The Story Of My Life

A hypertext narrative by

Gabriel Billette

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1044

Choice count: 36

Section count: 25

Image count: 24

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis

Education : 102 matches

(choice, coach, college, grades, graduate, graduation, major, outcomes, private, social, training, university)

Archaeology : 26 matches

(comes, her, here, keep, study, tell)

Web development : 24 matches

(plane, private, stop, write)

Target Structure: (5 matches)

premium wage (2 matches)

wage (2 matches)

threat (1 match)

volunteer (4 matches)

abroad (4 matches)


The Story Of My Life

Graduation from Letendre College.

After my graduation, I am going to Ahuntsic College.

Choice 1 : Go to Ahuntsic College.

Collège Letendre

Go to Ahuntsic College.

I'm now at Ahuntsic College and I choose to study Social Science as a football player.

Choice 1 : Study Social Science as a football player

Ahuntsic College



Choice 1 :

Study Social Science as a football player.

I can focus on my grades and stop playing football or continue to play football, but I have bad grades.

Choice 1 : Focus on my grades and stop playing football.

Choice 2 : Continue football, but have bad grades.

Football player at Ahuntsic College

Focus on my grades and stop playing football.

I have good grades, and I have the choice to study at Laval University, and study Psychology or at Bishop University, and study Sports science.

Choice 1 : Go to Laval University and study Psychology.

Choice 2 : Go to Bishop University, and study Sports Science.

Good grades

Go to Laval University and study Psychology.

I am now at Laval University and I have the choice to volunteer abroad or graduate in a Psychology major.

Choice 1 : Volunteer abroad.

Choice 2 : Graduate in a Psychology major.

Laval University

Go to Bishop University, and study Sports Science.

I study Sports science at Bishop University. I can either graduate and become a football coach or live a life of party.

Choice 1 : Become a football coach.

Choice 2 : Live a life of party.

Bishop University

Volunteer abroad.

I am choosing to volunteer abroad, but as the plane is about to take off I have a strange feeling that something is wrong.

Choice 1 : Stay on the plane

Choice 2 : Get off the plane and graduate in a Psychology major.

Volunteer abroad

Graduate in a Psychology major.

I'm finally done with my Psychology major. I can can either do some private counseling or work in a hospital as a psychologist.

Choice 1 : Private counseling

Write a choice here.


Stay on the plane.

I boarded the plane, but my gut feeling was right, the plane is about to crash. I'm stuck on the plane.

Choice 1 : Die in a plane crash.

Boarding the plane

Die in a plane crash.

I should've never boarded that plane and continued my Psychology major instead.

Choice 1 : Start again.

plane crash

Private counseling.

I am a private counselor, but the salary isn't great. I can either stay at an average wage or have a premium wage at the hospital.

Choice 1 : Continue as a private counselor.

Choice 2 : Work at the hospital as a psychologist.

Private counseling

Work at the hospital as a psychologist.

I work at the hospital as a psychologist and earn a premium wage, but here comes a new illness called Covid-19. I can either continue working at the hospital or start over and study at Bishop University.

Choice 1 : Work at the hospital despite Covid-19.

Choice 2 : Go to Bishop University, and study Sports Science.

hospital psychologist

Continue as a private counselor.

I continue private counseling and fall in love with on of my patient. I can either ask her out to diner or I prefer to keep it professional between us.

Choice 1 : Ask her out to diner.

Choice 2 : Keep it professional.

fall in love

Ask her out to diner.

I had the courage to ask her out to diner, and we are now married, and we have two children. I've been with her the rest of my life and never regretted my decision.

Choice 1 : Great decision, but you can start over if you want to see the different outcomes.

happy family.

Keep it professional.

I decide to keep in professional, but I regret it every day, and I'm lonely.

Choice 1 : Die lonely.


Die lonely.

I am very lonely and starting to feel depressed. I'm ending it all.

Choice 1 : A sad end to the story, but start over for another ending.

suicide prevention

Work at the hospital despite Covid-19.

I still work at the hospital despite Covid-19 being a major threat to my health. My boss asks me to come to a meeting and tell me that since I've decided to stay, I get a raise. I can either accept the raise and retire rich or I can go back to Bishop University.

Choice 1 : Retire rich.

Choice 2 : Go to Bishop University, and study what I've always wanted to do.

big raise

Retire rich.

I've now retired, and I'm rich.

Choice 1 : Start over for different choices.

retire rich

Become a football coach.

I am a football coach, and everybody respects me. I've had on-the-job training from the best coaches in the world, and I'm starting to be famous. I love my job and will do it for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 : That was the best decision for you. Start over for other endings.

Football coach

Live a life of party.

I party every night, and I love it, but I'm making bad decision and doing a lot of drugs. It is starting to be dangerous for me.

Choice 1 : Overdose.



I've partied every night, but too much, and my heart couldn't handle it. I've overdoses.

Choice 1 : Be careful with your life decision and what you take at a party. Start over for a different ending.

drugs prevention.

Continue football, but have bad grades.

I've decided to keep playing football, but my grades are getting worst as I speak. My coach wants to meet me. I can either go talk to him or stop playing football and focus on my grades.

Choice 1 : Focus on my grades and stop playing football.

Choice 2 : Have a conversation with my coach.

Football player at Ahuntsic College

Conversation with my coach.

My coach tells me that I have to stay focus on my grades or else he won't have a choice, but to fire me from the team. I can either focus on my grades and stop playing or continue playing football and pray that my grades will go up.

Choice 1 : Focus on my grades and stop playing football.

Choice 2 : Pray for better grades.

conversation with coach

Pray for better grades.

I'm fired from the team because my grades were too low. My coach was very angry.

Choice 1 : Focus on my grades and stop playing football.

angry coach