What A Life!

A hypertext narrative by

Samantha Turcotte

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1045

Choice count: 18

Section count: 11

Image count: 0

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Tourism : 12 matches (Air, Benefits, Destination, Flight, Flight attendant, Restaurant, US, air, destination, flight, flight attendant, times)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 11 matches (acceptance, case, Child, company, family, harassment, living, premium, Sexual, victim, young)

Nursing : 10 matches (flight, heart, heart attack, hospital, lead, position, SAD, social, stage, emergency care)

Target Structure:

intern (1 match)

internship (3 matches)

learn the ropes (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

though (1 match)

wage (3 matches)


What A Life!

A New Beginning.

I am hesitating between two careers since I was young. I have always wanted to be a Flight Attendant because travelling is something I really like to do. Though I think I could really like to be a Paramedic because I really like taking care of other people, although my dad wants to keep me in the family business even if I am really not interested.

Choice 1 : Next Destination : Mexico!

Choice 2 : I want to save lives!

Choice 3 : I'll follow the family business.

Next destination : Mexico!

Wow! I just received my acceptance from Air Canada's company! My childhood dream has just come true! But my boyfriend is not as excited as I am. He asked me to make a choice between him or my dream career. He thinks that our relation can not work if I become a Flight Attendant because he doesn't want a distance relationship.

Choice 1 : I'll follow my dream.

Choice 2 : I'll try something new.

I've followed my dream.

Three years later, I think I made the wrong decision to leave my boyfriend because even if that is what I always wanted to do, I am not as happy as I thought I would be without him. I have been a victim of sexual harassment from passengers a couple of times and I don't think that it is what I want to do for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 : I'm not happy, I'll try something else.

I want to save lives!

So, I decided that I want to become a Paramedic, so I am studying at Ahuntsic College in Pre-Hospital Emergency Care. Since the beginning I got straight A's and things are going very well! I just got accepted for my final internship with Urgence-Santé in Montreal!

Choice 1 : First case.

First case.

This is my first case as an intern. An old lady called us because she had a nightmare. When we arrived she was crying a lot and when we wanted to leave after three hours, she didn't want to let us leave. We took care of her but I've found the case very boring. Every call we had were all look alike and I've found my day very boring. Maybe this career is not what I thought it would be.

Choice 1 : I don't think that this is something for me.

Choice 2 : It's not that bad, our teachers told us this could often happen. But I'll continue.

Second week of internship.

It has been two weeks since I started my internship. I arrived at the station and I had my first call of the day. We went on 10-30 and when we arrived on place it was a child who has a heart attack. It wasn't easy to see this and I had to stay calm to support the family.

Choice 1 : I couldn't save the child. I don't think this job is for me.

Choice 2 : This is what I want to do, even if it's not going as we think it should.

I got the job!

My internships are over, I've finally made it! I got the job! It has been one year since I finished College, and I am so excited every time I go to work! I really like to take care of people, even if it is only to tell stories to old ladies who made nightmares. My colleagues are very nice, and I am working with some of my school friends.

Choice 1 : Awesome! I really like the Paramedic's job!

It took a different turn.

I have been working for two years as a Paramedic. At this stage, I am tired of all the irregular shifts of work and the overtime I have to do. I only have night shits of work so I can not see my boyfriend and we always argue about this. Our wage is too low for everything we do for this job. My back hurt, and I am only 25 years old. I am not as happy as I thought I would be and I don't think this is a job for me.

Choice 1 : I have to start over.

Choice 2 : It'll end up going well.

Korean's restaurant.

I decided I will take care of the family business. My father gave me an on-the-job-training to learn the ropes. He has big hopes on me to lead the company. But I don't know if I should go back to school or if I should continue to work with my family.

Choice 1 : Go back to school, you are not happy.

Choice 2 : Continue in the family business.

I decided to continue the family business.

I have been working for three years in the family business. I don't think that I would have a better position in the company because my father finally wants to give the company to my brother. It makes me feel angry because I didn't follow my dreams of being a Flight Attendant or a Paramedic. Now I am 25 years old, and I am working as a cook in my family's restaurant without any premium wage and without any chances of having better position. I think I would be sad for the rest of my life if I don't go back to College.

Choice 1 : Go to college!

Finally, it finished well.

Even if it were hard at the beginning, I decided to continue because I thought that it would end up well, and I was right. My shifts of work finally started to be stable because of the seniority, and I was able to enjoy the social benefits that the company offered. Our wage increased because of the manifestations so I managed to put savings aside for my retirement, and soon I want to travel the world! I am happy that I continued to work as a Paramedic because I know deeply that I wouldn't be happy if I have decided to work for the family business. Now I am doing something I really like and living a life with someone I love.

Choice 1 : I want a new beginning.

The End.