One life, thousands of roads.

A hypertext narrative by

Clement Gingras

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1570

Choice count: 33

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis

Education : 70 matches

(certification, choice, class, coach, college, discipline, don, fail, grade, grades, graduation, knowledge, performance, school, social, students, teachers, trainee, university)

Sociology : 33 matches

(category, class, flexible, industry, interview, media, power, proposition, school, social science)

Dance : 32 matches

(back, close, competitive, drag, hesitation, lead, lift, out, performance, point, shows, social, sweats, through)

Target Structure: (10 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

in-depth (1 match)

internship (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

mortgage (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

though (2 matches)

trainee (1 match)


One life, thousands of roads.

Which school should I attend.

I really need to choose which school I want to go to. It just seem like there are to many choices. And my interest are everywhere. I feel lost. Music, fashion, maybe sports. I must be careful with my choice.

Choice 1 : Social Science at Saint-Jérome.

Choice 2 : Music at RAC.

Choice 3 : Fashion.

Choice 4 : Quit school.

Choice 5 : Focus on Power lifting.

A school class

Social Science at Saint-Jérome.

I've made what I consider a safe but boring choice. I'm able to get good grades in whatever I find interest in... but I don't feel any pride from these past two years. Quite the opposite actually I feel like I wasted my time. I guess it's time for university, but honestly I don't feel like going, so I'm going to stop here.

Choice 1 : Quit school.

Cégep of Saint Jérome

Music at RAC.

I decided to choose by passion. RAC is a really great school when it comes to musical prowess. Many students who attended this school turned out to be great musicians, mainly due to amazing, in-depth, internship opportunity. Am I going be one of them. I don't have a single clue. I might become a superstar... or a total nobody. It's a risky choice, but I think it's the right one.

Choice 1 : Taking even more risks with some friends.

Choice 2 : Playing it safe

Studio session at RAC Montreal


Fashion has been an interest to me for as long as I can remember. That's why I chose to study fashion design. It is a really competitive industry, but I do think that I can pull it off. The only thing left to do is to choose which school.

Choice 1 : Marie-Victorin.

Choice 2 : Lasalle.

Rick Owens Basket sneakers

Quit school.

Devoting energy to school for more years than what I've already done looks like a drag, so I'm dropping out. My parents weren't happy about it. They kicked me out of the house and my financial situation began to deteriorate after these events. I live paycheck to paycheck moreover I can barely afford my mortgage. Honestly I don't really expect anything more from me.

Choice 1 : Go back to the school

Choice 2 : Never going back to school again.

Man running from school

Taking even more risks with some friends.

I've had the chance to have, not many, but still amazing friends in the past we kept on contacting with one another and decided at some point that we wanted to start a band. We both had some sort of big dream of becoming big name in the industry.

Choice 1 : Going full in

Choice 2 : Playing it safe

band performing a small concert

Going full in.

I decided to give it all. I left my job and started taking music really seriously not as an audio engineer like I was supposed to, but as an artist. My parents weren't really happy about me quitting my job, but to my surprise they told me that as long as I keep up with school and that I am really trying. They had no problem with me taking that risk.

Choice 1 : Working the bare minimum.

Choice 2 : Working as hard as possible.

drawing representing a full time job

Working the bare minimum.

Looks like I took it way to easy. My dream did not happen like I expected, it was a total disaster. Simply put, I had a lack of drive to put in the work. It's sad, but I can't complain. I am now an audio engineer, and I love it, I just finished being a trainee here. Can't say that I'm unhappy, but I do feel like my life is missing something. Still, I can't put the blame on anybody else but me.I still meet up with the old members, but now we are just hanging out.

Choice 1 : Conclusion to my life.

taking it easy

Working as hard as possible.

There was no way that I was Going to finish my life not doing what I love the most. Which is entertainment through music. We just received a proposition for an interview with a record label. I'm not sure if I should accept it. It looks like a good deal, but I could without a doubt make my own and therefore make more profit out of my passion.

