good career choice. I see myself doing this job for the rest of my life. The children love me and I love them too. I have created a very strong bond with them, and I am grateful for that.

Choice 1 : What do I do?


Secondary school with teenagers.

I now work with high school teenagers and surprisingly everything is going well. I created a good bond with them. I'm the school's cool educator. I really like my job.

Choice 1 : What do I do?


Nursing program.

For my future career, I always wanted it to be related to human beings and to help them. Becoming a nurse is a profession that helps people, so I would like to explore this program.

Choice 1 : What do I do?



The profession of psychologist has always appealed to me, so I can't wait to start my study program. I especially look forward to being able to help people.

Choice 1 : What do I do?
