My Experience in Computer Science.

A hypertext narrative by

Ines Saidi

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1132

Choice count: 19

Section count: 10

Image count: 10

Error count: 6

Field Related Analysis

Education : 93 matches

(advanced, choice, class, classes, classmates, course, courses, don, evaluation, evaluations, exam, failed, failure, first, grade, grades, guidance, guidance counselor, homework, knowledge, memory, research, school, semester, social, students, teacher, teachers, tutor, vacation)

Sociology : 19 matches

(care, class, homework, housework, school, wealth)

Dance : 17 matches

(back, break, count, ending, front, natural, out, routine, social)

Target Structure: (2 matches)

straight a's (2 matches)

though (1 match)


My Experience in Computer Science.


It was April, the month to decide what I was willing to do for my career. My guidance counselor offered me two choices that suits me best, either Natural Science, or Computer Science. I knew that if I chose Natural Science, I was going to collapse because of the pressure and the effort of it.

Choice 1 : choose natural science

Choice 2 : choose computer science


My First Week of Semester.

My first week was quite nice. Teachers were explaining the course and the planning of it. At first, it was quite easy to hear, to applicate, and to plan. My first computer teacher has told me that if I really wanted to pass this course, I either had to ask question, or do my own research.

Choice 1 : Ask Questions

Choice 2 : Do my own research

computer science

The End of the First Semester.

With the time, I had found that computer science was very demanding. Since I have social anxiety, I wasn't able to ask question in front of the class. Instead, I asked my questions directly to the teacher via email, or live when everybody has left. He helped me a lot with HTML, CSS, Word, and Excel. Homework and exam was piled up quickly. Unfortunately, it wasn't enough, I didn't have the grades that I wanted. I wanted straight A's. He recommended me to either catch up to make-up days, or watch Youtube videos related to the subject seen in class.

Choice 1 : Go to Make-up days

Choice 2 : Watch Youtube Videos


Final Effort for the Semester.

At the end of the two last week, I have done everything that I could to catch up late homework, and have straight A's to every exam possible. I was a little bit lazy to come to school on catch-up days. So, I decided to watch Youtube tutorials regarding informatics instead. It was very short, and very easy to understand. Basically, everything that I needed was on Youtube! It really helped me a lot with the homework. Respecting exams, I had either to have a memory aid sheet, or to cheat directly on the computer.

Choice 1 : Do a Memory Aid Sheet

Choice 2 : Cheat at the Exam


End of Semester.

Obviously, I wanted to do things the right way, without being unfair to others, so I did a memory aid sheet to be able to have a good grade without cheating. I worked hard for it, and I paid the price of it. I've had an A at my last exam in Computer Science. I was so happy. The semester was ending, and the winter vacation was starting. I needed to choose, whether to relax, or get ahead in informatics.

Choice 1 : Relax during all the vacation

Choice 2 : Get ahead in informatics.

Good grade

My Winter Vacation.

After my first tough semester in Computer Science, I decided of course to relax, but just a little bit, for one whole week. I've always tried to reach the top, the maximum, the higher, but I knew that it required effort, patience, failure, time. I decided to take advance, compared to other students, who were having fun. Though I was taking advance by watching Youtube Video, or Computer Science websites to help students, I really needed an assistance, a teacher with experience. So, I was asking myself, do I need to pay a tutor for the vacation, or wait until the beginning of the second semester?

Choice 1 : Pay for a Tutor.

Choice 2 : Wait until the Second Semester.

Winter Vacation

My Second Semester.

I started my second semester with a wealth of knowledge because I already knew what to expect from the first semester. The first evaluations were quite easy for me, but not for other students. I was proud of myself. Unhappily, the joy was not meant to be eternal. The more the explanations advanced, the more I lost myself a little. Fortunately, the teachers was there to help me. He offered me more work, but that wasn't going to count, just to make me practice. I found myself doing too much, that I need a little break. I felt so lazy to do it.

Choice 1 : Do Extra Work

Choice 2 : Relax and take care of Myself.

Extra Work

My March Break.

During March break, I was legit so exhausted. I needed to take care a little bit of myself. I decided to go to the spa, do my nails, my hair, my lashes. I also did meditation, to help me find myself in this hard world. After 3 days of heavy sleep schedule, I choose to get back to work, otherwise, I was going to be used to this lazy routine. I did all of my late homework, including my basic courses, for the next 4-day left. At the end of March break, I was able to relax, have an empty mind, with nothing else to do for school. My mom thought that I was doing nothing all day, so she said to me: "either you help me with housework, or you study".

Choice 1 : Help with Housework.

Choice 2 : Study more.


End of Second Semester.

Since I hated doing housework, I decided to go study in front of her, to let her know that I'm actually doing something. Classes had resumed, I was doing the necessary to have good grades, by watching Youtube, asking questions to the teachers, and taking advance. Sometimes, while I was doing some school work, people texts me, to ask if I can go out with them, had fun outside schooltime. I was confronted to two choices: either have fun with them, and look good in front of them (in a sense that I can have good grades and have fun besides it), or decline offers and look bad in front of them (in a sense that I'm a snob, I don't want to go out because I'm too preoccupied by school).

Choice 1 : Go outside with Friends and have Fun.

Choice 2 : Stay Home and Study

teen party

End of the First Year in Computer Science.

Even if I wanted to go out, I choose to decline the offer, and concentrate myself entirely to school. My own friends criticized me, but I don't really care, I got to put me first, I want success at all cost. Finally, I did all of my work, all of my homework, all evaluation. I got away with good grades, while other classmates failed because they wasn't serious, or they partied all semester. It the end, I was proud of myself, and that's all matter for me. I was finally ready to have a good summer and to enjoy my free spirit.

Choice 1 : Enjoy Summer

Summer vacation