Word count: 1396
Choice count: 37
Section count: 25
Image count: 25
Error count: 4
Field Related Analysis
Education : 80 matches
(choice, class, classes, college, compensation, course, courses, don, exam, fail, first, learning, lesson, semester, speaking, teacher, term, training, university, vacation)Accounting : 27 matches
(accountant, accounting, amortizing, bank loan, bankruptcy, certified public accountant, cpa, finance, financial statement, profit, public accountant, retirement, salary, statement)Business : 22 matches
(administration, budget, business, contract, customers, financial, firm, investment, loan, opportunity, profit, salary, expenses)Target Structure: (13 matches)
background check (1 match)
compensation (1 match)
hr (4 matches)
intern (2 matches)
internship (1 match)
learning the ropes (1 match)
on-the-job-training (1 match)
compensation package (1 match)
retirement (1 match)
set aside (1 match)
straight a's (1 match)
vacant position (2 matches)
abroad (1 match)
It’s your last term in college, and you have to make an important decision concerning the university. You have to choose the university where you are going to apply. Lucky you are, you already know the program which is the Administration. So, you have two choices. You can study at HEC Montreal, a French university, or Concordia, an English university. Some of your friends told you that it's better to study in an English university if you want to work abroad. However, the majority of the courses that you took were always in French. You don't know if you can handle an English course related to business.
Choice 1 : HEC Montreal - French university
Choice 2 : Concordia- English University
Great choice! You really liked this university and got straight A's. You have set aside everything distracting to be able to focus on your study. You did your specialization in accounting as you wanted. Now, you have two choices. You can do your CPA (certified public accountant) which is better for your future or quit the university and work full-time.
Choice 1 : Do the CPA
Choice 2 : Quit university and work full-time
In your first day at Concordia, you had a Finance class. While the teacher was explaining, you were not satisfied with your choice because you didn't understand all the terms she used. At the end of the lesson, you knew that it would be very difficult for you because your English is not that strong. It's still not late to make a change.
Choice 1 : Continue in English
Choice 2 : Change to a French university
Your English has improved so much since all of your classes are in English. You dreamed of going to work in the United States. Thus, you had no problem since your learning was in English.
Choice 1 : Start again
Good choice but there's a problem. You have to wait till the winter semester to be able to apply to another university. So, you have two choices. Either you take advantage of this opportunity to go on vacation, or you work.
Choice 1 : Go on vacation
Choice 2 : Work
Amazing choice! You decide to take advantage of this opportunity to go to Italy which is your dream. While you were looking for flights, your mother came to you and told you that you can't travel because you had to assist to your cousin's wedding.
Choice 1 : Travel and go to Italy
Choice 2 : Stay for your cousin's wedding
You decided to apply on a vacant position at a bank. The HR calls you for an interview. They tell you that they did the background check and everything was good. At the end of the interview, the HR tells you that you got the job. You will start the on-the-job-training. When the HR presents you the trainer, you startled. It was your annoying neighbour. You were not comfortable.
Choice 1 : Quit the job
Choice 2 : Keep working
You enjoy your vacation in Italy and you didn't regret your choice of not going to your cousin's wedding. You had so much fun that you decide to live there when you take your retirement.
Choice 1 : Start again
It was boring and there was no one in your age at the wedding. You regret having to cancel the trip to Italy!
Choice 1 : Start again
You decide to look for another job. However, for the moment, you decide to rest at home without thinking of all the problems that you would have got if you kept working at the bank.
Choice 1 : Start again
You bared with this person and made a good impression as an intern. You enjoyed your time and consider doing another internship.
Choice 1 : Start again
You're studying for the final exam of the CPA program. You find it really hard. You have to study for many hours, and it is really complicated. However, you didn't give up.
Choice 1 : Pass the CPA exam
Choice 2 : Fail the CPA exam
Now that you quit the university, you have two choices, you can either search for a job in a bank or take a loan and start your own business.
Choice 1 : Work at a bank
Choice 2 : Start your own business
Congratulation for passing your exam! To become a CPA, you need to have 2 years of experience. Then, you have to search for a job as an intern, but on the other hand, you really want to rest after all the stress that you lived for the final exam. You want to travel to Italy with your friends. So, you have two choices. Either search to complete the program and finally become a CPA or take a rest and travel with your friends.
Choice 1 : Search for a job
Choice 2 : Travel with your friends
You were very tired of this program and didn't want to study anymore. You couldn't handle the stress. On the other hand, you really study hard to get in this program.
Choice 1 : Try another time the exam
Choice 2 : Give up on the program
You found a vacant position. You applied. The HR called you for an interview. You discussed the compensation package and everything. You got a contract for 6 months as an accounting. You were very happy and were earning a good salary.
Choice 1 : Start again
You decided to open a restaurant. At first, everything was great. You were amortizing the bank loan. You were making a lot of profit. Your expenses matched your budget. However, when a new restaurant opened near you, the number of customers decreased. After a few months, while making the financial statement, you will end up realizing that you will soon go bankruptcy.
Choice 1 : Start again
Now that you decide to stay and search for a job, you have two choices. You can either work in a firm or a bank as an accounting.
Choice 1 : Work in a firm
Choice 2 : Work in a bank
You stayed in Italy for two weeks. You fell in love with the country, and you really want to stay. You want to stay here for ever. So, you start thinking of moving to Italy and work there forever. You have two choices, you can either return to Canada or move to Italy and start an amazing new life there.
Choice 1 : Move to Italy and work there
Choice 2 : Return to Canada
While talking with your friend, he tells you that in the bank where he works, which is the Desjardins Bank, are looking for an accounting, you immediately applied, and they accepted you. You start by learning the ropes, and you were very happy to work with your friend. You also made a lot of investment with this bank.
Choice 1 : Start again
Your dream is to work at Deloitte and while looking for a job, you find that they need an accountant. So, you applied and they accepted you. You were very happy to work in your dream firm.
Choice 1 : Start again
You moved to Italy and found a job as an accounting. You had some difficulties with the speaking, but it was not a big problem. You didn't regret your choice and were so happy.
Choice 1 : Start again
You returned to Canada and were very sad because you wanted to stay in Italy. However, when you found a job in your dream firm, you didn't regret your choice.
Choice 1 : Start again
You really study hard this time and pass the exam. You were so happy and finally, became a CPA.
Choice 1 : Start again
You regret your choice because you only had the final exam to do to become a CPA.
Choice 1 : Start again