
A hypertext narrative by

Dalia N

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1467

Choice count: 36

Section count: 25

Image count: 25

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 90 matches

(choice, class, college, degree, doctorate, don, exam, failed, grades, graduate, learn, mindset, reading, school, school psychologist, semester, social, students, teachers, trainee, training, university)

Dance : 30 matches

(around the world, back, break, competitive, ending, out, position, run, slow, social)

Nursing : 28 matches

(accident, ambulance, anxiety, arm, b.d., body, depression, doctor, environment, health, heart, heart attack)

Target Structure: (12 matches)

foot in the door (1 match)

getting sucked up in (1 match)

internship (2 matches)

interns (1 match)

learn the ropes (3 matches)

office politics (1 match)

pension (2 matches)

set aside (2 matches)

though (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)

wage (2 matches)



It begins at the end.

I'm ending my studies in Social Science at Ahuntsic College. I think I would like to study in psychology after that, but I'm not sure at which University to go.

Choice 1 : Go study at the University of Montreal.

Choice 2 : Go study at the McGill University.

Deciding the University

Go study at the University of Montreal.

I'm admitted to the University of Montreal, what a miracle I'm so proud of myself. I love everything about my Psychology program. The class are interesting and the people are so nice. Now, it's the midterms, and I have a big exam on Monday that I can't set aside for later, but I just realized that I was supposed to go out with some friends on Sunday night.

Choice 1 : Cancel the plans and didn't go out.

Choice 2 : Went out with my friends and had fun.

Study at night

Go study at the McGill University.

I started my semester in Psychology at the McGill University and I've never been this miserable. The teachers are rude and the students not nice.

Choice 1 : I dropped out of University.

Choice 2 : After many years of suffering with this bad environment, I finished my doctorate in Psychology.

Bad class

Cancel the plans and didn't go out.

I decided to be mature and study for my big exam. It was worth it I ended up having an A. I did this for the rest of my doctorate, and I easily graduate.

Choice 1 : I decide to become a full-time Psychologist with my own office.

Choice 2 : I try to start slow and become a school psychologist.

Keep the studies.

Went out with my friends and had fun.

On Sunday night I set aside my studies and got sucked up in the wave of not studying. As expected, I failed my exam.

Choice 1 : My grades got worse, so I got kicked out of school.

Difficult exam

I dropped out of University.

After my bad University experience, I decide that I will never go back to school.

Choice 1 : I began to work in a minimum wage fast food job to survive.

Choice 2 : I got a job as a cashier and learn the ropes of this job, along with an OTJ training.

No school

After many years of suffering with this bad environment, I finished my doctorate in Psychology.

I stayed in my program and after a long internship, I graduated from the McGill University with a doctorate in Psychology. Not because to my teachers though. My internship went well, but I was never happy, I was getting sucked up in some drama, I was a trainee that had to live with some office politics between other interns. Having to live this early on in my career gave me a foot in the door of what it would be like to work in an environment like this.

Choice 1 : I became a psychologist, and I have my own office.


I decide to become a full-time Psychologist with my own office.

After getting my degree, I didn't want to waste anytime, and I started to work as a psychologist in my own office. I quickly realized that it wasn't a good idea and that this industry is very competitive, therefore my vacant position was at risk.

Choice 1 : Having just started, I become depressed because I'm inexperienced.

Choice 2 : Before it gets out of hands, I stop working in my office and get a job as an assistant.


I try to start slow and become a school psychologist.

I became a school psychologist, and I love it, it's not too difficult, and I don't stress that much. Over the years, I helped a lot of people, but now I'm old, and I'm the one who needs help.

Choice 1 : I retire to take care of myself, and live off my pension.

Choice 2 : I keep working, but I will become even more sick.

School psychologist

My grades got worse, so I got kicked out of school.

I would never study for my exams, so my program kicked me out, and now I'm not longer in University. I need to try something else.

Choice 1 : I take a year off to motivate myself, to later try to become a doctor.

Choice 2 : I get mad, so I decide to never go back to school, and work as a janitor.

I began to work in a minimum wage fast food job to survive.

I keep this job until I get a heart attack at 63 years old.

Choice 1 : The paramedics get here too late, and I end up passing away unhappy with my life.

Choice 2 : I survive, and I decide to change my life, and travel around the world.

New job

I got a job as a cashier and learn the ropes of this job, along with an OTJ training.

I started to work as a cashier, the on-the-job training was very helpful, and I got to learn the ropes of a cashier. I don't know if I like it yet.

Choice 1 : I keep this job for 20 years, until I have an accident, and I break my arm.

Choice 2 : I hate it, after 2 weeks, I quit this job.


I became a psychologist, and I have my own office.

I was prepared for this job, so I end up with a beautiful career, and now I'm reading to retire.

Choice 1 : I retire, and decide to start my dream of having a candy store.


Having just started, I become depressed because I'm inexperienced.

I worked on a high position as a beginner, this made work very hard because I would get picked on for being new.

Choice 1 : My depression becomes too severe, so I end up quitting everything.

Choice 2 : I ignore the bullies, and I keep working.


Before it gets out of hands, I stop working in my office and get a job as an assistant.

I change my position, and I decide to work as the assistant of a psychologist to reduce my anxiety.

Choice 1 : I end up loving it, and I keep this job in the long run.


I retire to take care of myself, and live off my pension.

I stop working before I get too sick, and I decide to retire to stay at home with my kids.

Choice 1 : I live happily at home, and never work again.


I keep working, but I will become even more sick.

I keep my job but my body can't take it anymore, so I become very ill.

Choice 1 : It becomes too much for my body, so I die in my sleep.


I take a year off to motivate myself, to later try to become a doctor.

I change my mindset, and I began my studies in Health, and I become a doctor.

Choice 1 : I'm working as a doctor, and I love it.


I get mad, so I decide to never go back to school, and work as a janitor.

I get lazy with my life and end up working forever as a school janitor until I die in a car crash.

Choice 1 : I die on a car crash, as I finished my day as a janitor.


The paramedics get here too late, and I end up passing away unhappy with my life.

I hated my life, but now I had a heart attack in a McDonalds, but the ambulance didn't get here on time.

Choice 1 : I'm pronounced dead at the scene.

Passed out

I survive, and I decide to change my life, and travel around the world.

When I survive, I decide to live my life to the fullest and travel around the globe forever.

Choice 1 : I become a traveler for the rest of my life.


I keep this job for 20 years, until I have an accident, and I break my arm.

I was planning to do this job forever, but I break my arm and can never work again.

Choice 1 : I'm obligated to live with my mom forever because I can't make money.


I hate it, after 2 weeks, I quit this job.

I end up quitting this job to become a housewife to my rich husband that I met while working as a cashier.

Choice 1 : I will live off my rich husband forever.

Rich wife

My depression becomes too severe, so I end up quitting everything.

I don't have the right mindset, so I abandon my whole life.

Choice 1 : I take a long break.


I ignore the bullies, and I keep working.

I keep my job and don't think about the jealous people.

Choice 1 : I have a beautiful career.

High position