Life as a student in psycho education.

A hypertext narrative by

Élisabeth Samson

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1266

Choice count: 27

Section count: 18

Image count: 18

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis

Education : 61 matches

(campus, choice, class, classes, don, education, first, head, p, school, student, students, university)

Archaeology : 39 matches

(bed, bit, class, dog, group, her, here, study, tell)

Food and catering : 25 matches

(bar, eat, happy, night, party, rest, restaurant, supper, sweet, tonight)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


Life as a student in psycho education.

University you want to study.

I am a new student in this program, and I didn't make my choice for the university I want to go. I hesitate in two University, I heard good comments on both of them, but I don't know witch university I find more attractive, and if I want to study for the rest of the year.

Choice 1 : Sherbrooke University

Choice 2 : Laval University


University of Sherbrooke.

I am really happy to be here, I like that so much! This little town, it's very good because there are many students so everything is planned for that, it's really practice. I want to visit everything, but I don't know if I start by visiting the town of the University to see where are my classes.

Choice 1 : Go in the town

Choice 2 : Go to see the University

sherbrooke university

Should I go out?

I met 3 people at a restaurant, they are so sweet, and they invited me to go with them to a party tonight. I am not really sure, because I just know them since 15 minutes, and I am scared to be alone in this big town.

Choice 1 : Go to the party

Choice 2 : Be safe and go home



I am happy to be home, I can start to organize my things before school started. My apartment is not really big, and it's a bit scary because I am in a basement. I just heard a sound at my door, I don't know what to do.

Choice 1 : Open the door

Choice 2 : Scream


At party.

I went to the party with my new friends, but they bring me into a little bar, and they just start a fight. They want me to join them, but I didn't want, so I just run to the door, but one man catch me, and knocked me out with a bottle, then I died.

Choice 1 : University you want to study.



I went at the door and open it, but it was a man with a gun, I can do nothing he just shoot me right in my head.

Choice 1 : University you want to study.



I ran into my bed and screamed very loudly to scare the male behind my door. At the same times, a dog jump on him, I heard a gunshot, then nothing. I stayed in my bed an hour, and I decided to go see outside, the man was dead just in front of me.

Choice 1 : University you want to study.


At university.

I am so happy to be here, the university is beautiful, and it's so big. I don't know if I have the time to see all of my classes before supper if I don’t want to sleep late because tomorrow is a big day.

Choice 1 : Visit just the campus

Choice 2 : Visit everything



I walk around all buildings in the campus, and I'm so excited to start tomorrow, I imagine all the friends, and the fun I will have here! After that, I eat at my apartment, and go to bed early. I was dreaming about this beautiful day waiting for me.

Choice 1 : University you want to study.



I walk all day to be able to see everything in the campus, I am so exhausted, I can't feel my legs anymore. During the day, I met a girl, and we went in a restaurant to eat and have a drink, finally I will not sleep early it's already 11:30 p.m. When I arrived in my bed I slept in 2 minutes and in the morning I skip my alarm, so I can't be at my first class!

Choice 1 : University you want to study.


University of Laval.

I am not really sure of my choice, this University is so big, and I'm lost, but everybody is really nice. I already have a group of friends, and the soccer teams wants me! It's been a long time since I have played, so I don't know if I will try.

Choice 1 : Join the soccer team

Choice 2 : Do not play soccer

university of Laval

With your team.

The girls in the team are really nice, they got me in super easy. I think I will have fun with them, and they are also very good. Kathy is the finest with me, she invited me to live with her when she found out I live with my aunt because I didn't find an apartment. She is so sweet, but I don't know her pretty much.

Choice 1 : Move in with Kathy

Choice 2 : Stay with my aunt


New apartment.

Kathy’s apartment isn't that big for 2 people. My room is very little, I have a bed and a desk, that's it, but the rent is not expensive! She a little bit messily, and I not like that, but I don't know if I can tell her or not.

Choice 1 : Tell her

Choice 2 : Don't say anything


Go home.

I didn't like my program, I cry every day, because it's very difficult here, and it's not what I was thinking. My aunt calls my mom each night, and tell her that I don't like to be here. All my family is sad for me, and they want me home, so I decided to quit.

Choice 1 : University you want to study.



I wrote a little letter to explain to her the situation with the housework, but she was really not happy of that. She was mad and tells me I was not nice to critic her when she try to help me. She kicks me out of the apartment, so I had to go back at my aunt.

Choice 1 : Living with my aunt


Have fun.

I’m glad I didn’t talk to Kathy after all, we are now best friends and to night she will present me a cute boy that she knows. I am a little bit stressed, and I don't know what to where, because I am not sure if it's a date or not.

Choice 1 : Wear a dress

Choice 2 : Wear pants and a t-shirt


Dress on.

I decided to put a dress for our date at a restaurant, it was like a pub, so we drink a little bit after. He was really nice, but at a moment some of his friends' came with us and one of them was weird. He was scary and talk to me like shit and tell me I'm a "Bitch" with my dress. I just wanted to leave this place, but instead I got drugged. I don't remember the rest of the night, I'm now at the hospital, I don't think I will stay at this University.

Choice 1 : University you want to study.


Normal shirt.

I arrive at the restaurant for our date in a cute t-shirt that I love, but when he sees me the boy just make an ugly face. I was sad, but I try to act like nothing happened, but he makes me a comment and tell me I was ugly. I started to cry in front of everyone, I ran out, I was humiliating. After that, he tells Kathy that I was mean to him, and I hit him before I left, so all my friend ate me now. I just want to quit this place.

Choice 1 : University you want to study.
