A New Teacher

A hypertext narrative by

Alexandra Bouchard-Guay

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 138

Choice count: 8

Section count: 3

Image count: 3

Error count: 9

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 6 matches (Education, School, choice, school, teacher, university)

Sociology : 3 matches (education, School, school)

Archaeology : 2 matches (gravel, Re)

Target Structure:


A New Teacher

Big Choice.

You just finish university. You made a baccalaureate in secondary education. Now, there is two school committees that want you. You can choose for which one you want to work.

Choice 1 : School committee of Jonquière

Choice 2 : School committee of Rive-Du-Saguenay

Another Big Choice.

You choose to work at Jonquière. You're so lucky, this is 3 vacant jobs you can have. They ask you to decide in which school you would like to be.

Choice 1 : Polyvalente Arvida

Choice 2 : Polyvalente Jonquière

Choice 3 : Polyvalente de Kénogami

Another Big Choice.

The Rive-Du-Saguenay school committee is so happy you choose them. They decide to give you the choice of your school for the years.

Choice 1 : Charles-Gravel

Choice 2 : Dominique-Racine

Choice 3 : Séminaire de Chicoutimi

The End.