The future of a physiotherapist.

A hypertext narrative by

Sabrina Coupal

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1113

Choice count: 27

Section count: 18

Image count: 0

Error count: 5

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 14 matches (School, adult, behavior, choice, college, degree, don, grades, graduation, knowledge, market, school, skills, university)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 12 matches (answer, compromise, fact, Financial, incompetent, market, offer, order, rehabilitation, rent, schedule, threat)

Business : 11 matches (extend, financial, gain, loan, market, money, offer, opportunity, pay, salary, team)

Target Structure:

internship (2 matches)

the drive of work (1 match)


The future of a physiotherapist.

The end of my studies at Montmorency College.

Now that I finish my college studies in physical rehabilitation and that I have my skills to work by myself, the world of the drive of work is open to me. I have to take a hard decision of what should I do after the graduation.

Choice 1 : Go directly to the job market to quickly accumulate money and experience.

Choice 2 : Continue my studies at university to have more knowledge and to possibly have a better salary.

Go directly to the job market to quickly accumulate money and experience.

It's time for me to finally enter the adult world and find my place in the job market.

Choice 1 : Send CVs everywhere hoping to find a job quickly.

Choice 2 : Apply to the place I did my final internship since they already know my skills.

Continue my studies at university to have more knowledge and to possibly have a better salary.

Unfortunately for me, I don't have the grades to enter the physiotherapy program at the university I want. So, I must make an important decision.

Choice 1 : Apply to another program that looks like physiotherapy at the university I want and in which I'm sure to be accepted.

Choice 2 : Continue to study in the job that interests me, but at a university far from home in which my grades are high enough.

Apply to another program that looks like physiotherapy at the university I want and in which I'm sure to be accepted.

I absolutely want to continue my studies because I like school and I'm studious, so even if it's not the job I wanted to start with, it's better than nothing.

Choice 1 : The end

Continue to study in the job that interests me, but at a university far from home in which my grades are high enough.

I didn't think about it before, but apartment alone is extremely expensive and I don't have the financial means to support myself! Unfortunately, the residences of the school are already all taken so I have no choice, I must manage.

Choice 1 : Find a part-time job.

Choice 2 : Ask for a loan from the bank that I will eventually pay when I get to the job market.

Find a part-time job.

Now that I work part-time, I can accumulate money to pay my rent and all of my things, I have a little time for my studies, but I can do both and it's a good compromise.

Choice 1 : The end

Ask for a loan from the bank that I will eventually pay when I get to the job market.

Now that I have all the money I need to support myself, I am ready to focus on my studies.

Choice 1 : The end

Send CVs everywhere hoping to find a job quickly.

I don't understand, I only have refusals. Either no institution is hiring at this time or it's because I lack experience. What am I going to become?

Choice 1 : Extend the territory I send my CV's to have more opportunities.

Choice 2 : Return to school in order to have one more degree in order to have more luck and ease to find a job.

Apply to the place I did my final internship since they already know my skills.

They take me, but they only offer me the weekend and evening job. I'm not sure I want this schedule.

Choice 1 : Refuse the offer and try to find another opportunity.

Choice 2 : Accept their offer.

Extend the territory I send my CV's to have more opportunities.

Unfortunately, the one and only positive answer I got is 1:15 from home and I don't want to drive all the way 2 times a day.

Choice 1 : Move around this great opportunity to gain experience with patients to eventually come back.

Choice 2 : Refuse the offer and stay at home to continue to try to find a great opportunity for me and in the vicinity.

Move around this great opportunity to gain experience with patients to eventually come back.

That's it, I finally found a job in which I am filled!

Choice 1 : The end

Refuse the offer and stay at home to continue to try to find a great opportunity for me and in the vicinity.

I finally found a job! Unfortunately for me, my new colleagues are unpleasant with me, they take me for an incompetent.

Choice 1 : Stay at this job even if they ruin my days. I could talk to the supervisor.

Choice 2 : Quit this job and try to find one with colleagues who respect me.

Stay at this job even if they ruin my days. I could talk to the supervisor.

My supervisor didn't want to believe me because I am new. She told me to solve my problems on my own if he really has one.

Choice 1 : Try talking to my colleagues to solve the problem and understand why they don't like me.

Choice 2 : Ignore their misplaced behavior and continued working on my side as if nothing had happened.

Quit this job and try to find one with colleagues who respect me.

I think I made the right decision, every day would have been painful and I would have lost my desire to work.

Choice 1 : The end

Try talking to my colleagues to solve the problem and understand why they don't like me.

We talked to each other and they explained to me that they treated me like that because they saw me as a threat. On the other hand, they realized that I was doing a good job and that in fact I was an essential part of the team.

Choice 1 : The end

Ignore their misplaced behavior and continued working on my side as if nothing had happened.

I'm a lonely person so it doesn't bother me. I'm sure that the misunderstanding will eventually become self-limiting and that their attitude will change.

Choice 1 : The end

Refuse the offer and try to find another opportunity.

I absolutely do not want to ruin my evenings and my weekends, I want a life outside of work! I made a good choice, I respected my priorities.

Choice 1 : The end

Accept their offer.

I accepted, but I think that after having proved my worth and accumulate a little seniority, I will be able to ask to change my working conditions, among other things my schedule.

Choice 1 : The end

The End.