The life of an indecisive girl!

A hypertext narrative by

Laurence Gauthier

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1242

Choice count: 37

Section count: 25

Image count: 25

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 77 matches

(choice, college, compensation, don, first, grades, graduate, jerome, learn, learning, sabbatical, school, training, university)

Dance : 18 matches

(around the world, back, check, natural, out, routine)

Law : 16 matches

(compensation, family, house, living, offer, quota, rent)

Target Structure: (15 matches)

background check (2 matches)

compensation (2 matches)

hr (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

more often (2 matches)

overtime (1 match)

compensation package (2 matches)

purpose (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

wage (4 matches)


The life of an indecisive girl!

It all started like this.

It is now the end of college. I studied for 2 years in Natural Sciences at St-Jerome College and one year was completely on line. I feel like I need to enjoy my young years, but I don't want to get late in school and waste my time...

Choice 1 : I continue my studies.

Choice 2 : I enjoy my young years and quite school.


It's school-time! But for what?

I need to choose what I want to do in life! That's a stressful decision to take at such a young age... Because of my grades, the Pharmacy Program is my first choice. There are only two universities that offer it in Quebec. But will I get accepted?

Choice 1 : I apply at the University of Montreal in the Pharmacy Program.

Choice 2 : I apply at Laval University in the Pharmacy Program.

assistant pharmacist

The difficulty of trying health programs...

I am refused in the Pharmacy Program at the University of Montreal. It’s a quota-based program, and people who are accepted have to have straight A's. I apply in my other preferences to try to increase my grades.

Choice 1 : I apply to the Nutrition Program.

Choice 2 : I apply to the Neuroscience program.

Montreal University

I am not sure about my decisions anymore...

I am on the waiting list for nutrition and neuroscience. I am maddening, and I don't want to go to Montreal anymore. The apartments are too expensive!

Choice 1 : Go back to the University decision!

sad face

I get accepted in my dream school!

So now that I am accepted... I have no other choice to go and enjoy!

Choice 1 : I want to live alone in an apartment.

Choice 2 : I can go in the residency to save time and money.

a girl who enjoy.

I don’t have enough money!

Living alone is too expensive nowadays….

Choice 1 : I need to find roommates to save more money.

Choice 2 : I work a lot more…


I want to live in the residency near my school.

Living in the residency can save me of a lot of trouble. But I need to make sacrifices of my own personal life!

Choice 1 : I rent a residency.


Living with roommates….

Living with new people can be really difficult, especially when you used to live at your parents’ house.

Choice 1 : I meet new girls who become my friends.

Choice 2 : I hate my roommates... Go back to the living decision.

friends girls.

On the job training!

I can find a job easily because of my experience as a pharmacy technician. Moreover, it is good for my school because it feels like an internship. The boss also offered me a job for when I graduate.

Choice 1 : I live my best life at learning new things.


Quebec is my new city!!

People are really nice, and I met friends for life!

Choice 1 : I don’t want to come back in Saint-Jerome after I graduate.

Choice 2 : I want to go back in Saint-Jerome with my family and friends after I graduate.

quebec city

Bye-Bye Saint-Jerome.

I will graduate soon, and I live my best life!

Choice 1 : It's almost finish...


I regret my choice!

Renting a residency is a really bad decision, people are really weird and a girl ate her mac n cheese with ketchup... Not for me. I want to live alone!

Choice 1 : Going back to the apartment choice!

bad decision

This is the end.

My life can not last forever! I have made a lot of overtime at my pharmacy job, but even if it were difficult, it was more often than not worth it! I accomplished my purpose, and it is time for retirement. Thank you for following me.

Choice 1 : The end!

the end.

Back in my routine!

I am now back in my city, and I am happy to see my family and friends more often. I find a job at the pharmacy that I worked when I was younger and the wage is really good. They already know that I don't have a background check because the boss knows me!

Choice 1 : I buy a house with my boyfriend.


Near to the end!

My life is stable, and I do a good wage. I even have compensation package. Life is good!

Choice 1 : It's almost finish.

money sign

What do I do?

To enjoy my young years, I want to travel. But to travel, I need money... What do I do?

Choice 1 : I work.

Choice 2 : I travel.


Working to save money.

I decide to work to save money. I already have a job with my boss that I know.I worked there for three years now, but because of my experience, I know that I can find a place with a better wage. However, my boss can give me compensation package, I know the HR, and they know perfectly that I don't have a background check!

Choice 1 : I find a new job.

Choice 2 : I continue at my job.

saving money

Finding a new job.

It is really easy to me to find a new job, but I think that it is sometimes better to not only look at the wage but also at the working environment. At a new job, I will have to learn the ropes again, but at my actual job, I am like an intern for my future career because I want to become a pharmacist.

Choice 1 : Go back to the job decision.


Comfort zone.

My sabbatical year went really well, but it is now time to decide for my future and stop wasting my time.

Choice 1 : Go back to school decision!

comfort zone.

Travelling the world!

It is now time to enjoy after all the trouble of the pandemic. But how do I want to travel?

Choice 1 : I go around the world.

Choice 2 : I become a nanny for a family.

travelling the world

Visiting the world.

I always dreamed of travelling the world, and I now have the perfect opportunity. How do I start?

Choice 1 : Going in a surf trip in Costa Rica.

Choice 2 : Going in a ski trip in the Alps.

ski and surf

Becoming a nanny.

This choice is good because it is situated between my two ideas: making money and travelling. Even if I can't go wherever I want whenever I want with this choice, it helps me to get out of here.

Choice 1 : Going to France.


France because I am French!

I find a perfect family in France. I spent a wonderful year, and it allowed me to travel all over Europe. It is now time to go back to serious things...

Choice 1 : Going back to school choice.


Costa Rica.

I always dreamed of Costa Rica. I made a wonderful trip, sleeping in Youth hostels to save, but money doesn't fall off trees... I can not continue travelling like this again.

Choice 1 : Become a nanny.

Choice 2 : Going back to Canada.

costa rica

The Alps.

What a great trip! I like to ski, but I'd never thought it would be like this. My aunt lives not that far from the Alps, in France, so I didn't spend a lot of money. I now want to experiment my second dream trip, going to a surf trip in Costa Rica.

Choice 1 : Surf trip time!

the alps.