Electrical Engineer

A hypertext narrative by

Samuel Croteau

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2557

Choice count: 69

Section count: 44

Image count: 44

Error count: 20

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 28 matches (accident, answer, arrest, Bar, brain, charge, company, controller, damage, discharge, electricity, error, factor, family, force, houses in, intervention, law, Local, minutes, panel, protocol, receiving, section, shock, street, test, value)

Computer Science : 27 matches (cell, choice, circuit, Class, model of, controller, engine, model, equation, Error, field, floor, local, mark, message, name, open, pass, protocol, RC circuit, refresh, restart, Section, session, testing, Value, window)

Education : 27 matches (Down, School, choice, class, course, diploma, don, fail, failed, field, first, grades, head, intervention, learn, mark, options, professor, project, sabbatical, school, semester, student, teacher, test, testing, university)

Target Structure:


Electrical Engineer

The beginning.

It is your fourth session in Pure Science and you expect to become an electrical engineer and you need to choose where do you want to go in the next year and what will be the best for you.

Choice 1 : Go to the University of Sherbrooke.

Choice 2 : Go to Polytechnique.

Choice 3 : Take a sabbatical year.

Go to the University of Sherbrooke.

You arrive at Sherbrooke and your colleague asks you if you want to join him for the initiation.

Choice 1 : Follow him.

Choice 2 : Don't follow him.

Go to Polytechnique.

Then, you have received your acceptation's letter of Polytechnique. On the first day, you find your local and enter in. The teacher tells you to make team and choose one of the three labs that are available for you.

Choice 1 : The Ohm's law laboratory.

Choice 2 : The RC circuit laboratory.

Choice 3 : The Impedance laboratory.

Take a sabbatical year.

You have enough of the school and you need to take a sabbatical year. Of course, you will feel useless if you don't do anything. You have a lot of options on how what you will do for the next year.

Choice 1 : Travel around the world.

Choice 2 : Find a job.

Choice 3 : Sit down on your sofa.

Follow him.

You follow him to "La petite Grenouille", but you forget your ID cards and you can't go in the bar. The next day, you forget to go class and you are fire of the cohort. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

Don't follow him.

You made a good decision because when you told your colleague that you refuse, you received a message of your teacher who told you that your first class is in twenty minutes. Quickly, you run to your class and sit on your chair. The professor asks, " Who is your favourite physician?"

Choice 1 : Nikola Tesla.

Choice 2 : Isaac Newton.

Choice 3 : Albert Einstein.

The Ohm's law laboratory.

You choose to do the laboratory on the "Ohm's law". Then, you learn that the voltage is directly proportional to the current with the factor resistance and your learn the equation U = R*I. Now you need to do the montage and connect the wire, will you connect the wire to :

Choice 1 : The source.

Choice 2 : The ground.

Choice 3 : The resistance.

The RC circuit laboratory.

You choose the "RC" laboratory, then you need to refresh your notions of your "electricity and magnetism" class. You remind that the value of the resistance in ohm time the value of the condenser equal the time of the charge or the discharge in second. So, you assemble the circuit and suddenly, an accident happens, the condenser get in fire! What will you do?

Choice 1 : Alarm the teacher.

Choice 2 : Throw out of the window.

The Impedance laboratory.

At the moment that you choose the "Impedance" laboratory, the teacher tells you that it will be hard, because you chose the hardest laboratory. Then, you start to read the protocol and realize that the teacher was right. You read the first question : When you calculate the impedance of a circuit, are you in direct current or in alternating current?

Choice 1 : Direct current.

Choice 2 : Alternative current.

The source.

You connect the wire to the source and turn on the circuit. You wait five seconds and nothing happens and ten seconds, always nothing. You did something wrongly. You did an error and the professor gives you a zero. The professor tells you to go in another course. The magnetism class or the renewable energy class.

Choice 1 : The magnetism class.

Choice 2 : The energy renewable class.

The ground.

