My destiny

A hypertext narrative by

Assiya Ajakan

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1779

Choice count: 53

Section count: 34

Image count: 34

Error count: 22

Field Related Analysis

Education : 106 matches

(cat, choice, classes, college, courses, diploma, don, failed, first, games, head, high school, homework, management, motivation, p, school, special school, vacation)

Dance : 47 matches

(around the world, back, break, check, close, front, out, position, run, running, skip, step, through, walk)

Tourism : 23 matches

(area, average, catering, destination, et, hotel, mall)

Target Structure: (7 matches)

foot in the door (1 match)

maddening (1 match)

overwhelmed (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

though (4 matches)

vacant position (1 match)


My destiny

When it all began.

I had to make up my mind and choose my life’s path carefully, or I could end up in places I didn’t want to be. My destiny started at that precise moment. After many years of struggling at studying at my high school, I finally managed to go through it all, except I had some missing courses that I needed to be able to get into college. I don't know what to do, though.

Choice 1 : Go to a special school to finish up my missing courses.

Choice 2 : Drop everything and go to travel around the world.

Saint-Maxime High School

Go to a special school to finish up my missing courses.

I'm never late when it comes to homework and studying, but sometimes, you can be lazy and just want (and need) to rest.

Choice 1 : Skip some classes.

Choice 2 : Continue making efforts.

Special School Le Tremplin

Drop everything and go to travel around the world.

There are so many interesting places to visit in the world, and I was wondering which destination I should go to. Though, I'm really not picky about destinations, especially because I was exhausted after all those years of studying. Las Vegas or Tokyo?

Choice 1 : Visit Japan.

Choice 2 : Visit Las Vegas.

Travel picture

Visit Japan.

After arriving in Japan, I was astonished at how beautiful the country is, especially at how clean it is. Did you know that Japan is considered to be one of the cleanliest countries in the world?

Choice 1 : Visit the Akihabara area.

Choice 2 : Visit Kyushu Island.


Visit Las Vegas.

As I was walking in the streets of Vegas, someone stole my bag. Luckily, it only contained money and not other important things like my identity cards. I should’ve been more careful as pick pocketing is pretty much common all around the world. I still had no money left on me, though.

Choice 1 : Run after the thief.

Choice 2 : Let it go.

Las Vegas

Skip some classes.

I couldn’t stop myself from missing classes, and failed. Plus, I didn’t have the motivation to finish up my missing courses.

Choice 1 : When it all began.


Continue making efforts.

At lunch break, some guy was being rude to me for no reason. I wanted to ignore him because I know better than fighting over nothing, but he really got on my nerves.

Choice 1 : Ignore the guy.

Choice 2 : Hit him.

Lunch break

Visit the Akihabara area.

As I was walking the streets of Akihabara, I noticed how breathtaking this place is. It’s filled with electronic, arcades and video games stores, manga and anime stores, along with many other types of interesting stores! As a tourist, I could say that this place is out of this world.

Choice 1 : Go to a cat cafe.

Choice 2 : Go to an electronics store.


Visit Kyushu Island.

I came across yakuzas (Japanese gangsters) and I’ve always heard some pretty nasty things about them. Even though most of them don’t harass you unless you deserve it, I was really scared for my life because the ones in front of me didn’t look like they were here to play.

Choice 1 : Run for my life.

Choice 2 : Accept my fate.


Ignore the guy.

I ignored him because I knew better than that. I managed to pass all my missing courses in order to get my high school diploma.

Choice 1 : Apply at The Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec, located in Montreal.

Choice 2 : Apply at Montmorency College, in Laval.


Hit him.

I lost my cool and hit him, I shouldn’t have done that because I got kicked out of school. Worse than that, I got sued by his parents for assault. It was a dead end.

Choice 1 : When it all began.


Run after the thief.

If I didn’t get my money back, I could be in deep trouble, so I had to run after the thief.

Choice 1 : Scream at people to stop him.

Choice 2 : Let it go.


Let it go.

The thief ran too fast, and I knew I couldn’t catch him. I continued to roam the streets of Las Vegas when I discovered something really strange in a suspicious alley.

Choice 1 : Check out what it is.

Choice 2 : Walk away.

Dark alley

Go to a cat cafe.

I know that Japan is a wonderful place for cat lovers, so I had to choose to go to a cat cafe. There was plenty of adorable cats and kittens. Unfortunately, one of them scratched me for no reason.

Choice 1 : Go back in my hotel room to sleep.

Choice 2 : Go to another cafe to hang out.

Cat cafe

Go to an electronics store.

I went to Yodobashi-Akiba, a mall where you can find almost all electronic devices that ever exist, and it’s nearby the Akihabara Station, about a minute-walk from there.

