Law and murder.

A hypertext narrative by

Jade Duberry

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1305

Choice count: 28

Section count: 15

Image count: 15

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis

Law : 79 matches

(act, arrested, bar, case, charge, citizens, civil law, client, court, crime, criminal, defamation, equitable, execution, family, family law, fraud, general, gross, harassment, information, injury, judge, jury, law, lawyer, lawyers, misconduct, murder, offer, order, practice law, profession)

Education : 49 matches

(choice, college, course, don, general, high school, learn, learned, learning, school, social, taxonomy, training, university)

Police-Technology : 41 matches

(charge, court, crime, criminal, fraud, judge, law, lawyer, murder, police, right, rights, trial)

Target Structure: (10 matches)

came in handy (1 match)

cursory (1 match)

intern (1 match)

learning the ropes (1 match)

misconduct (1 match)

on-the-job-training (1 match)

overwhelming (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

wage (1 match)

withhold (1 match)


Law and murder.

Start at the beginning.

I'm studying Social Sciences at Montmorency College to, eventually, become a Lawyer. It's my final year of college, and I'm not sure which university I should go to. Help me please.

Choice 1 : Go to McGill University.

Choice 2 : Go to Montreal University (UdM).

Montmorency College

McGill University.

I'm so happy I have chosen to study Law at McGill University, I love the professors here. Also, since I'm doing my studies in English, I won't have to take the bar professional training course, so it saves me a year of studies. I have been studying at McGill for 3 years now, and two of the most powerful Law firms in Canada want me to be an intern in their teams... Where should I go practice my profession?

Choice 1 : Borden Ladner Gervais LLP.

Choice 2 : Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP.

McGill University

Borden Ladner Gervais LLP.

Ugh! All the lawyers in this firm are so superficial, it makes me sick. I don't have a single friend, and I am not even learning the ropes of being a lawyer. This is not a place where I can picture myself anymore. If I stay here, I could end up doing a cursory job as a lawyer, I wish I could go back...

Choice 1 : Go back to section 1

Choice 2 : Go back to section 2

Someone upset

Gowling Lafleur Henderson LLP.

I love this firms so much! This is the best decision I have ever made! Everyone is so friendly, and I love the work environment, it's everything I have ever dreamed of. Also, there is an on-the-job-training, and after seeing my work, Sir Benjamin Chew (a famous lawyer), asked me to work on a defamation case with him concerning Johnny Depp (our client) and his ex-wife (Amber Heard). Should I accept?

Choice 1 : Yes! You'd be crazy not to

Johnny Depp, Amber Heard (his ex-wife) and Benjamin Chew (his lawyer)

Johnny Depp's defamation case trial.

I accepted Mr.Chew's offer, and we eventually won the case for Mr.Depp but, unfortunately, Ms.Heard was so angry at us that she shot me and Mr.Depp out of anger in front of the whole jury and the judge, so I am now dead.

Choice 1 : Go back to section 1

Choice 2 : Go back to section 2

Amber Heard crying in front of the jury

Montreal University (UdM).

I am so happy I chose this University because there is so much more familiar faces from my college and high school. I have friends with who I can study so it is so much funnier, and I learn faster because if there's something I am not quite sure to understand, then someone just explain it to me so that's why I really like our study group. After 3 years of studying in French, I had to add a year to my studies to take the bar professional training course (BPTC) so that I could practice Law everywhere. Anyway, now I'm not sure if I want to practice Criminal Law or Civil Law. Help me.

Choice 1 : Civil Law.

Choice 2 : Criminal Law.

Montreal University

Civil Law.

Basically, civil Law is a comprehensive system of rules and principles usually arranged in codes and easily accessible to citizens and jurists that favors cooperation, order, and predictability, based on a logical and dynamic taxonomy developed from Roman law and reflected in the structure of the codes. It is an adaptable system, with civil codes avoiding excessive detail and containing general clauses that permit adaptation to change. Lawyers who practice Civil Law often have cases family law, personal injury actions, employment law, and wills and estates. Unfortunately, I HATE Civil Law and I wished I never chose it... It is so boring, please help me.

Choice 1 : Go back at the beginning.

Choice 2 : Go back at section 6

Civil Law

Criminal Law.

I was working on the case of a father abducting his own daughter for 20 years in their basement... Gross! It makes me sick to my stomach to know that cases like these exist, but I couldn't be prouder of myself for defending the victims and putting all of those criminals behind bars for life. Criminal Law is really my thing and that's what I want to do until the day I retire. Anyway, I won this case and now, an old friend is asking me to defend him on a fraud case... should I help him?

Choice 1 : Well, that is your job after all!

Criminal Law

An old friend's fraud case.

I took his case because he offered me a very good wage and I, obviously, won. He then invited me to dinner, should I accept the invitation?

Choice 1 : No

Choice 2 : Yes

Choosing between accepting or rejecting a request

I refused the invitation.

I respectfully declined his invitation, so he then proceeded to get extremely flirtatious with me, which made me very uncomfortable. The situation escalated pretty quickly to the point where he was asking me for sexual favors... That is sexual harassment! I was so scared that I told him I was going to sue him in court if he didn't get away from me in the next 5 seconds. Being a lawyer and knowing my rights saved me from a very bad situation, and I'm proud of myself for that.

Choice 1 : Go back at the beginning.

Choice 2 : Go back to section 9

A woman being sexually harassed by a man

I accepted his invitation.

We went to dinner, and I met a friend of his; Henry. Both of them were discussing robbing a bank... I then realized that I had made a big mistake and excused myself before I get sucked up in their problems. I won't put myself in a situation like that ever again! It was not professional to go on a dinner with my ex-client, and it was, indeed, a misconduct from me. I defend criminals, but I do not support what they do. Should I tell the police about their little plan or should I withhold this information?

Choice 1 : Tell the police! This is not okay.

Choice 2 : Do not tell the police

Two man planning something bad over dinner

I told the police.

2 weeks after our little dinner, my client and his friend got arrested. As a lawyer, it is my job to be as just and equitable with anyone. What they were planning to do was not okay and unfair to the bank and their employees. The situation was a bit overwhelming, but I did the right thing in the end.

Choice 1 : Go back at the beginning.

Choice 2 : Go back to section 11

Someone getting arrested

I didn't tell the police...

2 weeks later, they got arrested for putting their plan to execution, and I got charge with being a partner in crime because I didn't tell the police what they were going to do even if I was aware of it. Fortunately for me, everything I learned as a lawyer came in handy, and I got out of this bad situation. Anyway, 1 week after that, a murderer asked me to take his case... he murdered 21 women by the way. Should I accept his request?

Choice 1 : Let's go!

Choice 2 : I don't think that's a good idea...

A powerful woman getting arrested

Defending a murderer.

I unfortunately lost this case because all of his murders were feminicides. If you don't know what that is, it's the act of killing a woman simply because she is a woman... He then proceeded to kill me because I lost his case and, well, I was a woman after all.

Choice 1 : Go back at the beginning.

Choice 2 : Go back to section 13

21 victims of a feminicide

I refused to take his case.

I refused to take this man case and, well, he murdered me anyway... Being a criminal lawyer sure is a dangerous job.

Choice 1 : Go back at the beginning.

Choice 2 : Go back to section 13

Representation of a feminicide