Create my Story with Me.

A hypertext narrative by

Amely Laverdure

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1642

Choice count: 28

Section count: 22

Image count: 21

Error count: 37

Field Related Analysis

Education : 63 matches

(adult, choice, college, degree, don, field, first, general, goal, graduate, learn, register, sabbatical, school, university)

Law : 56 matches

(answer, bar, book, child, children, children in need, criminal, driving, drugs, escape, family, financial, general, harassment, house, kidnapping, law, law firm, lawyer, military, offer, option, order, paralegal, register)

Web development : 30 matches

(catch, child, create, escape, field, option, register, solution, write)

Target Structure: (10 matches)

dread (1 match)

internship (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

more often (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

perpetrator (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

wage (1 match)


Create my Story with Me.

Start at the beginning.

After completing my studies in paralegal techniques at Saint-Jérôme College, I want to continue my journey in the field, but I don't know where to go yet. I have the choice between completely changing my environment or staying in the vicinity of my hometown.

Choice 1 : Go to Laval University.

Choice 2 : Go to University of Quebec in Outaouais.


Go to Laval University.

People are nice but I don't feel good about my choice. I feel like I'm wasting time here, like I'm wasting a good opportunity to try something new in another city. Unfortunately, I prefer to leave and start my life afresh.

Choice 1 : Moving out.


Moving out.

I'm moving to Gatineau tomorrow. I am so excited!

Choice 1 : Go to University of Quebec in Outaouais.

Go to University of Quebec in Outaouais.

Wow! I think it was the best choice of my life. The people here are so welcoming, it makes me feel good. Now I have to think what I am going to do? I want to change how the YPD works and I need to work in the field to be able to make these changes. That is why i wonder if I apply to a job or if I go to the bar school to finally be a lawyer.

Choice 1 : Apply to a law firm.

Choice 2 : Go graduate from bar school.


Apply to a law firm.

Yeah! I have my first job in a law firm now. My boss is so nice, but I have doubts about him. I know he goes out at night and I can see that's not normal for a lawyer. It may not be of my business, but admittedly it's suspicious, isn't it? Guess what I discovered...

Choice 1 : My boss is part of the Mafia.

Choice 2 : My boss has secret links with the secret american army.

Choice 3 : My boss kidnapped a child a long time ago.

Law firm

Go graduate from bar school.

Ok, I know I want to work for children's rights and youth protection. It's time for me to start thinking about it. I should do an internship to find out more. I have to learn the ropes to get a feel for what the job is really like. Where do I register?

Choice 1 : Apply to AZB & Partners.


My boss is part of the Mafia.

Oh my god, I never would have thought that. I could see that he was shady, but not to that extent... He explains to me that he knows my financial situation, that he knows that I have been subjected to sexual harassment at work and explains to me that he wants help me. He offers me to work with him for the mafia. He kind of blackmails me since I wouldn't have worked so much overtime and talks to me about the premium wage. He dread me, I have no choice...

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


My boss has secret links with the secret american army.

My boss is secretly doing business with the military army? I do not believe my eyes, I laugh knowing very well that I do not realize the degree of danger. I start to cry when I see the general of the army coming with his gun, aiming at me...

Choice 1 : The End.


My boss kidnapped a child a long time ago.

I know he saw my car behind the abandoned house and I know he is approaching my hiding place. I hear it, I see it. I'm so scared! Suddenly he surprises me. I see that he is crying... He tells me that no one knows his secret, that I shouldn't have followed him, that he doesn't like hurting people, but that he no longer has the choice because he can't risk me revealing everything to his colleagues or to the police.

Choice 1 : Try to seduce him.

Choice 2 : Offer to help him raise the child.

Choice 3 : Run.


The End.

I didn't even get a chance to say anything. Anyway, people who know the mafia die like this more often than not...

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.

Work with the Mafia.

After a long conversation with him, I took the decison to escape. I will go somewhere nobody will find me. I don't want to work with the mafia because my family will be in danger... That is why I decide to orchestrate my disappearance.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Try to seduce him.

I think flirting works with him. He looks at me like he's never seen a woman before. I have to help this child, find his parents... I have to do something, now! I don't have many choices. Maybe I can do something like drugs, or knock him out. I can't believe this man is a criminal... I liked him a lot. Maybe a little too much.

Choice 1 : Seduction works.

Choice 2 : Seduction doesn't work.

Trying to seduce

Offer to help him raise the child.

He asks me what we should do with the child. I answer him that we have no choice but to keep him, that he will go to prison for a very long time if the police come to know that he is the author of the kidnapping which took place a long time ago. We take care of the child and as time progresses, we lie to him so that he doesn't discover the monsters we have become because of him.

Write a choice here.

Help a criminal

Apply to AZB & Partners.

I've been here for about three months now, I realize that I don't like this job. People here don't do anything to help the children... My dream is to change things in the YPD... The boss, Mickael, told me that I can't do that, many people tried, but nothing has changed. That's why I decided to take a sabbatical year. This moment for me is the only option to really think about what I can do to change the world, to bring a glimmer of hope to children in need.

Choice 1 : Take a sabbatical year.


Seduction works.

I never thought I'd be able to seduce him. Him, such a contemptuous and dangerous man. After a moment that seemed so long, he started to trust me. He started leaving me alone with the child for days. He didn't even care that I might betray him. It is therefore no later than two weeks after my seduction that I try to go out in the middle of the night with the child in order to hand him over to the authorities.

Choice 1 : You saved the child.

Choice 2 : You did not had the time to save the child.

Seduction doesn't work.

At first, I was sure he believed me. Her eyes were showing it to me, but after a few seconds, her lips started to lift. Looks like he was smiling... He knew I was lying, he knew my only goal was to save the child. That's why I ended up in the same room as the child, kidnapped me too...

Choice 1 : The end.


I instantly got scared. I started running at full speed. I saw him out of the corner of my eye start chasing after me. Suddenly I tripped and felt a hand pull my ankle. Then I woke up with a headache sitting in a chair with my hands tied. He told me to shut up otherwise I would die. I didn't know how not to scream...

Choice 1 : The end.


You saved the child.

Yes I did it! Now the child is with his parents. His sister is so happy to see him and his parents were crying with joy when they saw him. I'm glad we did it together. Without his grandiose courage, I would not have succeeded in saving him from this kidnapping. The perpetrator his in jail now, for sixteen years. I am going back home to relaxe and write a book about my story.

Choice 1 : The end.

You did not had the time to save the child.

I didn't have time to save us. We weren't running fast enough. He started chasing us in his Dodge Ram. He was driving so fast, we were so scared. I saw the headlights approaching and I saw the child being hit by the executioner's car... I knew my turn was coming, so I continued to run in the darkness of the forest.

Choice 1 : The end.

The boy discover that he was kidnapped when he was 1 year old.

Me and my boss had kept all the diaries describing the disappearance of the child in order to have certain memories and in order to find a solution to all this. It was the child's birthday, he was now 14 years old. We've been keeping it to ourselves for thirteen years now. One day, when we were preparing the attic to move, he came face to face with the newspapers and immediately understood. I was not fast enough to catch up with him, he was already at the police station...

Choice 1 : The end.

The boy do not discover his kidnapping.

Well, our baby have 18 years old, he is an adult now. He is moving out with his new girls friend. I'm glad he never find out that he was kidnapped.

Choice 1 : The end.

Take a sabbatical year.

I decided to take a sabbatical year to think about what I want to do in my life. Finally, I found a job in business and I decided to not go back to school because I love my job.

Write a choice here.