Aircraft Field

A hypertext narrative by

Henri Doré

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1202

Choice count: 30

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 100 matches

(choice, classes, college, diploma, don, field, grades, high school, integration, jerome, learn, motivation, pilot, sabbatical, school, score, semester, social, teacher, technology, vocational)

Law : 26 matches

(child, children, close, contract, fact, family, financial, house, licence, living, maintenance, minimum wage, misconduct, motor vehicle, parent, reply)

Web development : 25 matches

(build, button, child, close, field, integration, join, list, parent, pass, path, plane, return, state)

Target Structure: (11 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

more often (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

more often than not (1 match)

thoughtful (1 match)

wage (1 match)

abroad (2 matches)


Aircraft Field

It is time to choose what you want to do.

After being stuck in high school for five years, it is time to choose where you want to go, and you need to make a thoughtful decision. You are interested in two things. Going to Air Richelieu College and becoming a pilot or going at Saint-Jérome and becoming technical mechanical engineer.

Choice 1 : Air Richelieu College.

Choice 2 : St-Jerome College.


Air Richelieu College.

You learn that this program is limited, and you need to get straight A's to enter. So, you decide to...

Choice 1 : Apply to the integration program at St-Jerome College.

Choice 2 : Apply now and don't worry about your grades.

ecole pilotage

St-Jerome College.

You Apply in Mechanical Engineering Technology, but a parent's friend who works in this area, tells you the ins-and-outs of the job, and you know that it is not made for you. So, you cancel your program, leaving you with two choices ...

Choice 1 : Apply to the integration program at St-Jerome College.

Choice 2 : Take a sabbatical year before changing programs.


You build your own company.

You don't know how to manage a company, so you go bankrupt, and you end up living on social well-being.

Choice 1 : The end


You join a company.

You die in a crash because someone did a misconduct and gave you a broken plane.

Choice 1 : The end


Integration at St-Jerome College.

You are happy about your choice because instead of having 7 or 8 classes in your schedule you only get 5 or 6 per semester, and you also meet your girlfriend in the same year. On top of that, you can now apply in the program you really want!

Choice 1 : Apply to Aircraft Maintenance Technology program at ÉNA


Take a sabbatical year.

You decide to have fun, travel, take time for yourself and apply for the fall semester a year later, but you lose all of your motivation to study, so you never return to school. You find two different paths for your future...

Choice 1 : Work in a cinema the rest of your life.

Choice 2 : You decide to get a diploma of vocational studies (DEP) to become a motor vehicle mechanics and repairers.


Aircraft Maintenance Technology program at ÉNA.

You finish you program successfully with good grades and a good R score. You can now start your career with this job like most people in this field do, but you learn from a teacher that you can also try to become a pilot while skipping the waiting list. So, ...

Choice 1 : You decide to start to work at Aircraft Maintenance Technology.

Choice 2 : You decide to try to get your flying licence.


You decide to work in a cinema the rest of your life.

You spend the rest of your life working a minimum wage dead-end job, and you think that will be enough to live. Despite all this, you end up depressed with financial difficulties.

Choice 1 : the end


You decide to get a diploma of vocational studies (DEP) to become a motor vehicle mechanic and repairer.

You spend the rest of your life in happiness more often than not, but your parent are discontented and maddening about your choices. Also, you don't have a lot of money, so you have to do a lot of overtime.

Choice 1 : the end


Air Richelieu College.

You receive the reply for your application, and it got declined. So, you grab your shoes and start to run in the forest to relax yourself. After fifteen minute of running, you come across a weird machine with a red button that looks like a time machine. This is a little bit scary, but you need to make a choice.

Choice 1 : You press the button and try to return to the pass and choose a different path.

Choice 2 : You go back to your house, and you take a sabbatical year.


Integration at St-Jerome College.

You do the best you can to have good grades, but you don't have a lot of motivation, so you finish your two semester in integration with an R score of 27, and you pray for this to be enough to be accepted in the pilot college.

Choice 1 : Apply to Air Richelieu College


Aircraft Maintenance Technology.

You decide to start to work in maintenance, but you have a lot of possibilities, and two of these are tempting you ...

Choice 1 : Work for Bell in Quebec.

Choice 2 : Work abroad.


Flying license.

You decide to continue your study, so you go at the pilot college, and they give you two choices: being a bush or an airline pilot.

Choice 1 : You choose to be airline pilot.

Choice 2 : You choose to be a bush pilot.


Work for bell in Quebec.

You love your job, but you also love the fact that you have your family, and your girlfriend close to you. You don't miss them and don't have to be in a long distance relationship. So, you just live your best life.

Choice 1 : The end


Work abroad.

You have an incredible job where you get a lot of experience, you have a lot of fun, and you make a lot of money for each contract. But, you need to have a long distance relationship with your girlfriend, and you miss your family, so it is hard on your mental health. Also, you can't have a family because you can't be there to raise your child.

Choice 1 : The end


Airline pilot.

You decide to become an airline pilot. You boss gives you two choices, you can make long flights overseas or short flights not too far, like to British Columbia.

Choice 1 : Long flights oversea.

Choice 2 : Short flights in Canada or in the United States.


Bush pilot.

You decide to become a bush pilot, and you need to decide if you want to build your own company or join a company.

Choice 1 : You build your own company.

Choice 2 : You join a company.


Long fly oversea.

You love to make long flights, you see beautiful sunsets and sunrises. Sometimes, you can visit the country where you fly to, and you are paid for it because you need to wait until your next flight. Also, you get a lot of discounts for flights when you want to travel on your own. You have one of the best jobs ever, and you love it. The only thing is that you don't see you family a lot when you work, just like in a lot of aboard jobs and this is hard on your mental state sometimes. You die with some regret but also with an incredible life.

Choice 1 : The end


Short flights in Canada or in the United States.

You got an incredible job where you can work and see your family. You can travel a lot with you wife because of your flight discounts. You die with beautiful children and the most beautiful wife in the world.

Choice 1 : The end
