Business Administration

A hypertext narrative by

Bourezza Aboubakr

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1422

Choice count: 31

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis:

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 40 matches (act, Agreement, arrest, arrested, bankruptcy, capital, close, company, compensation, complaint, construction, cost, crime, criminal record, criminal, death, distress, evidence, harassment, hire, indict, interest, interrogation, justice, market, master, minimum wage, office, order, process, profits, record, release, reputation, Sexual, silence, strike, tax, victim, witness)

Business : 31 matches (file, CEO, administration, agreement, amount, balance, bankruptcy, brand, business, capital, company, competition, competitors, cost, employee, exchange, finance, image, interest, loan, market, money, office, pay, product, production, profitable, promotion, salary, share, tax)

Computer Science : 30 matches (anonymous, call, choice, close, dedicated, environment, failure, field, file, interrogation, master, News, open, pack, page, Page, population, Process, production, Push, rate, record, release, share, shift, table, task, victim, video, window)

Target Structure:

deter (2 matches)

dread (1 match)

income (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight A's (1 match)

wage (4 matches)

withholding (1 match)


Business Administration

High Commercial Studies

The Business of Failure.

After, graduating from college I decide to pursue my studies in HEC (High Commercial Studies) in Business Administration in Finance. After five years of study, I complete my master degree with straight A's. I learn the ropes of my field of study doing an internship in Business Administration. The internships require humility because you have to start from the bottom. I acquire practical knowledge from being an intern. Now, I'm ready to start my professional career.

Choice 1 : I don't have the qualifications but I still apply for a job in the finance department.

Choice 2 : Since the demanding qualifications deter me from applying, I choose to start my own business with a long time friend.

Job Interview

I don't have the qualifications but I still apply for a job in the finance department.

I'm welcomed in the finance department and I quickly build a good reputation. After my shift, I usually stay to work overtime. I am always dedicated to my work no matter what the task is, that is why I pull off every job promotion. I look at the company's balance sheets and withholding taxes. Suddenly, I hear a scream of distress coming from my boss's office.

Choice 1 : I go see what's going on in my boss's office.

Choice 2 : I mind my own business and continue my work.


Since the demanding qualifications deter me from applying, I choose to start my own business with a long time friend.

A bankruptcy is what I dread. This doesn't stop me from getting a loan. With is very low interest rate, borrowing capital is a good idea these days. I study the potential market and the target population. I hesitate between creating a construction company or a video game company.

Choice 1 : I choose to market the construction company.

Choice 2 : I choose to market the video game company.

Boss's Office

I go see what's going on in my boss's office.

I intercept my boss in the process of sexual harassment on another employee. When he sees me he swears he was not aggressive, he was flirting with an employee since she led him on. I am shocked, I don't know what to do but I can see that the woman is in distress.

Choice 1 : I call the police for justice.

Choice 2 : I ask him to do me a favor in exchange for my silence.

Office Worker

I mind my own business and continue my work.

I'm starting to hear much louder screams asking for help. I do not know what to do, and I am very scared, but I hesitate between helping or fleeing. I have to act extremely fast because a person's life depends on it.

Choice 1 : I decide to help.

Choice 2 : I flee the scene.

Construction Site

I choose to market the construction company.

From my beginnings, I obtain a large share of the market which causes the envy of my competitors who see their profits being lowered. After a while, I receive death threats from my competitors who are a part of the organized crime. They recommend that I close my business to avoid the worst.

Choice 1 : I pay a tax to the criminals.

Choice 2 : I do not care about the threats and I continue my business.

Video Game Console

I choose to market the video game company.

The competition is ubiquitous and the market share is very divided. I must make a quick decision to avoid closing my doors. I realize that my business is coming to an end.

Choice 1 : I hire a qualified workforce.

Choice 2 : I decide to relocate my company to a third world country to pay the labor under the minimum wage.


I call the police for justice.

I take out my phone and I dial 911. He stares at me with a helpless look. Later on, he is arrested in his office. Now that his position is vacant, I'm the new CEO of the company. I earn the respect of many colleagues. This story is in the media, which is a good advertisement for my new company.

Choice 1 :


I ask him to do me a favor in exchange for my silence.

The boss puts $100,000 in cash on a table. This is a considerable amount since I do not even make that salary in a year. I can afford a dream holiday with this money. Later on, she decides to file a complaint and she points out to the authorities that I accepted a bribe to remain silent. This is how I am directly released from my job, and I am a now unemployed.

Choice 1 :

Broken Window

I decide to help.

When I open the door, the boss punches me. I immediately receive a punch from my boss. I try to fight him off without hurting him but I push him away and he falls through the window leading to his death. After the incident, I am arrested but I end up being released because the victim that is a witness claims that it's self-defense.

Choice 1 :


I flee the scene.

The morning after, while I read the newspaper, I see on the front page that my boss murdered an employee. I am totally devastated by this news and I feel irresponsible for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 :


I pay a tax to the criminals.

I decide to give some of my income to the criminals to be protected. Two months later, during a police strike, I'm arrested. In my interrogation, the investigator offers me an agreement.

Choice 1 : I do 10 years in prison.

Choice 2 : I testify against the criminals.

Crime Scene

I do not care about the threats and I continue my business.

One day, when I go to work, I see that the building of my company is set on fire. Fortunately, I'm insured and I receive an amount to fill this incident.

Choice 1 : I use the money to create my business in another area.

Choice 2 : The profits of my company go down and I face a bankruptcy.


I hire a qualified workforce.

The cost of production increases because I pay employees who ask for more than the minimum wage. I didn't make a lot of profits because of the more significant salary compensation. I still need to do some changes.

Choice 1 : I replace my employees with machines that assemble and pack the product.

Choice 2 : I reduce the salary of my employees.


I decide to relocate my company to a third world country to pay the labor under the minimum wage.

Later, the consumers learn this news and boycott my product. Retailers decide to take my video game out of their stores and I have to stop my business.

Choice 1 :


I do 10 years in prison.

After my release, my life is ruined. I can't find any job because I have a criminal record. Now my life is gone, I don't have no choice but to join organized crime.

Choice 1 :


I testify against the criminals.

In exchange for a release and a witness protection program, I must provide evidence to indict these criminals. I end up denouncing several thugs which causes the arrest of criminals. Threatened by retaliation, I decide to leave the country to remain as anonymous as possible.

Choice 1 :


I use the money to create my business in another area.

The profits of my company go down and I face a bankruptcy. The main reason of my failure is that I can't adapt to the new environment.

Choice 1 :


The profits of my company go down and I face a bankruptcy.

The main reason of my failure is that I can't adapt to the new environment.: I end up holding a job that isn't very good. I work at the minimum wage seven days a week.

Choice 1 :


I replace my employees with machines that assemble and pack the product.

It's much more profitable since the machines cuts the expenses on the salary. Even if this situation creates the discontentment of several employees that are put out of work, it's profitable.

Choice 1 :


I reduce the salary of my employees.

Unhappy, the employees decide to go on a strike in order to keep their wages intact. This attracts the attention of the media which affects the image of the brand.

Choice 1 :

The End.