My career path.

A hypertext narrative by

Coralie Trempe

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1259

Choice count: 42

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis

Education : 83 matches

(bilingual, cegep, choice, classes, college, course, courses, don, failed, field, goal, grades, high school, learned, learning, management, private, public school, school, social, student, teacher, term, university)

Sociology : 32 matches

(average, closure, fact, game, goal, group, illness, language, mental illness, private, psychology, school, sexual, social science, third)

Law : 26 matches

(action, arrangement, arrested, budget, closure, contact, debt, fact, harassment, house, information, living, misconduct, offer, option, price, private, rehabilitation)

Target Structure: (23 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

dread (1 match)

dreading (1 match)

flirtation (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (1 match)

learned the ropes (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

ojt (1 match)

overwhelming (1 match)

perpetrator (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

pull off (3 matches)

purpose (2 matches)

recipient (1 match)

sexual harassment (2 matches)

straight a's (2 matches)

time management (1 match)

wage (1 match)


My career path.

Step after high school.

I just finished high school and an infinity list of possibilities of choices are presented to me. Which way should I take?

Choice 1 : I will do an AEC to become a flight attendant

Choice 2 : Go to cegep


Prior of this job.

Oh, no! I need to be bilingual to pull off this dreams job of traveling constantly, which I am not. I really enjoy spending time in airplanes and being in contact with people. How can I achieve this goal?

Choice 1 : Take courses of conversation in group in English

Choice 2 : Go in this traveling program to help my bilingualism

Learning English

Information on this program.

When I informed myself with this program of learning with foreigners all around the world, I learned all the ins-and-outs. Sadly, the price is too high for my budget, so I can't go.

Choice 1 : Check my other option

Choice 2 : Change my purpose

Traveling studies

I like the course.

I have difficulty with my pronunciation in English so the conversation group classes were perfect for me, and it wasn't too pricey. I liked my teacher and I enjoyed learning with these people around me. We talked a lot about our future job, and I liked talking about the idea of being in a plane visiting country by country. I am now better in this language and ready to take action in my technique for my job, or so I thought... A pandemic just started canceling all the flights and leaving a thousand of flight attendant without any work. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Change of plan

Choice 2 : Find an average job to work full time

Flight attendant

New job.

I got hired at a cleaning company, and it's an OJT, so I don't need to go to school for this well-paid job. The only thing is that it's a dead-end job, and I don't see myself doing that all my life.

Choice 1 : Game over

Cleaning lady

Dream job.

During my time off of school, I realized my true purpose in life. I want to work in the field of health! I need to study hard for that. I want to know every aspect of our body and mind. The anatomy is something that I need to understand. What program should I take?

Choice 1 : Study in physiology

Choice 2 : Study in psychology

Going back to school

How to study Physiology.

It could be my dream job because I can only do a technique to be a rehabilitation therapist or, if I pull off straight A’s, I can go to the university and become a physiotherapist. I still need to do some hard prior before entering, is it worth it?

Choice 1 : Yes

Choice 2 : No


Those priors are hard.

During my third session in my orientation program, I broke up with my boyfriend after 3 years, so I started to work full time and go to the gym almost every day to keep my mind busy. It was overwhelming, and I failed my physics that was needed.

Choice 1 : Give up and stay in my average work

Choice 2 : Try to go in psychology instead

Choice 3 : Try again this course during the summer

Being overwhelming

Good news.

I learned the ropes about the good way of time management, and I finally passed my physic. I can go in my real technique, where should I apply?

Choice 1 : Apply in a private school

Choice 2 : Apply in Montmorency College

Choice 3 : Apply in Garneau Cegep

It's done

Private school.

Yes! It took less than 24 hours to be accepted. This school is kinda far, but I can find an arrangement. The real problem is the price that is gigantic. I don't have this money and either do my parents.

Choice 1 : Take a loan at the bank

Choice 2 : Decline this offer

Private school


The drawback of loan is the debt that comes after. In the long term, the better choice is to go in public school.

Choice 1 : Wrong choice


Garneau Cegep.

The fact that this is a limited program, it's really hard to get in, so I have been refused. It's maddening to conclude that It's not worth it to try again because it's very far too.

Choice 1 : Try to get in Montmorency College

Choice 2 : Try to get in private school

Cegep Garneau

Montmorency College.

After two refusals, they finally let me get in! The courses were more focused on my technique, so I started to enjoy more. My straight A's has given me the chance to have the cote R that I need to get in university. Should I go?

Choice 1 : Yes

Choice 2 : No, I am okay with my DEC

Montmorency College

Being in university.

I feel closure to my goal. It may be difficult, but we only need to pull off the passage grades. The only thing is my student debt who kept increasing. Should I stop?

Choice 1 : Yes, being a rehabilitation therapist is good anyway

Choice 2 : No, I got this

Student of university


The internship made me realize how I am doing the same job as a physiotherapist without the premium wage. At least, I am not drowning in student debt.

Choice 1 : Let's go back to university

Choice 2 : The end. I am now a rehabilitation therapist!


Being a physiotherapist.

I graduated from university, and I am a full time physiotherapist. I am happier than ever, I make a lot of money, and I refunded all my student debt. I live with the man of my life and with my two puppies in my big house.

Choice 1 : The end. I love my job.

Choice 2 : What if I like the psychology better?

Dream life

Slowly getting into Psychology.

Luckily I didn't need any prerequisite that I don't have to enter Social Science, which is the pre-university that I need. A feeling of dread is creeping me out as I am learning the difficulty of this field.

Choice 1 : I am dropping school to stay a cleaning lady all my life

Choice 2 : Keep going

Chicken out

Misconduct from a teacher.

There is this teacher who shows me some kind of flirtation I think. Should I make this reciprocal for good grades?

Choice 1 : No, keep going, and ask for a change of teacher

Choice 2 : No, it's creepy, and I should stay home all my life

Choice 3 : Yes

Sexual harassment

Being a psychologist.

I graduated from university, and I know everything about mental illness. It's when I putted a foot in the door that I realize how my own mental health will suffer from being surrounded by this kind of people. I am not enough stable mentally, but I am trying to convince myself that it's for helping people.

Choice 1 : What if I like the physiology better?

Choice 2 : The end. I am now a psychologist!


Living on the social well-being.

The trauma that this perpetrator gave me is dreading me for going out anymore. I hope people realize the consequences of sexual harassment. I am miserable.

Choice 1 : Game over


Little advantage.

Later on, this man has been arrested for sexual harassment, but I am glad that I played his game as I was the recipient. The university accepted me because of these good grades. Should I keep going?

Choice 1 : No, I am tired of studying

Choice 2 : Yes, go to the university

Relation teacher-student