My career has a business manager.

A hypertext narrative by

Ezekiel Huet

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1452

Choice count: 34

Section count: 23

Image count: 23

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis

Business : 74 matches

(administration, balance, business, customers, deal, facility, management, manager, marketing, money, offer, office, paid, pay, price, product, profit, sales, sell, store, team)

Education : 61 matches

(choice, college, education, exam, field, head, homework, management, school, semester, social, test, training)

Law : 33 matches

(access, arrest, cheat, close, construction, force, hostage, house, information, living, month, noise, offer, office, police force, price, receiving, rent)

Target Structure: (2 matches)

internship (3 matches)

though (1 match)


My career has a business manager.

End of my education at Montmorency College.

It was a Friday night in the month of May and I had a lot of homework to do for the End of the semester. All of my friends were going to a party at my friend's house, and luckily they invited me to it. I was really excited about that idea, but I had to make a choice.

Choice 1 : Doing my homework.

Choice 2 : Go partying.

Montmorency College

Doing my homework.

After deciding to do my homework, I had no regret. I really needed to study. After about 3 hours of homework I had finally managed to understand and remember all the formulas. I was finally ready for my tests. The day of the exams I pulled straight A' in every exam. My determination had finally paid of. I was finally going to be a business manager. Now I needed to choose the pate that I wanted to take.

Choice 1 : Do an internship in marketing management.

Choice 2 : Work for my mom's shop.

doing homework

Go partying.

The night was crazy, and I was making friends all over the place. I had an exam the next day, but I was already prepared, well I think so. It was now 2 a.m. and I kept receiving message from my parents, but who cares, I'm the one who studied all day, I should know if I'm ready for the exam. The next day, I felt sick but still had to come to the school, the exam was a nightmare. It felt like every tiny bit of information that I used to know got lost in my head, so I decided to cheat. After 3 hours of exam, I passed the test with a 62. Tough. One week after the exam, I already had to take a choice even though I wasn't ready at all.

Choice 1 : Take a year to think about my future job.

Choice 2 : Get an on the job training at a finance institution.

Go to the party

Do an internship in marketing management.

After 1 month in my internship doing marketing management, I didn't feel in the right place. I wanted to be in the field working from different places and having my own small business. But what business.

Choice 1 : Car rental business.

Choice 2 : Sport equipment store.


Work for my mom's shop.

My mom's business was really fun to work at, I was practicing every aspect of a business, accounting, sales, marketing and also communication. It felt like it was the perfect job, but I had bigger ambition, so I gathered my friends, and we decided to make a business together, but what kind of business.

Choice 1 : Construction business.

Choice 2 : Car garages business.

mom's shop

Take a year to think about my future job.

For a year, I really felt like I was lost, I felt useless, and I needed to make a change. I wanted to help people. I really wanted to join a special force because I felt like doing paper work all my life wasn't going to do it for me.

Choice 1 : Join the police force has a manager.

Choice 2 : Join the army has an officer.


Get an on the job training at a finance institution.

After 2 months of training, I felt like I suited the job. I was good at it, and I finally wanted to be a team manager at the finance facility. Later that day my boss interred my office and gave me a choice to make.

Choice 1 : Become the VP of marketing administration.

Choice 2 : Become a team manager of marketing department.


Car rental business.

After almost 1 year, I was finally able to make a living out of it, and I enjoyed my work. I chose my schedule and I took the risk that I thought was going to make more money.One day, a man in a black suit walked in the dealer ship and gave me a briefcase with a note on it. I thought he was here to buy the dealer ship.

Choice 1 : Sell the dealership.

Choice 2 : Keep the dealership.

car rental

Sport equipment store.

The sport equipment business was doing good, I was doing sales all over Canada. My business was sailing good equipment at a low price because I felt like kids needed to have access to sport even if their parents were struggling financially. One day in the office, I thought about the price of the goods once again and I was asking myself if I should raise the prices.

Choice 1 : Raise the price.

Choice 2 : Keep the price.

sport store

Construction business.

Gathering my friends was a good idea. We were able to become one of the biggest construction empire in Quebec with 10 millions dollar in sales every year. After 20 years, we all retired filthy rich.

Choice 1 : The End


Car garages business.

After 10 years, the garage was doing really good. Everyone had a job to do in the garage. I was doing the paper work.Eventually, are kids even started working there to take are places. We then eventually retired.

Choice 1 : The End


Join the police force has a manager.

Being a police officers was really my cup of tea, I enjoyed it and every day was a new adventure. One day, while taking my donuts break I got a call that a hostage was stuck in a building right beside my location. My adrenaline started to rise, and I felt like I needed to do something to help the hostage.

Choice 1 : Go in.

Choice 2 : Call for backup.

police officer

Join the army has an officer.

After being an officer cadet for a year in the army, I got promoted to chief officer. I was well-known and was one of their best officers. 2 years later while being in Iraq, my team and I got stuck in an ambush. Suddenly a grenade came out of nowhere and sate right beside me and my crew. Being the officer, I had one choice.

Choice 1 : Tell everyone to run.

Choice 2 : Jump on the grenade.

army officer

Become the VP of marketing administration.

Being the VP at a young age and without experience was really hard, there was way too much to due, and I started to lose my social life and to adopt bad habit such as intense drinking problem. I stopped working and got therapy.

Choice 1 : The End


Become a team manager of marketing department.

Being a Team manager was fun, I was working with my team, and we soon became friends. My work balance was perfect. I wasn't putted in any stress situation, and I was free every week end. My career was a success, and I eventually retired peacefully.

Choice 1 : The End

Team manager

Sell the dealership.

The deal was way too good to refuse, I sold the dealership for 2 millions and retired peacefully.

Choice 1 : The End


Keep the dealership.

The offer was good, but I had to pass. The empire that I build had way too much potential. Eventually made over 4 millions in profit and retired with good money.

Choice 1 : The End


Raise the price.

When rising the price, we lost customers but continued to sell product to team and sport league. Before retiring, the store became the number one location to buy sports equipment in Laval.

Choice 1 : The End


Keep the price.

When I decide to keep the price, a was making little money and couldn't afford to pay the rent no more, I then decided that it would be better to close the store for all and start a new chapter in my life.

Choice 1 : The End

keep the price

Go in.

When I got in, I heard a noise upstairs, so I went to have a look and saw the men who kidnap the girl and arrest him. I got awarded with the medal of the braveness.

Choice 1 : The End

go in

Call for backup.

When I called for backup, the kidnapper was already frustrated and started shooting. He unfortunately killed two police officers, the girl and committed suicide.

Choice 1 : The End

call backup

Tell everyone to run.

Suddenly after the grenade landed beside me, I yielded run, but it was too late. That day, 4 soldiers died and two were injured.

Choice 1 : The End


Jump on the grenade.

When I saw the grenade, I jumped on it to save my team but unfortunately died. A statue of me was places in my hometown in honor of my braveness.

Choice 1 : The End
