Word count: 1248
Choice count: 39
Section count: 28
Image count: 28
Error count: 2
Field Related Analysis
Education : 106 matches
(choice, class, classes, classmate, classmates, college, education, failing, field, field of study, first, grade, grades, graduate, learn, management, school, semester, students, teacher, test, university)Dance : 26 matches
(center, check, figure, kick, out, point, show, shows, through)Archaeology : 16 matches
(class, her, kick, point, re, study)Target Structure: (19 matches)
background check (1 match)
cursory (1 match)
dead-end job (1 match)
deter (1 match)
dread (1 match)
hr (2 matches)
ins-and-outs (1 match)
intern (2 matches)
learn the ropes (2 matches)
misconduct (1 match)
overwhelmed (1 match)
overwhelming (1 match)
put aside (1 match)
straight a's (1 match)
test drive (1 match)
thoroughly (1 match)
though (5 matches)
time management (1 match)
undermine (1 match)
I went through my college years, and now I need to make a choice for my next years of study, in university.
Choice 1 : Apply at UQAM in teaching.
Choice 2 : Apply at UQO in teaching.
Choice 3 : Apply at Sherbrooke University in psycho education.
I have applied in teaching at UQAM University because I want to try what it's like living in Montreal.
Choice 1 : Being accepted!
Choice 2 : Being refused...
I have been accepted in my dream program, in UQAM. I am happy that all those years of hard work have finally started to show.
Choice 1 : Autumn semester.
I just received the letter from UQAM announcing that I was refused. I am devastated.That also means I will have to make another choice.
Choice 1 : Make a choice.
I am now at the end of my first semester, and I am realizing that I am failing most of my classes. I am now doubting that I am made to be a teacher.
Choice 1 : Quit the program.
Choice 2 : Work harder and stay in this field of study!
With the bad grades I got during my first semester, I have to admit it is not encouraging for me to pursue my dream job, so I decided to quit the program.
Choice 1 : Make a choice.
Even though my first semester wasn't a success, I have decided to put aside this first semester, I know that I need to have better time management. I also need to do my work more in-dept and not in a cursory way.
Choice 1 : I made it to the end of University.
Even though it wasn't my first choice, I have decided to apply in psycho education, at least it will be a test drive and who know, maybe I will adore it.
Choice 1 : Unexpectedly, I love it.
Choice 2 : As I thought, it is not for me.
I have been through all of my years of study, and I am now more than never, sure that I am in the right career. Even though I doubted a lot, by working thoroughly, I have made it to the end.
Choice 1 : Apply in the Laurentians School Service Center.
Choice 2 : Move to California.
Now that I have graduated, I decided to work for the Laurentian School Service Center. They did all the procedure, such as the background check to make sure it was safe for the children to be around me.
Choice 1 : Become a second grade teacher.
After graduating from UQAM, I decided to move to California and become a teacher over there.
Choice 1 : Make a choice.
I have decided to apply at UQO because it is a little closer to home. If I am accepted, I won't have to pay for an apartment.
Choice 1 : I am now an intern, it allows me to learn the ropes.
Choice 2 : Decide to find a job.
Even though I know that, this job is probably going to end up being a dead-end job, I prefer that then loosing my time at school.
Choice 1 : Work as a secretary for a big office in Montreal.
I am match with a teacher, it is really great because she shows me all the ins-and-outs of this career.
Choice 1 : Love it!
Choice 2 : Make a big mistake.
This experience just confirmed my choice, I love spending time with the students. At first, it was a little overwhelming, but it got better, and now I can't imagine myself do something else.
Choice 1 : Become a second grade teacher.
I had a misconduct with one of my classmates, I undermine her work and I deter her to pursue her career. It is so humiliating and frustrating because I did not actually think what I was saying, and now I'm scared to be kick out.
Choice 1 : Being kick out of UQO.
Choice 2 : Meet the Human Resources (HR) to explain the situation.
What a dread, I am kicked out of UQO! They didn't let me speak to the Human Resources Department. Now, I need to figure out a new career option.
Choice 1 : Make a choice.
The Human Resources Department agreed to hear me out, but I highly doubt that what I will say will make them change their mind.
Choice 1 : Get a second chance.
Choice 2 : Kick me out anyway.
After hearing my point of view, they decided to give me a second chance. However, I will have to re-do all my class next semester. By doing that I won't be with this classmate.
Choice 1 : Do well!
Choice 2 : Make another mistake.
It is definitely not my dream job, but it still pays my bills, so it's okay, I guess...
Choice 1 : Make a choice.
As expected, they kicked me out, acknowledging my point of view, but they told me they couldn't do anything.
Choice 1 : Make a choice.
I did such a good job in the next semester, I graduate with straight A's. I now have my own classroom and my students. I'm so excited!
Choice 1 : Make a choice.
This time, they kicked me out without even meeting me. I do understand, but I'm sad I won't be a teacher.
Choice 1 : Make a choice.
Even if it wasn't my first choice, I end up loving this field of study, and I will still be working with children, even though I will not be their teacher.
Choice 1 : Get a job in a school in the Laurentians.
It is what I thought it would be, and I now regret losing my time. Moreover, I need to make another choice.
Choice 1 : Make a choice.
After graduating, I got hire. I really love my job. I get to work with children with difficulties and help them.
Choice 1 : I get to work in my dream school.
I now have my own class, and it is even better than I expected. I get to do multiple projects with my students. I am so glad I did it, even if I got overwhelmed during these four last years, it was all worth it.
Choice 1 : Make a choice.
Since I ended up my university years with really good grades, I received a lot of positive responses to my job application. It gave me the chance to chose where I wanted to work.
Choice 1 : Make a choice.