You decide my Life!

A hypertext narrative by

Duc-Benjamin Le

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 895

Choice count: 33

Section count: 24

Image count: 24

Error count: 17

Field Related Analysis

Education : 60 matches

(choice, college, don, grades, graduation, management, market, university)

Business : 30 matches

(contract, management, manager, market, money, office, promotion)

Paramedics : 22 matches

(department, disease, heart, nurse, nursing, sleep, supervisor)

Target Structure: (4 matches)

overtime (4 matches)

retirement (3 matches)

vacant position (4 matches)

wage (1 match)


You decide my Life!

Graduation at Ahuntsic College in Accounting and Management.

After my graduation, I have the choice to pursue my studies at the HEC University or to go on the job market.

Choice 1 : HEC University.

Choice 2 : Go on the job market.


HEC University.

I can pursue my studies in accounting and management or realize that I can't have the grades to pursue it.

Choice 1 : Doing accounting.

Choice 2 : Have bad grades at University.


Doing accounting.

If I do my accounting Studies, I can make a lot of money or get fired from your job.

Choice 1 : Make a lot of money.

Choice 2 : Get fired from your job.


Make a lot of money.

Now that I have chosen to do accounting Studies, I am making a lot of money! With all this money during my career, I Will retirement early and get a big house.

Choice 1 : Enjoy my great retirement, in my big house.


Enjoy my great retirement, in my big house.

Living my best live in my big house for the rest of my Life !

Choice 1 : End of the story.


End of the story.

You have determined my Life ! You can go back to the beginning and Start again.

Choice 1 : Graduation at Ahuntsic College in Accounting and Management.


Go on the job market.

I can send my CV's to Revenu Quebec or to KPMGé.

Choice 1 : Go to work at the Revenu Quebec.

Choice 2 : Go to work at the KPMG.

job market

Go to work at the Revenu Quebec.

By chosen the Revenu Quebec, I can get in a psychological harassment situation or get a promotion.

Choice 1 : Get a massive promotion, and be the department manager.

Choice 2 : Be in a psychological harassment situation.

revenu quebec

Get a massive promotion, and be the department manager.

Because I'm working in the Revenu Quebec, I get a promotion and became a manager department.

Choice 1 : End of the story.

promotion job

Go to work at the KPMG.

By chosen to go at KMPG, I can contract a cardiovascular disease or fall in love with someone in the office.

Choice 1 : Contract a cardiovascular disease.

Choice 2 : Fall in love with my supervisor.


Contract a cardiovascular disease.

My cardiovascular diseases got worse, I died constantly after my heart stops. Return to the beginning.

Choice 1 : Back to the beginning.


Fall in love with my supervisor.

By falling in love with the supervisor, I can build a family or get promotion job.

Choice 1 : Build a family.

Choice 2 : Get a promotion job.


Build a family.

I choose to build a family before my career. I will have a happy family and spend time with my kids.

Choice 1 : End of the story.


Get a promotion job.

I choose the career over the family and yet have a massive wage because I'm the boyfriend of the boss. I will retire early with all the money I've earned.

Choice 1 : Retire early and have a ton of money to spend.


Retire early and have a ton of money to spend.

You choose the money! I will be able to spend all the money to buy fancy stuff and travel.

Choice 1 : End of the story.


Back to the beginning.

You died.

Choice 1 : Graduation at Ahuntsic College in Accounting and Management.


Be in a psychological harassment situation.

Because of my colleagues, I was in a situation of psychology harassment. From that situation, I can quit my job or apply for a vacant position in another department.

Choice 1 : Quit my job at Revenu Quebec.

Choice 2 : Apply for a vacant position, in another department


Quit my job at Revenu Quebec.

Because I have quit my job, I will finish my Life alone and destroy by the situation.

Choice 1 : Be at home alone all the rest of my life and cry every day.

Be at home alone all the rest of my life and cry every day.

As you have chosen this choice, I will end my life alone and sad. Go back to the beginning!

Choice 1 : Back to the beginning.

Apply for a vacant position, in another department.

I have the choice to apply for a vacant position for a post in nursing or don't get the post and not became a nurse.

Choice 1 : Don't get the post that I want.

Choice 2 : Accept the new post I want and become a nurse.

Don't get the post that I want.

I don't have the choice I want !! Go back and make a better choice !

Choice 1 : Back to the beginning.

Accept the new post I want and become a nurse.

You have chosen the best choice for me ! With this new post, I have to work all nights in overtime because I'm the new nurse.

Choice 1 : Do overtime every day.

Do overtime every day.

With this nursing job, I don't have the choice to do overtime every day and work every night... I will die by not sleep enough !

Choice 1 : Die by not sleep enough.

Die by not sleep enough.

I have right, I die by not sleeping enough...

Choice 1 : Back to the beginning.