Big choice

A hypertext narrative by

Alexandra Bouchard-Guay

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1807

Choice count: 45

Section count: 46

Image count: 23

Error count: 43

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 16 matches (act, answer, Cause, Committee, confederation, director, immunity, Information, lawsuit, procedure, promise, punishment, reputation, surprise, truth, young)

Education : 14 matches (Education, School, activity, choice, class, don, first, high school, homework, school, student, students, teacher, university)

Psychology : 12 matches (allergy, attention, candy, class, credibility, information, love, mean, need, player, punishment, subject)

Target Structure:


Big choice

Building of the Université du Québec à Chicoutimi (Quebec, Canada).

Big Choice.

You just finish university. You made a baccalaureate in secondary education. Now, there is two school committees that want you. You can choose for which one you want to work.

Choice 1 : School committee of Jonquière.

Choice 2 : School committee of Rive-Du-Saguenay.

Passerelle piétonnière d'aluminium sur la Rivière aux Sables

School committee of Jonquière.

You choose to work at Jonquière. You're so lucky, this is 3 vacant jobs you can have. They ask you to decide in which school you would like to be.

Choice 1 : Polyvalente Arvida.

Choice 2 : Polyvalente Jonquière.

Choice 3 : Polyvalente Kénogami.

Pont St-Anne, Chicoutimi (Québec, Canada), vu du Vieux-Port de Chicoutimi.

School committee of Rive-Du-Saguenay.

The Rive-Du-Saguenay school committee is so happy you choose them. They decide to give you the choice of your school for the years.

Choice 1 : Charles-Gravel.

Choice 2 : Dominique-Racine.

Choice 3 : Séminaire Chicoutimi.

Polyvalente arvida

Polyvalente Arvida.

This is your first day at Polyvalente Arvida. You give a history class to 5th secondary. They won't shut their mouth. What do you do to have their attention?

Choice 1 : You make jokes.

Choice 2 : You promise timbit if they shut up.

Polyvalente Jonquière

Polyvalente Jonquière.

For your first day at Jonquière, they give you a secondary first class. They're so stressful and shy they won't answer to any of your questions.

Choice 1 : You obligate them to talk about themself one by one.

Choice 2 : You told them they're not baby.

Polyvalente Kénogami

Polyvalente Kénogami.

For your first period, they give you a PEI class. Those students think you're too young and you know nothing about your subject.

Choice 1 : You told them how dumb and swollen they are.

Choice 2 : You shoot them a lot of information so they'll think you're intelligent.

Polyvalente Charles-Gravel


This is your first class ever, you can't wait. When the period just begin, you see a weird stone student in the back. You don't want to look like the mean teacher, but if your director come you'll be in trouble.

Choice 1 : You put him out of your class.

Choice 2 : You do nothing.

Polyvalente Dominique-Racine


You give your first class, to secondary five students. You ask them short homework for the next class. At the end of the class a boy come to you. He told you he is in the Saguenéen of Chicoutimi, and generaly teacher let him skip some homework because he's a good player and his team need him.

Choice 1 : You accept.

Choice 2 : You refuse, you can't make favoritism.

Séminaire Chicoutimi

Séminaire Chicoutimi.

This is you dinner break, and you go for a walk. Beside the school, you see a girl you intimidate another. You take her in bring her to school, but one of you colleague stop you. This is the director daughter and he always lets her go without a punishment.

Choice 1 : You let her go.

Choice 2 : You go see the director.



Choice 1 :

Two people laughing.jpg Lucas; Ana Carolina

You make jokes.

You make jokes and talk with them. It looks like they like you. After a couple of minute, a boy told you a really disrespectful joke.

Choice 1 : Told him that was a bad joke.

Choice 2 : You laugh.

A variety box of Tim Hortons' TimBits donut balls

You promise timbit if they shut up.

You promise them timbit if they listen to you. You're lucky, it works. But now, they want some at every class.

Choice 1 : You bring them timbit at every class of the years.

Choice 2 : You put your limit and say no.

You bring them timbit at every class of the years.

The sugar makes them so full of energy. You're tired of them, and now you're broke cause timbit is very expensive. You decide to take a break years.

Write a choice here.

You put your limit and say no.

You told them no. They see you can be a cool teacher, but they can't seek. They love you now !

Write a choice here.

Told him that was a bad joke.

You told him his joke was not funny. That was disrespectful and you want him to apologize for that. Your student thinks the same, this was not funny. They now see you as a strong and respect teacher. Good job !

Write a choice here.

You laugh.

You laugh even if it's joke was not funny. The other's student now look at you as if you're weird. They think you're a want to be cool teacher and they now they will have no respect for you.

