My Orthotic and Prosthetic Journey.

A hypertext narrative by

Tara Girard

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1723

Choice count: 29

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 15

Field Related Analysis

Education : 64 matches

(cat, cegep, choice, college, courses, don, field, field of study, first, graduate, head, high school, learn, learned, school, semester, social)

Paramedics : 51 matches

(arm, care, department, depression, emergency, empathy, health, hospital, nurse, nursing, patient, patients, paramedics)

Archaeology : 37 matches

(adaptation, arm, close, environment, her, here, lead, re, slipped, study, thing)

Target Structure: (13 matches)

if I were you (2 matches)

intern (7 matches)

internship (5 matches)

learn the ropes (1 match)

office politics (1 match)

ojt (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

put aside (3 matches)

recipient (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

vacant position (1 match)

wage (2 matches)


My Orthotic and Prosthetic Journey.

The End of a Chapter.

I'm at the end of high school in my hometown in Abitibi. I really like this place, I also have all of my friends and family here. But I now have to choose a field of study. A couple weeks ago I discover the Orthotics and Prosthetics program at Montmorency College in Laval that is very interesting. But Laval is 800 km away from home, and I would be alone, plus I don't know much about the program... I could go to the local cegep in Amos, in Social Sciences since I'm not sure what I want to do next. I would be close to my family and friends. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Apply in Social Sciences.

Choice 2 : Apply in Orthotics and Prosthetics.


Apply in Social Sciences.

I chose to stay in Amos because it is where my friends and family lives. The program is okay I pull off straight A's in a lot of courses, but I don't like it, I want something more about health and helping people. In a way I want to finish what I started in this program, but in the other hand I would like to learn the ropes of a health related program like nursing which I can also do in this cegep.

Choice 1 : Continue in Social Sciences.

Choice 2 : Change Program for Nursing.

Amos college

Apply in Orthotics and Prosthetics.

Here I am, moved to Laval for studies. The program is very hard, and I have to work a lot after school to pay my bills. I am almost done, I just have to apply for my internship for the end of my last semester. I really want to apply in a hospital, I have the choice to apply for the IRGLM, a physical re adaptation hospital where they have a big orthotics and prosthetics department. Or I can apply for the hospital Marie-Enfant, where I would have the chance to be the intern of a prosthetist for kid only.

Choice 1 : Choose Marie-Enfant.

Choice 2 : Choose IRGLM.


Continue in Social Sciences.

Since I really want to finish what I start, I try to complete the program. I really don't like it, so I decided to drop out school and find a full time job, so I can put aside money to travel or for my future.

Choice 1 : Work in a restaurant to save put aside money

Choice 2 : Take a job as a janitor at the hospital


Change Program for Nursing.

I'm not in my last semester of the Nursing program. But we had a big announcement, COVID-19 is back with another variant. I have to do my internship in a covid quarantine hospital because the nurse team needs help. A couple days later, I learned that my dying grand mother got covid. I now have the choice to work in the hospital where I got my internship or work where she is, so I could take care of her before she passes...

Choice 1 : Stay in the same hospital.

Choice 2 : Take care of my grand mother.


Work in a Restaurant.

At the beginning, I received an OJT, but this server job is a dead-end-job for me, with this minimum wage I am not able to put aside money, I can't even afford a bigger apartment. I ended up living in my little apartment with my cat waiting for a higher vacant position to come up to me. I am very unsatisfied of my choices, I wish I would have done it differently...

Choice 1 : Try again


Work as a Janitor at the Hospital.

It's been a couple years now since I'm a janitor in this hospital. The wage is okay, and I'm often the recipient of daily prime because of my hard work. Today I was moping the floor of a patient, who is a transtibial amputee, room, and I saw her with the prosthesis, she was crying in his arm, she was so happy to walk again... I wish I could do the same, helping people always been something I like.

Choice 1 : Stay at the Hospital as a Janitor.

Choice 2 : Go to Montmorency to Follow my Dream


Choose Marie-Enfant.

I can't deal with those kids! They are always screaming and moving when we try to help them. I can't believe I chose this career, I would rather start again then live another day with these screaming kids... My manager told me '' If I were you, I would find a job where I don't work with kids, you look exhausted every day'' I might listen to him...

