My Chance to Enjoy.

A hypertext narrative by

Ashley Diaz

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1407

Choice count: 14

Section count: 8

Image count: 8

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Archaeology : 51 matches

(banana, bit, her, keep, pick)

Food and catering : 43 matches

(animals, banana, bread, breakfast, chance, cook, cooking, dinner, eat, eating, feeding, food, fruits, happy, haven, ingredients, kitchen, meal, pasta, skin, table, vegetables)

Dance : 31 matches

(back, couple, face, front, grand, out, smile, tour, turn)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


My Chance to Enjoy.

In the house.

What a lovely day to enjoy! My name is Samantha, and I am already 31 years old. I'm working as a manager in a well-known company, that's why I need to work hard, and also to be able to survive in life. Today is my free day, and I want to make use of it to relax and enjoy. But first, I need to eat my breakfast...

Choice 1 : Pasta and bread



Great! What an energizing day to start. I'll just get ready to go out. (After 15 minutes, Samantha was already dressed up ready to leave.) I'm now dressed up, but let me think first to where am I going to head first.

Choice 1 : Zoo.

Choice 2 : Grandma's House.

Choice 3 : Back



Samantha decided to go to the zoo 15 km away from her house. The last time she went to the zoo was 3 years ago, and it was her niece's birthday. Not so long, she already arrives in her destination. As she enters, lots of children are having fun, zoo staffs, and animals were seen. After she pays for the entrance fee, the tour guide caught Samantha's attention, as she saw that the tour guides was instructing other visitors on what to wear for the tour, and what are the do's and don'ts. She immediately come towards the pack of crowds and join them. After a while they started to tour, amazement was seen in her face. Samantha can't help to be amazed on how different the zoo 3 years ago. The zoo has become more lively and creative. Samantha takes lots of pictures and made some friends during the tour. After the tour, Samantha who's on her way out saw a sign. It says that "Crocodile Feeding" and "Snake Picture". Samantha wants to try one of the twos before heading home.

Choice 1 : Crocodile Feeding

Choice 2 : Snake Picture

Choice 3 : Back


Crocodile Feeding.

Samantha decided for a crocodile feeding since she haven't tried it once in her life. On her way in, she hears the voices of the crowds shouting in shock when the crocodile will quickly get the food. Samantha was scared and thrilled at the same time. She sees a line where the visitors are waiting for their turn to feed the crocodile. A lot of visitors are in there, so she waited a bit longer. When she was the next in line, she feels very nervous as the person right in front of her froze in almost lost its grip to the stick intended to feed the crocodile because of the aggressiveness of the crocodiles. When it's already her turn, she was a bit shaking and hesitant to continue but the zoo staff assured her that she'll be okay. The zoo staff started putting the food of the crocodile to the stick and handed it to Samantha and guided her. As they stick out the food, no crocodile was giving attention. So, they lowered the stick a bit more, and suddenly two crocodiles jumped to get the food. Samantha shouted in shock of what happened it laughed later on. After what happened, Samantha was so happy that she was able to feed the crocodile despite being scared. On her way home, Samantha was so happy of how her day ends and gets to get a lot of pictures to keep. The end.

Choice 1 : Back

Crocodile Feeding

Snake Picture.

Samantha decided for a picture with a snake. On her way, she sees lots of snakes sculptures, warning signs, and images of different snakes. She reads some of the descriptions written on it until she reaches where there are lots of people pose for a picture with a snake. She was hesitant at first if will she continue to take a picture of one of the biggest snakes in the zoo or go home. After a couple of minutes thinking of what would she do, she decided to talk first to the care taker of the zoo. She asks the one near her if is it really safe. The care taker then assured her that it is safe. With that it eases Samantha's fright and wait for her turn. As soon as the person next to her finished his turn, she slowly walks towards the snake being held by the zoo keepers. The zoo keepers assured her that there's nothing wrong will happen, and it is safe. But still, she doesn't keep her guard down. The zoo keepers slowly put the snake on her shoulder that makes her scream. Samantha feels how heavy the snake is as the zoo keepers continue to put it and the snake move slowly sending shivers to Samantha. When it is already placed, Samantha asks one of the zoo keepers to take a picture of her. The zoo keeper then willingly said yes and took a picture of them. After being photographed, the snake's head move slowly towards her that makes her scream again in fear. The zoo keepers then immediately get the snake out of Samantha and put it to the cage since Samantha is the last person in there. Samantha thanked the personnel's in there and leave. Samantha was happy leaving and had her great memory as she head home. The end.

Choice 1 : Back

Snake picture

Grandma's House.

Samantha is so excited on her way to her Grandmother's house. It's been a year since the last time she visited her grand mother, due to her hectic schedule in work. As soon as she arrives, her grandma greeted her with a warm hug and kisses. They bond with each other until they get tired and fell asleep. When Samantha wakes up, she notices that It's already 5 in the afternoon. So, she decided to...

Choice 1 : Prepare Dinner.

Choice 2 : Watch Sunset.

Choice 3 : Back

Grandma's House

Prepare Dinner.

Samantha decided to prepare a dinner for her grand mother. She cookers her favorite viand. Samantha noticed that there are not enough vegetables in her grandma's refrigerator, so she decided to pick some vegetables at their backyard. Her grandma's backyard has a lot of variety of vegetables and fruits. Since Samantha and her family move-out to the house, her grandma plants fruits and vegetables to ease her boredom leaving alone. As Samantha was picking, she remembers a memory of her and her grand father where they spend their time planting vegetables and fruits in the backyard. They were so happy back then until her grand father died due to a sickness. Samantha then sees a ripe fruit banana, she tastes one piece of it and get some for her grandmother. Samantha then started to cook as the ingredients were now completed. While cooking, her grandma smelled the food that Samantha is making. So, she goes to the kitchen and see Samantha cooking. Samantha notices her grandmother and said that she's almost done with it. Her grandmother was so happy with it and starts preparing the table. Samantha then places the food to the table, and they started eating after thanking god for their meal. They both happily shared memories, and life experiences while having their dinner. Before the day ends, Samantha gives her grandma the present she bought and hugged her tightly as she knows that she'll be busy for the next months and doesn't know when can she visit her again. The end.

Choice 1 : Back


Watch Sunset.

Samantha decided to watch the sunset to the hill near them to have a better view. Before she leaves Samantha gets a piece of paper and wrote a letter to her grandmother that she'll be going to the hill to watch sunset. Samantha immediately go to their garage to get a bicycle and ride her way to the hill. As she arrives, the wind breeze touches her skin and her hair flows as the wind blows it. Samantha feels so relaxed and refreshed from all of the stresses she had in her work. Samantha slowly walks to the peak and sits down as she watches the sunset. She can see the birds, butterflies, and the city from her view. Samantha stayed in the place a couple of minutes and took her phone to take a picture of it. On her way home, smile was plastered in her face as she had her best time to enjoy and relax. The end.

Choice 1 : Back
