My Career as a Lawyer.

A hypertext narrative by

Florence Beaudoin

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 2002

Choice count: 26

Section count: 20

Image count: 20

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 108 matches

(bachelor's degree, cegep, choice, classes, courses, degree, don, failed, field, first, law school, learned, learning, level, options, register, research, school, social, student, students, training, university)

Law : 66 matches

(accused, administrative law, bias, case, cause, court, crimes, damage, death, debt, error, fact, family, house, incompetent, information, insurance, law, law degree, law firm, lawsuit, lawyer, lawyers, loss, offer, office, option, order, profession, property, rape, receiver, receiving, register)

Business : 50 matches

(assistance, customer, damage, employee, firm, firms, gain, insurance, meeting, merchandise, money, offer, office, opportunity, orders, owner, paid, pay, retail, store, team, trainees)

Target Structure: (12 matches)

bias (1 match)

drawbacks (1 match)

dreading (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (7 matches)

though (1 match)

trainees (1 match)

undermining (1 match)

wage (1 match)

withholding (1 match)

threats (3 matches)


My Career as a Lawyer.

University application.

I just finished my Social Sciences one week ago. Eventually, I would like to go to university. The only thing is that I don't have enough money to be a full-time student. I don't know if it is better for me to take a year off to work and save money. This would allow me to not have to work while I study at the university. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Take a year off to save money.

Choice 2 : Go to university.

Take a year off to save money.

I decided to take a year off before going back to school. As I intend to study law at university, I thought that an internship in a law firm would be useful. Although I understand how hard this position can be, so I chose to submit my resume from a retail store too. Nike to be more precise. Each of them brought me a job offer. What should I choose?

Choice 1 : Work for Nike.

Choice 2 : Take the internship for a law firm.

Go to university.

Because I do not want to waste time, I decided to transfer to university straight after cegep. However, I am now faced with a dilemma. Which university should I consider applying to? I have two choices, Bishop's University or McGill University. Several law professors at Bishop's University were accused of rape by 45 of their former students not too long ago, but were acquitted. This worries me as I could be the next victim, but at the same time, it is the most reputable law school in the country. However, McGill University trains the least recommended lawyers, but it's a 5-minute walk from my house. Recent reports indicated that McGill's lawyers only won two out of fifty cases and that they are very incompetent. Which university should I pursue my studies to?

Choice 1 : Bishop's University.

Choice 2 : McGill University.

Work for Nike.

I decided to go to work at Nike to avoid going into debt. The store offered me to be either a cashier or the person responsible for receiving the merchandise. I don't know what to choose. The cashiers stay behind the cash register and make sure that the payments are made and that the correct change is given. Merchandise receivers are responsible for checking that the orders that arrive are correct and unloading the trucks, so I have a choice between a static or physical job. Which job should I choose?

Choice 1 : Cashier.

Choice 2 : Merchandise receiver.

Take the internship for a law firm.

Because I knew that it was the right opportunity for the type of job I want to do later in life, I chose the internship. I can gain first-hand experience and a foot in the door of this lifestyle since it's closely related to my future study field. As expected, the first few days were rough because I had a lot of paper work and research to do. I received on-the-job training from my boss during my second week at work. Throughout the day, I learned the ins and outs of the job from him. Nevertheless, I began to realize he was withholding crucial office information. He was also trying to pull me into the office drama by undermining his employees. It is such a toxic environment for me. I don't know if I should stay there. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Quit.

Choice 2 : Stay there and try to find solutions to restore a healthy work environment.

McGill University.

I decided to go to McGill University, the university closest to my home. I just finished my first week, and I hate this school. It's a complete mess. In one week, two of my professors didn't even show up to their classes and the others just read PowerPoint of basic laws that everyone knows about. There is even a student who set the men's room on fire for no good reason. I am not learning anything about law, and I am unable to concentrate. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Change school.

Choice 2 : Stay in McGill to finish my studies

Bishop's University.

I decided to take a risk and go to the most reputable school, Bishop's University. I love this school, I have been studying there for a year now, and I have learned a lot of new things. The courses are extremely diverse and complete. I had courses in administrative law, public finance law, commercial law and judicial law. Unfortunately, yesterday a girl in all of my classes was sexually assaulted during an out of classes' encounter. What I feared the most happened to my friend. What do I do?

Choice 1 : Stay in Bishop to finish my studies.

Choice 2 : Dropping out of school.

Stay there and try to find solutions to restore a healthy work environment.

Due to the fact that I know I can make a difference at the law firm, I decided to stay to complete my internship. I have organized a group dinner to clear the air even though I only am an intern. I told the team that to re-establish a healthy work environment, everyone needed to stay away from gossip, stay positive, and not be on the same level as those who cause drama. Since our group meeting, everyone seems to be in a better mood, and productivity has increased. My role now is to assist the lawyers in setting up their trials, assist them in the courtroom, and help shed light on the crimes. It is the best decision of my life, I have never been happier, and I am dreading the day when my internship comes to an end.

