Hypertexte narrative about Youth and Adult correctional intervention

A hypertext narrative by

justine Cayouette

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1053

Choice count: 23

Section count: 17

Image count: 17

Error count: 14

Field Related Analysis:

Corrections-Technology : 17 matches (agent, authority, cell, correction, correctional, correctional officer, crisis, educator, escort, guard, intervention, inmates, penitentiary, prison, security, technique, young)

Law/Paralegal-Technology : 15 matches (affirm, agent, Authority, case, charge, citizen, government, intervention, loss, option, priority, security, seduction, trust, young)

Sociology : 13 matches (authority, cell, closed, conflict, head of, institution, narrative, problematic, role, Small, intervention, trust, unit)

Target Structure:


Hypertexte narrative about Youth and Adult correctional intervention


It all started like this.

I finished my technique of Youth and Adult correctional intervention in 2019 at Ahuntsic College. Now that I have my diploma, I have two option of job if I want to work in an institution. I have to decide whether I prefer to work with young people or with an adult clientele.

Choice 1 : Go work for the federal government as a corrections officer.

Choice 2 : Go work for the youth center of Montreal as an educator.


Go work for the federal government as a corrections officer.

Now that I am a correctional officer, I am responsible for the safety and security of the inmates. I have to escort them, handle the case, do cell searches, do counts of inmates and deal with tense and difficult situations. I must, in addition, fill out several event reports. During a crisis or dangerous events, I am obliged to intervene and make restraints on problematic people. I must always keep in mind that my safety is the priority. I must ensure the safety of other inmates in the institution.

Choice 1 : I work in a female penitenciary.

Choice 2 : I work in a male penitenciary.


Go work for the youth center of Montreal as an educator.

Now that I am an educator for the youth center of Montreal, I work in a YCJA unit of closed guard. I am in charge of 12 boys aged between 14 year old and 18 year old.

Choice 1 : I use seduction to make the people of the unit love me.

Choice 2 : I managed to do my respect by being authentic with the people of the unit.


I work in a female penitenciary.

I work in Joliette Institution for Women. I am a correction agent who have a caseload and make some follow-ups with the inmates. Inmates tends to be disrespectful because I am a woman.

Choice 1 : I affirm my role and my authority.

Choice 2 : I prefer to remain discreet to avoid unnecessary conflict.

A man

I work in a male penitenciary.

I work at Archambault Institution, a men penitentiary that has two units ; a medium security unit and a minimum security unit. I managed to get my respect, but the inmates tend to try to seduce me.

Choice 1 : I let the inmates seduces me.

Choice 2 : I affirm myself and use my authority.


I use seduction to make the people of the unit love me.

I want to be loved by people in the unit. I avoid reprimanding the youth of the unit and I use seduction to lead them to obey me. This can lead to the loss of confidence of my colleagues and my credibility.

Choice 1 : A youth in the unit invents a rumor about me.

Choice 2 : My teammates explain methe inpact of my behavior.

Team work

I managed to do my respect by being authentic with the people of the unit.

My teammates know they can trust me and the kids respect my authority. I finally had my place on the team.

Choice 1 : I am finaly a part of the team.

I affirm my role and my authority.

I impress upon inmates that they can not be disrespectful to a correctional officer and thus demonstrate my credibility with the inmates and my colleagues.

Choice 1 : An interesting proposal is presented to me.

I prefer to remain discreet to avoid unnecessary conflict.

When a person disrespects me or a conflict occurs, I ignore the situation. I prefer to let my colleagues handle the situation because I want to remain neutral.

Choice 1 : I am dismissed from my job because I do not fulfill my role in the prison.

I let the inmates seduces me.

Since I let the inmates seduce me, they are nice to me. My objectivity and impartiality are less present in my job. My colleagues no longer trust me and doubt my abilities as a correctional officer.

Choice 1 : I discover that this job is not for me and I quit.

Choice 2 : I am dismissed from my job because I do not fulfill my role in the prison.

I affirm myself and use my authority.

My interventions are justified and the inmates do not manipulate me.I am congruent in my interventions and my colleagues support me..

Choice 1 : An interesting proposal is presented to me.

I am dismissed from my job because I do not fulfill my role in the prison.

My interventions are not beneficial and the inmates manipulates me. Thus, I harm the intervention of my colleagues and causes mockery. I did not manage to take my place and fulfill my tasks. I compromised my own safety and that of my comrades.

Choice 1 : I reoriented myself to a new job.

I discover that this job is not for me and I quit.

Since the job no longer suits me, I leave and I move to Australia to start a new life. I am now the owner of a small restaurant on the beach.

Choice 1 : I am now a happy citizen of Australia.

An interesting proposal is presented to me.

Since I have been working for the Canadian government and for the same institution for many years now, I am promoted to a new position.

Choice 1 : I am now the head of unit.

A youth of the unit invents a rumor about me.

Since I tended to use seduction for people to obey me, the rumor seems credible to my colleagues. I lose the trust of my employer, and I am fired. I can not work for youth centers anymore.

Choice 1 : I reoriented myself.

My teammates explain me the impact of my behavior.

I have now adapted a new kind of intervention and I don't use seduction anymore. My teammates trust me now and I enjoy my job. My interventions are relevant and my employer is satisfied with the work I do at the institution.

Choice 1 : I am finaly a part of the team.

Word Count : 1041.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Write a choice here.

The End.