Life after high school

A hypertext narrative by

Readly Pierre

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1208

Choice count: 20

Section count: 14

Image count: 14

Error count: 10

Field Related Analysis

Education : 100 matches

(cegep, choice, class, classes, college, diploma, down, failing, fees, field, field of study, first, grade, grades, high school, knowledge, level, market, research, school, semester, social, specific, technology, university, writing)

Law : 27 matches

(criminal, evidence, execution, family, family proceedings, government, house, law, lawyers, legal research, market, notaries, option, paralegal, promise)

Business : 24 matches

(administration, contracts, firms, lend, market, money, pay, team, technology)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


Life after high school

The new beginning.

Finally! After five years of hard work in high school, I have officially obtained my diploma. Now, it is time for me to choose a career that I would like to do and go forward.

Choice 1 : Go to CEGEP to do a three-year program.

Choice 2 : Go to CEGEP to do a two-year program

graduation secondary

Go to CEGEP to do a three-year program.

I decided to study into something that was going bring me directly in the market right after my studies. I'm pretty interested into the Paralegals programs. Paralegals help lawyers and notaries by doing legal work that doesn’t require the same level of knowledge and responsibility. They are an important part of a legal team. They can work in law firms, notarial firms, legal departments of companies, for courts or the government, and other places.There's only two CEGEPS near to me that offered the Paralegal Technology program but, which one should I choose?

Choice 1 : Choose CEGEP Ahuntsic here in Montreal

Choice 2 : Choose CEGEP Sorel-Tracy at Sorel-Tracy

a thinking buble

Go to CEGEP to do a two-year program.

I have decided that I will go to CEGEP to do a two-year program. I chose a Law program, so right after the two year, I will go to university. However, since I chose a two-year program I can go to any CEGEP that has a Law program. Should I go to a CEGEP with all of my friends or should I focus on my studies?

Choice 1 : Go to a CEGEP with all of my friends

Choice 2 : Focus on my studies

To be with friends or not

Choose CEGEP Ahuntsic here in Montreal.

I chose to go to CEGEP Ahuntsic here in Montreal because it's in my city. Otherwise, I would have moved into a dorm on site until the end of my program. I honestly rather stay in my city and be closer to my family and friends. For my Paralegal, Technology program I had to choose how many classes I wanted to add to my schedule. Should go light for my first semester or should I take as many classes that I can?

Choice 1 : Go light for the first semester

Choice 2 : Take as many classes I can

College Ahuntsic

Choose CEGEP Sorel-Tracy at Sorel-Tracy.

I chose CEGEP Sorel-Tracy at Sorel-Tracy. The first weeks were really nice, I was focus and made some new friends. It was a new environment and I liked it. Well, I quickly realized that I missed my family and friends. Sometimes, I would break down in tears, and I even got into depression! This is when I decided to go to a CEGEP near to my house in Montreal instead.

Choice 1 : Choose CEGEP Ahuntsic here in Montreal

CEGEP Sorel-Tracy

Go light for the first semester.

It was my first semester, so I had to be realistic. I decided to go light with my classes. I took seven classes. It might not look like it's light but believe me it is for the first semester. Four of them are in my specific field of study : paralegal function, foundation of law, legal research and history of law. The other three are mandatory classes : writing and literature, philosophy and rationality and dance. Now that I chose my CEGEP and my program, I have to pay for my registration fees, and my books. I had a job last summer, but I no longer have it. Should I apply for a new work, so I can pay my registration fees and books? With this option, I'll be saving some money! Or, would it be more reasonable to ask my parents for some money to pay and buy my books and promise them that I'll pay them back?

Choice 1 : Apply for a work, so I can pay my registration fees and books.

Choice 2 : Ask my parents some money to pay my registration fees and buy my books and promise to pay them back

work overload

Go to a CEGEP with all of my friends.

So, i made the decision to got to College de Maisonneuve because all of my friends were there. I got into a Law program named, "Social Science Profile Administration". I have 6 classes, but I have noticed that I was failing some of them because always hanging out with my friends instead of going in class. Should I canceled my whole semester to take a break or should I hang out less with my friends.

Choice 1 : Canceled my whole semester to take a break

Choice 2 : hanging out less with my friends

Group of students

Apply for a work, so I can pay my registration fees and books.

I chose to apply for a work, so I could pay for my registration fees and books.The first weeks I managed my time pretty well.I had good grades, but eventually I was very exhausted, and I was started to think, should quit my job?

Choice 1 : Quit the job

student job

Quit the job.

I had seven classes and my grades were falling off. I ask my boss if he could give me just a few shifts because I was still at school, and he disagreed. I had a choice : school or dream work? I decided to go for my dream job. I needed a good grade rating to get accepted to university and wouldn't be able to do it if I was still working. So, I quit.

Choice 1 : Quit the job

Dream work

Take as many classes I can.

I decided to take eight classes, because the more classes I take, the less there's to do to in my journey. Plus, I'ill be able to maybe complete my program in less than three years. Theses were my classes: execution of judgments, criminal law, contracts, evidence for the proceedings and drafting of family proceedings.

Choice 1 : Take as many classes I can


Ask my parents some money to pay my registration fees and buy my books and promise to pay them back.

I had talked with my parents, and they agreed to pay for my registration fees, and to lend me some money to buy my books. They were not for the idea of me working while having a lot of classes.

Choice 1 : Ask my parents some money to pay my registration fees and buy my books and promise to pay them back

Parents giving money

Canceled my whole semester to take a break.

Canceling my whole semester that I had already started would've been a waist of time. So, I should prioritize my classes.

Choice 1 : hanging out less with my friends

good decison

Hanging out less with my friends.

Hanging out with my friends in the hallways or just walking around the school doing absolutely nothing was making my grades going down. Ever since I started getting serious, and hanging out less, my grades were better. I was more focus and motivated for my classes.

Choice 1 : hanging out less with my friends

good grades

Focus on my studies.

I have made the choice to focus on my studies. It only been beneficial for me my grades are better, and I have a better chance to have a higher rating.

Choice 1 : Focus on my studies

hardworking student