Life's Turning Points.

A hypertext narrative by

Mélody Dussault

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2475

Choice count: 31

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 36

Field Related Analysis

Education : 106 matches

(adult, campus, choice, college, course, doctorate, don, down, education, field, field of study, first, games, general, goals, knowledge, learn, learned, learning, level, major, management, motivation, national, points, scheme, school, skills, student, students, university, vision)

Dance : 44 matches

(around the world, back, balance, behind, center, competitive, complete, ending, flat, international, number, out, point, side, solo, step, turn)

Archaeology : 43 matches

(bath, competition, control, here, horse, keep, orientation, plan, point, power, re, stocks, study, thing, village)

Target Structure: (11 matches)

fulfillment (1 match)

income (1 match)

internship (1 match)

interns (2 matches)

overtime (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

worthwhile (1 match)


Life's Turning Points.

My Last Year in College.

Finishing College is one big step. The end of your college years is supposed to be the fulfillment of many hard years of study and time management. It's a major turning point. Your course of life might completely change because of the choices you make. So let's make a plan. Let see what my or your future might look like!

Choice 1 : Go to Sherbrooke University.

Choice 2 : Go to a University in the United States.

Choice 3 : Travel Around the World.

Choice 4 : Take a Year Off, and Work.

College Graduation.

Go to Sherbrooke University.

You did it! The University of Sherbrooke is proud to accept you in the program of your choice. Sherbrooke University is recognized for many of his programs, but mostly for its cooperative scheme. That means you might be remunerated in your first year of interns. The campus offers a perfect balance between the nature and the urban side. You will be very comfortable. Also, the University of Sherbrooke offers a variety of bachelors, masters, doctoral and post-doctoral programs. But that means you have choice to make.

Choice 1 : Study into the Medecine Program.

Choice 2 : Study International Business Management.

Sherbrooke University

Go to a University in the United States.

The American dream, you are part of it! You are far from home, but it's the beginning of your adult life. Even though there are a lot of responsibilities coming your way, you have, now, the possibility to practice your English while learning a job you love, or while playing the sport you are passionate about. Here's a hard choice! If, you accept to do the hockey team that means you will have to be well-organized if you want to study medical heath at the same time. Do you think you are able, or you should concentrate on your medecine studies?

Choice 1 : Keep playing hockey at a University level.

Choice 2 : Concentrate on my Medecine Studies.

USA's Universities

Travel Around the World.

The world is such a good way to learn as well. While travelling, you will discover that every country is so different. You will learn new cultures, traditions, different beliefs, new languages, and so much more. This is the school of life. Of course, it all depends on types of trips you are willing to do. If you are an adventurous, curious and not stressful person, you should opt for the bag pack trip. You'll learn so much about others. On the other hand, if you want to relax, re-energize, and peacefully travel, you should turn to the inclusive option. A beautiful resort under the sun, it's the choice for you. So what is your choice?

Choice 1 : Do a Bag Packs Trip in Europe.

Choice 2 : Take Vacancies, Go to Luxurious Places.

Around the World.

Take a Year Off, and Work.

You finished College, but you don't know what you want to do. It's okay! Why don't you start working? Everybody knows that students have a lot of debt dues to their scholarships. This is a great way to reduce these, and on the hand, you might find something you are passionate about, or at least, you will acquire new abilities. Again, here's a question, should you work near home to reduce your expenses, or should you go work in West Canada to improve your English, and live an extraordinary adventure? Here's a good dilemma!

Choice 1 : Work on the West Coast of Canada.

Choice 2 : Work in Quebec City.

Working Money.

Study into the Medecine Program.

You are a medecine student. It's a lot of work maybe more than you imagined. It's the end of your third year, and you are at a turning point of your life, again. Is medecine the right choice for you? You are questioning yourself. You divide in two, choose a specialty, or change your field of study. You worked so hard to be where you are, but are you happy with the future it can provide. It's your choice.

Choice 1 : Choose a Medecine Speciality.

Choice 2 : Change my Study Orientation.

Medecine Program.

Study International Business Management.

