The Career of a businessman.

A hypertext narrative by

Louis Grégoire

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1736

Choice count: 34

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Business : 98 matches

(bankrupt, brand, business, company, investment, leads, market, marketing, money, offer, office, paid, pay, president, promotion, sell, stock, store)

Education : 82 matches

(choice, classes, degree, failing, games, grades, knowledge, learn, learned, market, performance, school, skills, teachers)

Law : 30 matches

(death, house, living, maintenance, market, master, month, notice, offer, office, reputation)

Target Structure: (5 matches)

income (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

office politics (2 matches)

retirement (1 match)

though (4 matches)


The Career of a businessman.

A kid with a dream.

You are a kid, and you've been wanting a skateboard for a long time, but you can never gather enough money to buy it. You have no money since you keep buying candy and games for your console. Even if you love candy and video games, you decided that you waited around for long enough to get yourself a skateboard. You are now faced by two choices. One, you stop buying candy and video games, and you organise a lemonade stand where you plan to make enough money to buy yourself a brand-new skateboard. The second choice is you stick to your habits, and you continue buying candy and video games endlessly.

Choice 1 : You stop buying candy and video games, and you organise a lemonade stand.

Choice 2 : You stick to your old habits and continue buying candy and video games.

You picture yourself skateboarding

A kid with his new skateboard.

You finally gathered up enough money to buy yourself a shiny new skateboard. You have your fun with it but as you get older you develop new tastes, so with the skills you learned by doing your lemonade stand you get to sell your skateboard for $100. You want to do something with your money, so you have two choices. One, you invest your money in the stock market in an ETF that averages around 8% every year. Your second choice is to invest it into Crypt currencies.

Choice 1 : You invest into the stock market.

Choice 2 : You invest in crypt currencies.

You with your new skateboard

A fat unhealthy kid.

You continued buying candy and video games with your pocket money. This led you into taking a lot of weight. Your parents think you are too fat and useless, so they confiscate your video games and hide all of your candies. After one month of thinking, you came to realise that you should've saved up to buy that skateboard, which could help you lose some weight. You decide to organise that lemonade stand like you've been wanting to do and stop buying candy and video games.

Choice 1 : Organise a lemonade stand and save up your money.

Look at how fat you are!

You invested in the stock market.

You invested in the stock market and five years later your investment is now worth around $1000. You are the only one out of your friends not to own a car you are very jealous. You now have the choice either to start working full time in a convenience store and use the money you saved up to buy a car and pay for its maintenance or to resist the temptation and use that money to apply to business school.

Choice 1 : You decide to work in a dead end job.

Choice 2 : You apply for business school.

You invested in the stock market.

You made a fortune out of Crypt currencies.

Congratulations, you got very lucky and made over 15 million dollars. You now have three choices. One is you use that money to start a business even though you do not have the knowledge to do so, second is you go to business school to learn how to build a company and last is you use that money to show off to everyone how rich you are.

Choice 1 : You start a business without the knowledge.

Choice 2 : You apply to business school.

Choice 3 : You use your money to show off.

You became rich with crypt currencies.

You are working in a convenience store.

You have been working in a convenience store full time for the past year and a half to be able to pay for your car. Your parents are now kicking you out of their house because they don't support the choice you made. You are now homeless because you can't find any place to stay. You sleep in your car and have a bit of money saved up. Your last and only choice is to apply to Business School so that your parents accept that you live with them again.

Choice 1 : Apply for business school.

You are working in a convenience store.

Congratulations! You got accepted into business school.

You are now attending Cactus Business School, a school with a reputation of having good teachers. You quickly realise how hard school is, and you wonder if it is worth working hard to keep good grades. You ask yourself if you should continue working hard or simply give up and stop working hard.

Choice 1 : You work as hard as possible to maintain good grades.

Choice 2 : You stop putting in efforts to keep your grades up.

You attending business school.

Maintain the good grades.

You finish your Baccalaureate in business at the top of your classes. You are hesitating in starting your own business or continue your studies to a master degree in either finance or marketing.

Choice 1 : You start your business even though you don't have the knowledge.