Choice 1 : Try again?

Choice 2 : Work in a Restaurant.

marie enfant

Choose IRGLM.

I did all my internship here, they offered me a job. I'm now working full time here, I feel very good and complete, helping people is my vocation. My days are consecrated to make: prosthetics legs or arms, orthosis like plantar or knee. I can also see patients for lymphedomia after a cancer. They are now asking me to choose if I want to be an orthesis or a prosthesis.

Choice 1 : Choose to become a prosthesis.

Choice 2 : Choose to become an orthesis.


Stay in the Same Hospital.

I decided to support my new team with this new variant. A few years and variants later, I was able to retire, I took an apartment in Florida with my good old friend, my cat. This Nurse career showed me to be patient and show empathy, I might never know how it was to be able to make people walk again, but I feel like I still found kind of my place because I stayed close to my family my hole life.

Choice 1 : Try again?


Take Care of my Grand Mother.

I"m happy that I chose my family, because my grand-mother died last week. The only thing is I can't work at this hospital anymore, I miss her too much... I asked to be changed, now I'm getting sucked in my work to forget my sadness. My grand mother wouldn't be proud of me, I feel sick and tired... I was accepting double shifts almost every day and that's what lead me to depression, I wish I would have chosen a different way...

Choice 1 : Live Again


Choose to Become a Prosthesis.

It's been 3 years now that I'm doing prosthetics legs for patients. I really enjoy it, make people walk again, see them walk on the leg that I made is very rewarding. I also accepted an intern and today we see a patient together. I have to choose between an old man who has been amputee for 25 years, and a young guy who is recently amputee transfemoral amputee.

Choice 1 : Choose the Young Patient.

Choice 2 : Choose the Old Patient.


Choose to Become an Orthesis.

Today I receive the new intern, she will be with me for 5 weeks. I can't wait to show her the new technique to do a plantar orthosis. I have to organize our schedule for her internship, I could see patients with her at the start or at the second week.

Choice 1 : See Patient at Her First Day.

Choice 2 : See Patients in the Second Week.


Stay at the Hospital as a Janitor.

Today was my last day as a janitor. I might miss this job a little. I was walking out, and I slipped on a pee lake on the floor, knocked my head and I died. My last thought was about the fact that I missed my career, karma was playing with me because I didn't follow me dream.

Choice 1 : Try again?


Choose the Old Patient.

My colleague called me while I was with the patient and the intern, so I left for 15 minutes. When I came back the intern was not here anymore, I asked the patient and he just smiled. I found her in the bathroom, crying, and shaking. She told me that this old men was sexual harassing her during the appointment. I told her'' If I were you, I would make a complaint to the direction of the hospital'', she seems to hesitate because of the office politics.

Choice 1 : Encourage Her with the Complaints.

old man

Choose the Young Patient.

The appointment and the all weeks went great, my intern now has graduate from college, and they offered her a job with us, I am very happy that she will become my colleague. My career is almost done here, so I can show here everything I know before I leave.

Choice 1 : Retired from Orthotics and Prosthetics.

young guy

See Patient at Her First Day.

Now that I think about it, maybe it wasn't a good idea to see patients on her first day, she was so stressed that she had a panic attack and left without saying a word. I regret my choice...

Choice 1 : Try again

first day

See Patients in the Second Week.

The intern did so great, she was calm and knew what she was talking about. I tried to show her how to do a plantar orthosis, and she scalped her head... I had to call the paramedics, I feel so bad now...

Choice 1 : Go with Her at the Emergency.


Encourage Her with the Complaints.

She finally decided to do the complaint about the old patient, the direction was very nice with her and the patient was banned from our department, I only want her to feel safe in her new work environment.

Choice 1 : Retired from Orthotics and Prosthetics.


Go with Her at the Emergency.

When she woke up from her coma, she didn't remember who I was, maybe it's better that way. I quit the IRGLM and went to work at a restaurant to forget my miserable mistake.

Write a choice here.

Retired from Orthotics and Prosthetics.

I am very happy to say that I retired from the hospital, I lived a beautiful life full of smiling face and laugh. I am in peace with all of my choices, I would do exactly the same if I had to redo it. I now can live my retirement peacefully.

Write a choice here.
