Test 2

A hypertext narrative by

Gabrielle Laurent

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 983

Choice count: 23

Section count: 20

Image count: 1

Error count: 14

Field Related Analysis:

Education : 20 matches (Down, School, choice, class, college, course, degree, evaluates, exam, fail, first, grades, graduate, school, student, students, teach, teacher, test, university)

Nursing : 18 matches (anatomy, biology, bursitis, clinic, test, first aid, habit, HR, injuries, joint, MR, muscle, physical, physiotherapy, position, sleep, tendinitis, patients)

Psychology : 15 matches (amplitude, attention, biology, class, game, habit, joint, love, muscle, need, opinion, patient, sleep, subject, therapist)

Target Structure:

background check (1 match)

bias (1 match)

drawback (1 match)

flirtation (1 match)

HR (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)


Test 2

The beginning of a new adventure !

Congratulations ! Your hard work is rewarded, you are now a graduate as a Physical Therapist from Montmorency College. With this degree in hand, you decide to continue your studies. Several schools have looked at your file and you have been accepted to 2 of them. Which university will you go to?

Choice 1 : Collège d’ostéopathie du Québec.

Choice 2 : McGill University in Physiotherapy.

Collège d’ostéopathie du Québec.

Since this school is far from your home, you decide to move into an apartment. You decide to :

Choice 1 : Move in with a young French student who is doing an exchange for a year, to save money

Choice 2 : Move in alone, despite the significant costs associated with this decision.

Move in with a young French student.

How is your relationship?

Choice 1 : It's love at first sight ! As soon as you move in together, a little game of flirtation begins.

Choice 2 : You have several different.

Love at first sight !

Your love keeps growing. After a while, how does your relationship develop?

Choice 1 : Positively.

Choice 2 : Negatively.

Your relationship is developing positively.

Your love keeps growing. At the end of the student exchange of your lover, you decide to leave everything and go to France with him.

Write a choice here.

The honeymoon is over, your relationship is not the same as it was at the beginning.

It's only been a few weeks that you're in a relationship and you discover that he is not as you thought. He has the ingrained habit of not cleaning the apartment.

Write a choice here.

Your relationship is developing negatively.

There is more and more tension with the French student. You have a lot of trouble studying at the apartment and your grades go down drastically. You discuss the problem with him. How is the situation evolving?

Choice 1 : It's getting worse.

Choice 2 : It's getting better.

It's getting worse.

These tensions use all your attention. You are no longer able to sleep more at night and stop studying. You fail your anatomy class.

Write a choice here.

It's getting better.

You both make efforts and the relationship improves. He even helps you to study for your anatomy exam.

Write a choice here.

Write a choice here.

You have several different.

This is the drawback of sharing an apartment. You want to study quietly in the apartment while he invites his friends every night to party. You decide to discuss it calmly with him about the situation and wait to see if it gets better. After a while, how is the situation evolving?

Choice 1 : You have several different.

Choice 2 : It's getting better.

It's getting worse.

There is more and more tension with the French student. You have a lot of trouble studying at the apartment and your grades go down drastically. You fail my anatomy class.

Write a choice here.

It's getting better.

You both make efforts and the relationship improves. He even helps you to study for your anatomy exam.

Write a choice here.

What to eat this week?

The bills related to the school and the apartment accumulate. It is imperative that you find a way to eat this week, but you do not have enough money to go to the grocery. What are you going to do?

Choice 1 : Theft food at the grocery store.

Choice 2 : Go to the food bank near your apartment.

Theft food at the grocery store.

You get caught stealing.

Choice 1 : An employee catches you stealing and you are taken to the police station.

Choice 2 : The employee is one of your friends in your first aid course and he helps you steal.

Go to the food bank near your apartment.

What happens to the food bank?

Choice 1 : The food bank provides you with invaluable help. This help allows you to eat well and to devote yourself to your studies.

Choice 2 : You meet someone from your biology class who volunteers at the food bank and you feel shame for long weeks.

You chose to go to McGill University in Physiotherapy.

Since you live at your parents' house next to the school, you decide :

Choice 1 : To devote yourself entirely to your studies.

To devote yourself entirely to your studies.

Which teacher do you choose for your mobility course?

Choice 1 : Mrs. Francoeur.

Choice 2 : Mr Langelier.

Mrs. Francoeur.

Mrs. Francoeur is a great teacher ! She is recognized to be a teacher who explains the subject clearly. She will teach you in depth all you need to know to help a patient find his complete joint amplitude. After completing the course, you will be comfortable demonstrating mobility exercises to your patients which will allow them to return to their function as quickly as possible.

Write a choice here.

Mr Langelier.

At the first class, you hear from other students that this teacher is known for his bias opinion when he evaluates the practical exams. You realize that this will probably be a difficult session but you hope that this is only a rumor and that Mr Langelier is a good teacher of mobility.

Write a choice here.

To look for a job since you have the time to work.

You sent your application to two physiotherapy clinics that had vacant position for a Physical Therapist. After having carefully read your application and done the background check, the HR department call you to announce that you have the job. Which clinic do you choose?

Choice 1 : The clinic that mainly treats people who had car accidents : fractures, amputations and spinal problems.

Choice 2 : The clinic that treats sports injuries: bursitis, tendinitis and muscle stretching.

The End.