Write a choice here.

You obligate them to talk about themself one by one.

You tell your student to talk about themselves one by one. They look angry but finally they have fun. After they ask you if they can leave earlier because they do your activity.

Choice 1 : You accept.

Choice 2 : You refuse.

You accept.

You accept to let them leave, but they have to stay at the school. They accept and they all say you're their favorite teacher.

Write a choice here.

You refuse.

You refuse to let them go. You say they need to stay here in the class with you, they are all angry and say they hate high school because of you.

Write a choice here.

You told them they're not baby.

You told them they're not baby and now they have to talk. They can be shy like this here. It looks like it doesn't work because some of them start crying. Another teacher come calm them, and you now have the worst reputation of the school.

Choice 1 : You bring them candy the next class.

Choice 2 : You do nothing, you don't care about your reputation.

You bring them candy the next class.

You're so lucky! They are young and suggestible, they accept your candy and now they love you so much.

Write a choice here.

You do nothing, you don't care about your reputation.

You do anything, they can say what they want about you. So now, everybody thinks you're the worst teacher of the school.

Write a choice here.

You told them how dumb and swollen they are.

You told them how dumb and swollen they are, they're only kid you're not scare of them. But they say that to your director and he asks for some explication.

Choice 1 : You say they lie.

Choice 2 : You say the truth.

You say they lie.

Your director doesn't believe you. A student film it, so you lost your job !

Write a choice here.

You say the truth.

You say the truth. You lost your temper, but it will never happen again. He believes you, you keep your job.

Write a choice here.

You shoot them a lot of information so they'll think you're intelligent.

You told them a lot of things about the Canadian confederation. A student raises his hand and ask you ''When was the union act?''

Choice 1 : 1840.

Choice 2 : 1763.


You said 1840, that was an easy one and you still have your credibility.

Write a choice here.


You said 1763... Oupss they all laugh at you now!

Write a choice here.

You put him out of your class.

You can't take the chance of loosing your job. You put him out. He told you he took nothing, he only does allergy.

Choice 1 : You believe him.

Choice 2 : You don't believe him.

You believe him.

You do well! He was saying the truth. Good job!

Write a choice here.

You don't believe him.

He was saying the truth. Now his parents are angry and put an accusation on you.

Write a choice here.

You do nothing.

TOC TOC! Someone claps on your class door. It's one of your colleagues. When they see the kid they ask you why you didn't send him home.

Choice 1 : Fake a surprise. You didn't see him before.

Choice 2 : Say you were not sure about the procedure.

Fake a surprise. You didn't see him before.

You fake... and it works! Now your colleague will take care of him.

Write a choice here.

Say you were not sure about the procedure.

You say you were not sure about the procedure, your colleague is angry and he will say a word about that to your director.

Write a choice here.

You refuse, you can't make favoritism.

You refuse. It's not fair for you other students. You talk about that with another teacher, and you see that most of them really give them immunity on some homework.

Choice 1 : You tell your director.

Choice 2 : You change your mind.

You tell your director.

You tell your director about that favoritism your colleague make. He already knows it. He agrees with that. He told you to do the same because having those hockey players at school is good for its reputation.

Write a choice here.

You change your mind.

You change your mind and don't give him the homework, If everybody does it it's probably correct.

Write a choice here.

You accept.

You accept, you know how hockey is important here! In your next class, another boy asks you the same thing in front of everybody.

Choice 1 : You say yes to him too.

Choice 2 : You refuse.

You say yes to him too.

You accept. You hope the other students will understand. It looks like because they say nothing! Oufff you're lucky.

Write a choice here.

You refuse.

You told him you refuse. It's not fair for other students. You'll tell the same to his friend. Now all of the ''sags'' hate you and are disrespectful with you.

Write a choice here.

You let her go.

You tell he you will say nothing, but she has to stop that. The other girl parents call you, and ask what happen to their daughter faces.

Choice 1 : Tell them the truth.

Choice 2 : Say something stupid.

Tell them the truth.

''Your girl fight with another, but everything is under control now!'' They believe you and wish you a good day.

Write a choice here.

Say something stupid.

''I think she went into a door... poor her!'' But they don't believe you, they think you laugh at them and are really angry. You'll have a lawsuit.

Write a choice here.

You go see the director.

You don't care what he says. You go see the director. He looks really angry and ask if you know who is she.

Choice 1 : Yes.

Choice 2 : No.


Yes, you know. And he looks happy to hear you say that! He says she doesn't deserve favour.

Write a choice here.


You say you didn't know her. He gives her a big speech and a suspension. You feel proud.

Write a choice here.

The End.