Choice 2 : You proceed to do a master in Marketing.

Choice 3 : You proceed to do a master in Finance.

You work hard to maintain good grades.

Give up working hard.

You get kicked out of Cactus Business School for failing too many classes and have no choice but to start working a dead end job again which leads to getting kicked out of your house and living in your car.

Choice 1 : You have no choice but to work in a convenience store.

You get kicked out of business school.

You start your business without the knowledge.

You start your business, and everything seems to be going super well. At one point, you make a big big mistake due to your lack of knowledge and this causes the company to go bankrupt. Because your company goes bankrupt, everything you own gets taken by the bank. All you are left with is your car and a job at a convenience store.

Choice 1 : You need to work in a convenience store.

You make a fool out of yourself and this is what you look like.

You complete your masters in Marketing.

Congratulations, you finished your studies and now have a master in marketing. You can either find a job where you will work for someone or start your own company now that you have the required knowledge.

Choice 1 : Get an office job.

Choice 2 : Start your business.

You after you finished school.

You complete your masters in Finance.

Congratulations, you finished your studies and now have a master in finance. You can either find a job where you will work for someone or start your own company now that you have the required knowledge.

Choice 1 : Get an office job.

Choice 2 : Start your business.

You after you finished school.

You start your business with good knowledge.

You've started your own company based on what you learned in school. It has been a year and times are really hard. You've been eating Gattuso noodles for over six months nonstop and are about to give up the idea of building a business and get an office job.

Choice 1 : You get an office job.

Choice 2 : You don't give up.

You as a business man.

You use your money to show off.

You buy tons of expensive cars, trips, jewelry, you name it all. You are living your best life. Your pockets don't seem to have an end, but at one point, you spend so much that you realise that you have no money left. You try to sell the cars and jewelry, but you don't seem to get as much as for what you paid for. This forces you to go work in a convenience store and live in your car but at least you have a nice car!

Choice 1 : You go work at a convenience store.

You ran out of money.

You now have an office job.

You are now working for a small company in your town. The ambiance doesn't seem to be bad, but you hate waking up early in the morning. You notice that a coworker likes you even though she already has a boyfriend that is also one of your coworkers. You seem to like her, but you know that if you make any type of move an office politics breakthrough would be coming. Should you make a move on her even though she has a boyfriend or keep yourself out of all of this drama and focus on your performance at work.

Choice 1 : You make a move on your coworker.

Choice 2 : You stay focused on work.

You working at an office.

You don't give up.

Your efforts and sacrifices have paid off, your business is now valued at 1 million dollars, and you can finally afford to eat something other than Gattuso noodles. Someone offers to buy your company for two million dollars. Should you take the offer of continue developing your company?

Choice 1 : You sell the company for two million dollars.

Choice 2 : You keep the company.

That is a lot of money.

You get caught up in office politics.

You made a move on your coworkers and this created a big office drama. Your boss sees you haven't been very productive and warns you. You notice one of your coworkers who never talked to anyone got a promotion and is now rolling in Lamborghini. You are very jealous and regret your choice. Fasts forward a few years, and it is now time to retire.

Choice 1 : You retire.

You are in a love triangle.

You focus on your work.

As you notice a bunch of your coworkers fighting over girls, your boss comes up to you, and offers you a promotion that would make you vice president of the company. You are very glad you didn't make a move on your coworker and happily take the promotion. You are now financially free and roll in Lamborghini. Fasts forward a few years, and it is now time to retire.

Choice 1 : You retire.

You got a promotion.

You sold the company to a fat businessman for two million dollars.

You are very happy you sold the company but after five years with no income, you need to start working, since you ran out of money.

Choice 1 : Get an office job.

You ran out of money.

You refused the offer.

You made a good choice since the company grew exponentially fast, and you managed to sell it for five hundred million dollars. It is now time to retire.

Choice 1 : You retire.

You sold the company for 500 million $.


You look back at your career path as you lay on your death bed and contemplate the choices you made. Some were good and some were bad, but you are satisfied with your life and peacefully pass away.

Choice 1 : Start a new life.

You are old.