You connect the wire to the ground but the voltmeter shows 10 V, but it is supposed to show 5 V. You forgot to put the resistance in the circuit. You have the choice between two resistances, one of 10 Ohms and one of 20 Ohms. Don't forget that your circuit has an intensity of 0,5 A.

Choice 1 : 10 Ohms.

Choice 2 : 20 Ohms.

The resistance.

You connect the wire at the resistance and open the circuit. Congratulation you made the right choice. The circuit works well, the professor congratulates you and let you leave the class early today. Come back tomorrow at the next section.

Choice 1 : A new day begins.

The magnetism class.

You arrive at the magnetism class, and you open the door. Suddenly you are project to the front of the class by an invisible force and you hit your head against a wall and you die. What happened? When you entered the magnetism class, there was a laboratory on the magnetism field and a student did a very strong magnetism field which interacted with your braces and which draw you to the wall. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

The energy renewable class.

You arrive at the renewable energy class, and you open the door. You are fascinated by all the projects that you see. There is a little wind turbine, a model of a hydroelectric dam and homemade solar panel. Your professor asks you to join a project, you can choose between the hydroelectric dam and the wind turbine.

Choice 1 : The hydroelectric dam.

Choice 2 : The wind turbine.

The hydroelectric dam.

You choose the hydroelectric dam. Your partner asks you to finish the model with him. At the moment of testing, you put the water in the dam but it breaks and your partner puts the blame on you. Ashamed, you will fall into depression. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

The wind turbine.

You choose the wind turbine. During the test, you put your hand on the propeller, it breaks and your partner puts the blame on you. Ashamed, you will fall into depression. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

10 Ohms.

You put the resistance of 10 Ohms in the circuit and the voltmeter shows a voltage of 5 V which is perfect. So, you get a great mark for your laboratory. Therefore, this mark makes you pass the class and finally your baccalaureate and you become one of the best electrical engineers of your cohort. Restart from the beginning if you want.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

20 Ohms.

You put the resistance of 20 Ohms in series with the other resistance that is already in the circuit, but the voltmeter shows a voltage of 20 V which is very too high! Your professor gives you a zero and you fail the laboratory. Therefore, you will fail your class too and finally your baccalaureate. You will never become an electrical engineer. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

Nikola Tesla.

Of course, you choose Nikola Tesla as your favorite physicist. How he can't be your favorite one when he "created" the electric field. Effectively, Tesla created the alternative current, the type of current who supply all the houses in the world, he also created the Tesla's coil and the remote controller. After, your professor tells you that you should go to Polytechnique if you like more Tesla than Einstein. So, you leave for Polytechnique.

Choice 1 : Go to Polytechnique.

Isaac Newton.

Of course, you choose Isaac Newton, the father of the modern physics. The man who wrote Newton's laws. So, your teacher says -"If your favorite physicist is Newton, you will assist to your first class at the local physics on the second floor. Then, you walk to the second floor, but there are two different doors with the name "physics' local" Which one will you chose?

Choice 1 : B-200.

Choice 2 : B-201.

Albert Einstein.

You choose Albert Einstein because you are fascinated by the relativity, but your don't believe in the relativity so he will be rude with you for the rest of the semester and he will give you a hard year. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

Alarm the teacher.

You panic and scream at the teacher that your condenser is in fire! So, the teacher panics too and expelled you of the program. You can't come back at the school anymore and you have to take a sabbatical year.

Choice 1 : Take a sabbatical year.

Throw out of the window.

You panic and decide to throw out of the window the condenser. As if it can't get worst, the condenser hit a high voltage line and breaks hit. Suddenly, there is no more electricity at the school and you are for something. Now, you have two choices : run or denounce yourself.

Choice 1 : Run.

Choice 2 : Denounce yourself.


You ask the professor if you can go to the restroom, he accepts. Then, you start to run faster as you can. You will come back tomorrow when the electricity will be restored.

Choice 1 : Come back tomorrow when the electricity will be restored.

Denounce yourself.