Choice 1 : Take on the offer.

Choice 2 : Refuse and create my own label.

men pushing a boulder up a mountain

Take on the offer.

That was one of the best decisions that I've made we just have to do the things that we're good at. We are selling like I never imagined we could, and we are getting a ton of different shows. We don't have much time to breath, but god is it worth it.

Choice 1 : Conclusion to my life.

record label

Refuse and create my own label.

That was a mistake I am no businessman, I though we could make it even with that in mind. It's a huge drawback, but I'm still hopeful that one day we will be doing concert in huge arenas. These concert might be soon, but for that to happen I must stay focused. I'm sure my dream will come true at some point.

Choice 1 : Conclusion to my life.

Fashion at Marie-Victorin.

I decided to go at Marie-Victorin in fashion design. The standard is lower than what I expected, and it really got to me, I was way worse than what I sure could have accomplished. I didn't fail, but it was a close call for most of the class. I graduated than started to work.

Choice 1 : Start working in a tailor shop.

Choice 2 : Go back to school

Cégep Marie-Victorin

Start working in a tailor shop.

My poor performance at school wasn't enough for me to become a great designer like I hope I could one day. But I was somehow really good at the art of tailoring. Promptly I found myself a job in a tailor shop. Then, at some point in my career the boss gave me the possibility of taking ownership of the shop. I accepted without any hesitation. The shop really grew on me, so much that overtime doesn't even feel like overtime. One day I'll probably give it to another guy like my boss did.

Choice 1 : Conclusion to my life.

tailoring tools

Fashion at Lasalle.

I was accepted at Lasalle College. This school really has high standard. The teachers were demanding that we do our best, or we would not even get a passing grade. This helped me become extremely proficient when it comes to creativity. I graduated with with straight A's and all the tears and sweats that came with it.

Choice 1 : Taking a risk with some friends.

Choice 2 : Founding a high fashion company

College Lasalle

Entering high fashion.

Right after graduation I started a high fashion company named after myself, CLÉMENT. The industry, being extremely competitive, almost ate me like a shark eats a fish. Somehow, I pulled through and was able to set a new standard in fashion. I later sold this company for a little over two billion dollars with 19% of all royalties.

Choice 1 : Conclusion to my life.

Fashion show also known as a runway

Never going back to school again.

This entire trip was a waste, I'm seventy years old. I am still working the same dead-end job that I started working when I was nine-teen. Not a trace of happiness in my life. I am waiting for the day that I can finally leave this hell, and rest.

Choice 1 : Conclusion to my life.

Focus on Power lifting.

I always had a dream of becoming ridiculously strong, one discipline exist for that, power lifting. Sadly my size put me in a category that isn't very popular, making it difficult for me to make a living out of it. I still have valuable knowledge though. I could share that knowledge through social media or keep on focusing on power lifting only.

Choice 1 : keep working on power lifting.

Choice 2 : Share my knowledge.

Middle age men performing a squat PR

Power lifting.

I kept on pushing myself every day for over ten years. At some point I was able to lift more in my main lift than most people in the heavyweight category. I got myself a good reputation. I was able to become a coach without any certification thanks to that. I'm not rich, but I wonder if I could have been happier because everyday feel like the best day ever right now.

Choice 1 : Conclusion to my life.

Share my knowledge.

I decided to take less time on Power lifting and start a YouTube channel focusing on strength development. I was spending my days researching studies in order to expend my knowledge. My more scientific approach of lifting, quickly made me a reference in terms of strength and Hypertrophy. What's great with that job is that I am really flexible in terms of time.

Choice 1 : Conclusion to my life.

Social medias

Conclusion to my life.

It's almost the end for me. I'm looking back on my life, I've made good and bad decision, and I wonder how one of those decision could have changed everything for me. To that reasoning I answer to myself: I guess we'll never know! It doesn't matter what's done is done, there is no way that looking back on my life with doubtful intent will lead me to happiness. The end.

Choice 1 : Go back to the start