Choice 1 : Walk through the electronic device alleys.


Run for my life.

I didn’t even get to step back that I immediately got shot by the gangsters.

Choice 1 : When it all began.


Accept my fate.

Whether I ran or stayed, I would’ve got killed either way, so I simply accepted my doom.

Choice 1 : When it all began.

The Death/Grim Reaper

Apply at Montmorency College, located in Laval.

At first, I really liked the program, but after a school year doing all that tourism management stuff, I wasn’t sure if I truly wanted to do that. At that moment, I felt overwhelmed by everything.

Choice 1 : Stay in the same program.

Choice 2 : Change my program.

Montmorency College

Apply at The Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec, located in Montreal.

When someone applies, they have to choose which program they want to be in.

Choice 1 : Choose to work in catering.

Choice 2 : Choose to work in hotel management.

Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec College

Scream at people to stop him.

I knew that I couldn’t catch him if I only ran after him, so I shouted at people for them to catch him, or even call the police. After some minutes, the police appeared in front of the thief and questioned him. He managed to convince them that I was a crazy girl that was running after him. The police arrested me.

Choice 1 : When it all began.


Check out what it is.

My curiosity got the best of me, and I decided to check out what it was. To my horror, it was a corpse. The corpse was missing its head. I threw up and lost consciousness.

Choice 1 : ….

Question mark among others

Walk away.

I was pretty tired, so I decided to walk away.

Choice 1 : Go to an electronics store.

Choice 2 : Go back in my hotel room to sleep.

Walking away

Stay in the same program.

I was feeling alienated because I thought I didn’t like the program. After all, hardships always come whenever you expect it the least. I managed to get a college diploma because of my patience. I hoped I could find a vacant position.

Choice 1 : When it all began.

Finish line

Change my program.

For this one, I only had two choices. Either I change college or give up everything.

Choice 1 : Apply at another college.

Choice 2 : Give up.

Way to success

Go back in my hotel room to sleep.

I didn’t see time ran out. It was getting really late, about 9 p.m. Usually, cafes like these close pretty early, but this one wasn’t closed yet. I arrived at the hotel I stayed at and smiled at the receptionist. After arriving in my hotel room, I slept for some time. After a moment of peaceful sleeping, I woke up at the smell of smoke. At first, I thought it was some desperado puffing on their cancer stick inside their hotel room. But surprisingly, it wasn’t that average smell that comes from a cigarette, it was more intense. The hotel was on fire, and by the time the firefighters arrived, I was engulfed in flames.

Choice 1 : When it all began.

Firefighters doing their job

Go to another cafe to hang out.

The cats there were absolutely adorable! I wish I had a pet cat, but it takes a lot of patience.

Choice 1 : Go back in my hotel room to sleep.

Choice 2 : Visit Kyushu Island.

Cafe cafe

Walk through the electronic device alleys.

These are so inexpensive! It was a great idea for me to come here. Then, I got some thoughts….

Choice 1 : Buy some devices.

Choice 2 : Steal them.

Electronic devices

Choose to work in catering.

I don’t like hotel management, so I chose cooking department. After some years of not giving up, I managed to pull off straight A’s. I was so proud of myself! I thought I had a foot in the door with my diploma, and I was ready to finally enter the world of work.

Choice 1 : When it all began.


Choose to work in hotel management.

I didn’t know why I chose hotel management, that department isn’t my cup of tea at all. I thought maybe I deserved a little vacation after all that struggling.

Choice 1 : Drop everything and go to travel around the world.

Choice 2 : Choose to work in catering.


Buy some devices.

After buying electronic devices, I was happy of my purchase. As I went out of the store, the stealing detectors got off, and I got stopped by the security guards. They found unpaid devices in my pocket. I told them I didn’t steal, and I don’t know how it got there, but they didn’t believe me. I saw some hooded person smirking at me, and they ran away. I got set up!

Choice 1 : When it all began.

Barbed wire

Steal them.

I got caught and got arrested. I deserved it, as I broke the law.

Choice 1 : When it all began.

Arrested man


I woke up at the hospital, shivering cold. I asked the nurses what was going on, and they told me everything. What a day! I thought about going back to Canada to pursue my studies.

Choice 1 : Go to a special school to finish up my missing courses.

Hospital hallway

Apply somewhere else.

I only had one choice as other schools specialized in Tourism are too far.

Choice 1 : Apply at The Institut de tourisme et d'hôtellerie du Québec, located in Montreal.


Give up.

My motivation seemed to have vanished in a puff of smoke. I just wanted to give up everything, all of this is maddening.

Choice 1 : Drop everything and go to travel around the world.

Balloons floating away