Finances and money control the world. This said, it means you must have a lot of opportunities when you finish the International Business program. You'll probably get a bigger financial title, or you may be recruited by a big firm. It is a domain where competition is high. You won't see time pass by. You'll have to do overtime. You'll have to give your 100% all of the time. Finance is part of your life since you are young. It's easy for you, it flows in your blood. In your family, both of your parents are in the domain. You heard of investments, savings, stocks exchanges, etc. as if it were bread, water, or milk. Are you ready to play in the big ones, or you rather continue your education to have a better acknowledgment?

Choice 1 : Continue my Study at the International.

Choice 2 : Working for a Financial Firm.

International Business Program.

Keep playing hockey at a University level.

You are playing in the NCAA Women's Ice Hockey, what could be better than that. You are playing ice hockey since the age of 8 years old, but it all starts when you were 3 years. You were skating around the staircase with your mother's roller skates. After trying many sports; soccer, basketball, swimming, etc. You finally fell in love with hockey. For many years, hockey was your life. You were playing 60 games a year, 3 teams at the same time, and you were doing one tournament after another. Today, you completed your doctorate in medecine, and your hockey career is ending. Are you going to practice your specialty in Quebec near your family, or stay in the United States where you are now established?

Choice 1 : Stay in the United States, and Make my Life There.

Choice 2 : Go Back to Quebec.

University Hockey Team.

Concentrate on my Medecine Studies.

Hockey is behind you. You still play for fun, but it's not the center of your world anymore. You found a new passion. Medecine, it's your purpose. It provides you adrenaline, every case is different. You need to be active, creative, you always need to challenge yourself as you used to do when you were a hockey player. Every day, you learn something new. One day, you will be useful, you will change people's lives. This is your motivation to continue. Your next step is to choose a medecine specialty. During your interns, you will probably feel more connected, or passionate about a part of the body. This is the sign. You found yourself. You are medecine, you'll make a change!

Choice 1 : Become a Great Doctor.

Medecine Student Studying.

Do a Bag Packs Trip in Europe.

You've decided to travel solo on a bag pack trip. It's already been 2 months since the beginning of your trip. You visited the North West of Europe. You are now in the South East, and you decided to put finally a foot down in Geneva. You are studying Finance at Geneva University. Meanwhile, you work at Starbucks. This way, you have a source of income to pay for an apartment, for your expenses, and for your tuition in Business. One day, a beautiful Swiss came in to order a flat white. On his cup, you wrote down your phone number. What will happen? Will he call back? Or will you finish your financial study, and go back to Quebec?

Choice 1 : Go Back to Quebec.

Choice 2 : Meet a Charming Boy, and Live in Europe.

Back Pack Trip.

Take Vacancies, Go to Luxurious Places.

Being a College student isn't easy. You did 3 years of Pure and Applied Sciences. It's hard, you deserve some time to relax. This month of sun bath, and laying on the beach provides you a feeling of serenity. You put aside all of your worries. It gave you the energy to achieve the goals you fixed for yourself. You are, now, determine to go back home. You want to study, and become a strong, powerful, and resourceful person. You might do a medecine specialty, or go in law, maybe even Business. But mostly, you want to accomplish yourself, and this goes by University according to you.

Choice 1 : Go Back to Quebec.

All Inclusive.

Work on the West Coast of Canada.

You had the time of your life! Banff Sunshine Village is worthwhile. It's one of the most beautiful ski stations in Canada. You lived the dream, but you start to miss you family. It's time for you to go home. You feel re-energize, you are ready to go back to school. You want to study in a field of study that you love. It's time for a new chapter!

Choice 1 : Go Back to Quebec.

Sunshine Village.

Work in Quebec City.

You have some debts due to your College tuition. So you decided you will stay in Quebec. This way, you could live at your parents' house, and work at one or two jobs in Quebec City. You will be able to pay your debts, and save moneys for your next projects. You were able to found a job at Desjardins. You really appreciated the work you were doing, and a year later, you know you want to study. International Business is your thing. You want to improve your knowledge in this domain, and Sherbrooke University is well-known in this domain.

Choice 1 : It's Time to Study.

