My career path.

A hypertext narrative by

Sabrina Bélanger

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1361

Choice count: 29

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 101 matches

(academic, bilingual, cegep, choice, class, course, deadline, don, education, exam, field, field of study, grades, grammar, high school, integration, options, review, school, semester, social, teach, training, university)

Law : 29 matches

(act, admission, answer, bar, beneficiary, contact, director, family, government, house, interest, living, minutes, offer, option, parent, possibility, profession)

Web development : 28 matches

(background, break, class, click, field, integration, name, option, parent, pass, path, position, profile, response, return, write)

Target Structure: (8 matches)

internship (1 match)

more often (1 match)

purpose (2 matches)

more often than not (1 match)

wage (1 match)

volunteer (1 match)

volunteering (3 matches)

abroad (4 matches)


My career path.

After high school.

My name is Sabrina and I’m from a city called Prévost. I completed high school. Now, it is time for me to think what I want to do after. I always like to take care of other. So, I hesitate between two options.

Choice 1 : Go to a Nursing program.

Choice 2 : Volunteering abroad.


Go to a Nursing program.

I decided to go at Cegep of Saint-Jérôme. I made many friends in my field of study. However, I didn’t like my internship experience as a beneficiary attendant in a CHSLD. This training helped me to realize that be a nurse was not for me. Therefore, I have to reconsider my future plan.

Choice 1 : Volunteering abroad.

Choice 2 : Pursue my studies in Springboard to a DEC to give me time to think about my future career


Volunteering abroad.

I am happy that I have chosen to volunteer abroad in Senegal. I feel fulfill of this escapade. When I was there, I had an unexpected revelation. What I liked in the Nursing program was not to take care of the patient but to be in contact with them. That why I want to be specializing in relation of assistance. I am pretty certain that if I never made this trip, I will never get this revelation.

Choice 1 : Go to Social Science profile individual and society

Write a choice here.

Volunteering abroad

Springboard to a DEC.

I am really happy that I have chosen Springboard to a DEC. I got time to reconsider my future.Throughout my integration program, I took an exploration course named introduction to economics. It was really interesting.This course belongs to Social Science. Also, I develop an interest in psychology. I would like to continue my academic background on this way. Nevertheless, I doubt between two profiles offer in Social Science.

Choice 1 : Social Science profile individual and society.

Choice 2 : Social Sciences profile administration.


Social Science profile individual and society.

Since already two years, I study in Social Sciences. Today, it is my last semester of Cegep. I applied to University of Quebec in Montreal in a sexology program. I'm perplexed, because I'm not sure if I want to pursue my studies now.

Choice 1 : Pursue in sexology program

Choice 2 : Taking a gap year.

Individual and society

Social Sciences profile administration.

Social Science option administration is not for me. I will take a break of school and make experience before come back there.

Choice 1 : Taking a gap year.

Social sciences profile administration

Sexology program.

To accede at the sexology program, I need a cote R higher than 28. Promptly, mine is 27,5. This field of study make me dream. Next week, I have a chance to improve my grades during the final exam. However, this week is my 20 years birthday. Tomorrow morning, I will have an important exam, but I would like to get out with my friend at the bar to celebrate my birthday. So, what would be the best choice?

Choice 1 : I will study for my exam

Choice 2 : I will be 20 years old only once in my life, so let's celebrate


Taking a gap year.

Instead of continue my studies after Cegep, I choose to take time for me to travel. Indeed, I am young, and I prefer make experience before starting university than becoming indebted. Now, I have the chance to still living at my parent's house. So, I don't have so many things to pay for the moment. In my English class, I heard about a bilingual program offer by the Government of Canada named Odyssey. This experience provides me the opportunities to live nine months in another province to teach French to English Canadian. Plus, the wage sound pretty interesting. Tomorrow morning, I have to pass a French exam to be accepted in the program. I think, I should review my grammar rules. However, this evening, it is my 20 years old birthday. So, what would be the best choice?

Choice 1 : I will be 20 years old only once in my life, so let's celebrate

Choice 2 : Study for my French exam

Gap year

Celebrate my 20 years old.

My 20 years old birthday was the best party I ever have. I look at the time it is, and I am late of 30 minutes for my exam. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Go to school and see, if I could retake the exam

Choice 2 : Stay in my bed and still sleeping.

Petite grenouille

Study for the exam.

It was a hard choice to make, but I succeed the exam. In a few days, I will get the result of my admission for the university Click on choice 1 to know the answer.

Choice 1 : Admission result

Write a choice here.


Sexology program admission result.

After an atypical academic background, I am proud to announce at my family and closest friends that I am accepted in sexology program. Even if, I took different tracks to come at my purpose, I feel fulfill. In spite of hindrances that I met on my way, I never gave up, and I find my profession.

Choice 1 :

Admission letter

Celebrate my 20 years old.

My 20 years old birthday was the best party I ever have. I look at the time it is, and I am late of 30 minutes for my exam. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Check if it has possibility to retake the exam.

Choice 2 : Stay in my bed and still sleeping.

Ptite grenouille

Stay in my bed and still sleeping.

As an old proverb suggests, future belongs to ones whose stand up early. Undoubtedly, I am not of those. Currently, I am unemployed. Eventually, I will start a position as supervisor in a grocery store.

Choice 1 : My experience in a grocery stores as a supervisor.


Pass my French exam.

I succeeded the exam. I am really excited. I will teach French to English Canadian in Vancouver. This city always intrigue me.

Choice 1 :

French exam

Check if it has possibility to retake the exam.

I met the Cegep director and be honest with him. I told him that yesterday was my 20 years old birthday, and I woke up late for the exam. Fortunately, he said to me " No problem Sabrina, if I was your age, I will do the same thing as you. You will retake it in June" I wasn't expecting that kind of response from my Cegep director, but I feel relive.

Choice 1 : Pass the exam


Check if I could retake the French exam another day.

Unfortunately, the deadline to pass the French exam was today in the morning. I feel disappointed and lost.

Choice 1 : Taking a job in a grocery store


My bad experiences in a grocery stores.

As I am a supervisor, more often than not, I get sucked up in stupid situations. For example, many customers are overbearing, when we ask them to put their mask on their face. Few of them make demeaning video of the employees, when we don't give them what they want. For some of the theses' reason, I choose to quit this job, and return to school.

Choice 1 : Come back to school.


A come back to school.

As I am now 21 years old, I could go to the university without a DEC. I hesitate between two programs.

Choice 1 : Psycho education.

Choice 2 : Sexology program.


Psycho education.

I always like trying to understand why someone act in a way to help them to resolve their difficulties. I decided to apply at a university near of my own, UQO. Click on choice one to see the admission result.

Choice 1 : Admission result.


Psycho education admission result.

After an atypical academic background, I am proud to announce at my family and closest friends that I am accepted in psycho education. Even if, I took different tracks to come at my purpose, I feel fulfill. In spite of hindrances that I met on my way, I never gave up, and I find my profession.

Choice 1 :

Admission letter