My Hypertext Narrative Story

A hypertext narrative by

Arianne Morel

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 84

Choice count: 6

Section count: 3

Image count: 3

Error count: 7

Field Related Analysis:

Computer Science : 4 matches (choice, hypertext, reader, Section)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 3 matches (section, short title, title)

Archaeology : 3 matches (here, narrative, section)

Target Structure:


My Hypertext Narrative Story


Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : aaaa

Choice 2 : aaa

Choice 3 : aa


Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : fjenxsw.

Choice 2 : Give this section a short title.

Choice 3 : bb

Give this section a short title.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.

The End.