Many Work Domains.

Choose a Medecine Speciality.

Since you are young, you know that medecine it's the domain you want to work in. You enter a hospital, and you feel alive, useful, you feel the adrenaline. You have the feeling that you are at home. You want to make a difference. Now, it's real. You have the chance to specialize your knowledge in a domain that passionate you. You have been thinking about this moment for a long time, and many specialties came out; dermatologist, emergency doctor, radiologist, and pediatrician. This is it! Pediatrician, these little human beings are so fragile. You are their only chance. They are vulnerable. Their families put the most important thing of their lives in your hands. You make a difference!

Choice 1 : Become a Pediatrician.


Change my Study Orientation.

After three years of medecine school, you realize that it wasn't your thing. You couldn't choose a specialty. After a long reflexion, you came out with some ideas. All in very different domains, you thought of becoming a lawyer, going in a Business program, or doing your dental medecine. Finally, your choice stopped on dental medecine. You realized that what you liked in general medecine was also present in the dental job. You would interact with people. The esthetic sides interested you a lot, and most of all you would do good. You would make a difference in every client's life. To conclude, Dental medecine is the right choice.

Choice 1 : Continue my Studies in Dental Medecine.

Dental Medecine.

Continue my Study at the International.

You did 2 years in the International Business Baccalaureate. However, you still have the feeling that your skills are not complete. In the third year of your baccalaureate, you can do an international internship. Your destination is Europe, more precisely Geneva in Switzerland. In short, it's about six intensive months in your field of study, where you will learn, but also you'll discover the world and the functionality of finance in other countries such as Switzerland. You decide to go for it. You complete your Baccalaureate in finance, and you will not return to Quebec afterwards. You choose to start your own company and settle in Geneva.

Choice 1 : Open my Own Business at an International Level.

International Student.

Working for a Financial Firm.

You are finishing your Baccalaureate in finance. A financial company, the National Bank, approaches you, he wishes to recruit you. They noticed your skills, and they would like you to be part of their team. It's very interesting! Finance is a competitive field, and they chose you. Also, this means that you would stay in Quebec, near your family. You would have a stable and well-paid job. You would practice finance every day, and it is a domain that you are passionate about. Also since you are good in finance, you know that the sooner you start to work, the faster your retirement is coming. Your choice is made! You will continue your career in finance, your skills are recognized, and you succeed in this subject. Good luck!

Choice 1 : Do my Career in the Financial Domain.

Financial Firm.

Stay in the United States, and Make my Life There.

The medical health system in the United States is not as generous as in Canada. That is something you have always been aware of. However, you had never thought of the fact that one day you might work for a Republican system. That means, if you don't have health insurance, or you are rich, you won't be able to be cured. While studying medecine, that wasn't the vision you had. You thought that everyone had the right to be healthy. As time goes by, you still not agree with this, but you think that as a doctor, you have the power to make thing change. That is why, you will stay in the United States to do your residency, and in the future you hope to be able to change mentality, and to provide cares for everyone who needs it.

Choice 1 : Live Happily in the United States of America.

Canadian and American Citoyen.

Go Back to Quebec.

You lived many experiences, and it made you grow as an individual. You've seen, and learned a lot by being far away from home. You had responsibilities, and you were by your own 24/7. You became an independent, confident, and strong person. You are, now, ready to go back home in Quebec. You can't wait to achieve new challenges. You are at another important turning point in your life. But life is a beautiful thing!

Choice 1 : Back to a Turning Point.

Quebec City.

Meet a Charming Boy, and Live in Europe.

Turns out that a few days later, he called. Since this day, you are inseparable. He proposed a few months ago. He just graduates as an engineer. Now, you are working for UBS, a Bank and Financial firm. You have a small home in the mountains, and you are planning on spending most of the rest of your life there with your fiance. There is so much to do there; skiing, horse riding, hikes, fishing, etc. About your family in Quebec, you will travel back and forth to visit them, and they will do the same. Everything is just fine, this was your destiny!

Choice 1 : Create my Life in Europe, and Travel to Visit my Family.

Belarus City.