Write a choice here.


I decided to leave the law firm and end my internship prematurely. The drawbacks were too numerous. It was easy for me to leave because the wage was minimal and the lawyers had a strong bias toward other trainees. Neither working nor returning to school is an option for me now. A decision needs to be made. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Go to university.

Choice 2 : Work for Nike.


I chose the position of cashier. In a week, my boss told me I had done a good job and was an excellent employee. However, he fired me. A few days after the encouraging comments, I had a transaction of $990. The customer purchased seven pairs of shoes. He paid me $1000 cash. Instead of entering this number in the cash register, I entered $10,000. Due to this error, I gave the customer over $9000 instead of $10. I failed to realize it and lost my job.

Write a choice here.

Merchandise receiver.

The position I picked was that of order receiver. After two weeks of work, a truck arrived with the merchandise, and he asked me to direct it so that it could back up to the warehouse door. I was distracted by a squirrel baffle in the side yard, so I did not tell the trucker to stop, so he crashed into the store. The store was completely demolished. The owner asked me to pay for the damage, but I don't have the money. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Run away.

Choice 2 : Sue the owner so that the store's insurance pays.

Change school.

I have decided to change schools. In spite of applying to all the universities in Quebec for a bachelor's degree in law, only Bishop's University accepted me. Sadly, this was not what I wanted. I am at a loss. Should I attend this school even if I am repelled by it, or should I drop out?

Choice 1 : Bishop's University.

Choice 2 : Dropping out of school.

Stay in McGill to finish my studies.

I decided to stay at McGill to finish my law degree. It was the best decision of my life. I graduated and succeeded. I finished in the top three best students. I even received scholarships and a special mention for the most promising student. Due to this, the largest firms offered me a position with them. But I am unsure of where I will start my career. Norton Rose Fulbright, BLG or McCarthy Tétrault are the three options. They are all located in Montreal. They are all famous, but the first is the most well-known. Where should I go?

Choice 1 : BLG.

Choice 2 : Norton Rose Fulbright.

Choice 3 : McCarthy Tétrault.

Stay in Bishop to finish my studies.

I decided to stay at Bishop to finish my law degree. It was the best decision of my life. I graduated and succeeded. I finished in the top three best students. I even received scholarships and a special mention for the most promising student. Due to this, the largest firms offered me a position with them. But I am unsure of where I will start my career. Norton Rose Fulbright or BLG are the two options. Both are located in Montreal. They are both famous, but the first is the most well-known. Where should I go?

Choice 1 : Norton Rose Fulbright.

Choice 2 : BLG.

Choice 3 : McCarthy Tétrault.

Dropping out of school.

The best decision was to drop out of school. Since then, I have been on social assistance. I do not intend to return to school or seek employment. Instead, I plan to take a little bit of time off to take care of my mental health.

Write a choice here.

Run away.

I decided to run away. I crossed the border illegally into the United States. Since then, I have not encountered any difficulties with authorities. While I was studying law here and raised my family here, no one had ever found me.

Write a choice here.

Sue the owner so that the store's insurance pays.

I decided to sue the owner of the Nike store where I worked. I have initiated an ongoing lawsuit with my lawyer to prove that I do not need to pay for the incident because it occurred during the workday. Finally, the owner of the property never showed up for his court date, which resulted in my victory. Since then, I have worked at the nearby Nike store.

Write a choice here.

Norton Rose Fulbright.

My decision was to join Norton Rose Fulbright as a starting point for my career. I have been entrusted with several cases including Luka Rocco Magnotta, Carl Girouard, and Blake Charbonneau. I have won every case that I have undertaken since I began my profession. I've received death threats from families whose members I had put behind bars. While this is true, I intend to retire at age 50. I believe that it is because of my success that I will be able to do this.

Write a choice here.


My decision was to join BLG as a starting point for my career. I have been entrusted with several cases including Luka Rocco Magnotta, Carl Girouard, and Blake Charbonneau. I have won every case that I have undertaken since I began my profession. I've received death threats from families whose members I had put behind bars. While this is true, I intend to retire at age 50. I believe that it is because of my success that I will be able to do this.

Write a choice here.

McCarthy Tétrault.

My decision was to join McCarthy Tétrault as a starting point for my career. I have been entrusted with several cases including Luka Rocco Magnotta, Carl Girouard, and Blake Charbonneau. I have won every case that I have undertaken since I began my profession. I've received death threats from families whose members I had put behind bars. While this is true, I intend to retire at age 50. I believe that it is because of my success that I will be able to do this.

Write a choice here.