What should I do?

A hypertext narrative by

Dominic Routhier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 98

Choice count: 4

Section count: 2

Image count: 2

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 5 matches (choice, learn, management, technology, university)

Business : 3 matches (accounting, management, technology)

Sociology : 2 matches (technology, management)

Target Structure:

learn the ropes (2 matches)


What should I do?

University or work?

I have a decision to take but which one?

So, I have just finished my technique in Accounting and Management Technology and I have a decision to take. Should I go to university or should I go work and try to learn the ropes?

Choice 1 : I decided to go to university!

Choice 2 : I should go work and try to learn the ropes of the job.

Should I go to Concordia or McGill?

I decided to go to university!

But now! Should I go to Concordia or McGill?

Choice 1 : Concordia!

Choice 2 : McGill!

The End.