You decide to denounce yourself, but it change nothing, the mistake is done. You are expelled of the program and you will never become an electrical engineer. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

Come back tomorrow when the electricity will be restored.

The next day, you arrive and there are two policemen waiting for you and arrest you. You will spend the next year in jail and you will never come back to school. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

Direct current.

You write, "Direct current" in your protocol and the teacher comes to see your answer. Too bad, you made the wrong choice and failed at the first question. Your teacher asks you to leave and come back tomorrow and be more prepared.

Choice 1 : Come back tomorrow.

Choice 2 : Don't come back tomorrow.

Alternative current.

You write, "Alternative current" in your protocol and the teacher comes to see your answer. Great, you made the right choice and the teacher congratulated you. Your teacher tells you that you can leave because you are a good student, and he will see you tomorrow at the next class.

Choice 1 : Come back tomorrow.

Choice 2 : Don't come back tomorrow.

Come back tomorrow.

You arrive at your second class and your professor tells you that your class will receive a guest today and it is Elon Musk! A few minutes later, Musk enters the classroom. What will you do?

Choice 1 : Ask him to work for him.

Choice 2 : Nothing.

Don't come back tomorrow.

You decide to not go to school today because you need a day off. You are walking in the street when you get hit by a car and you die. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

Ask him to work for him.

You take the chance, a chance that happens once in a lifetime, you ask Elon Musk if you can work for him and he accepts! You will have a great career at his company. Restart from the beginning if you want.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


You do nothing and miss the chance to talk with Elon Musk. You will blame yourself for the rest of your life. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

A new day begins.

You arrive early at the class. Again, the professor lets you choose which laboratory you want to do.

Choice 1 : The RC circuit laboratory.

Choice 2 : The Impededance laboratory.


You arrive at the B-200, open the door and an apple fall on your head and you have a brain concussion. You fall unconscious and stay in a coma for the rest of your life. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


You arrive at the B-201 and open the door. Someone comes to you and asks you if you want to join him for the laboratory.

Choice 1 : You accept.

Choice 2 : You refuse.

You accept.

You accept to join him and the laboratory went well. After, you will continue to have good grades and you will get your baccalaureate. Restart from the beginning if you want.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

You refuse.

You refuse to join him and you fail your laboratory, you will continue to fail your others laboratory and you will not have your diploma. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

Travel around the world.

You tell your family that you will take a sabbatical year to travel around the world. You decide to travel to Hawaï and you will leave the next week. One week later, you get in your car, start the engine. Then, you start to hear a weird sound, you get out of your car and he explodes! You made a bad decision when you decided to take a sabbatical year to travel. Return to the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

Find a job.

You decide that you will work for the next year and after you will return at school. First, you write your cv and you send it to some business. Three days later, you receive two different calls from two different businesses, Tesla and SolarCity.

Choice 1 : Tesla.

Choice 2 : SolarCity.

Sit down on your sofa.

You decide to stay at your home and sit on your sofa. You take your cell phone and note that it needs to be recharged. You take your charger and plug it into the wall. At this moment, you receive an electric shock of 100 volts and you die. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


You chose to work for Tesla because you had always dreamed to have an electric car and you see the opportunity that if you work for Tesla you will have a Tesla's car in few years. You go to the interview and everything went well. You get the job! On your first day, your employer asks you to put the tire on the cars, but a tire fall on your feet and you break it, you will have a wheelchair for the rest of your life. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


You go to the interview of SolarCity and you get the job! On your first day you are installing solar panels but a solar ray deviate in your eyes! What will you do?

Choice 1 : Break the solar panel who is deviate the solar ray.

Choice 2 : Try to challenge the ray.

Break the solar panel who is deviate the solar ray.

You hit the panel with your foot and you succeed to deflect the ray and safe your eye, but your boss saw your intervention and fire you. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

Try to challenge the ray.

You decide to challenge the ray and it was a bad idea. You are receiving a ray in the ultraviolet of 200 nM and your cornea gets damage. You will be blind for the rest of your life. Restart from the beginning.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

The End.