My own choices !

A hypertext narrative by

hugo Pouliot

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1070

Choice count: 33

Section count: 22

Image count: 22

Error count: 23

Field Related Analysis

Education : 64 matches

(cegep, choice, continuing, course, degree, diploma, don, field, first, general, high school, humanities, knowledge, learn, lessons, management, market, project, research, school, training, university)

Business : 39 matches

(business, businesses, company, consumer, contract, entrepreneurship, firm, launch, lead, management, manager, market, money, offer, opportunity, owner, seller, stock, store)

Law : 20 matches

(arrested, charge, contact, contract, death, general, golden, interest, living, lottery, market, offer, possibility, release)

Target Structure: (6 matches)

internship (1 match)

internships (1 match)

retirement (3 matches)

though (1 match)

volunteer (2 matches)

abroad (2 matches)


My own choices !

The beginning.

I'm about to finish high school, and I have few opportunities. My friend told me about the Business Management program. A group of friends offers me to follow them and take a year without school and maybe go back to school afterwards and my last choice towards another kind of study.

Choice 1 : Business Management

Choice 2 : One year without school

Choice 3 : The other possibilities

end of the school

Business Management.

My cegep is about to end, I now have the choice to choose what I want to do. Thanks to a contact, I have the possibility of becoming a car salesman at Hyundai and continuing my career in this field or continuing my studies at university to increase my knowledge and perhaps have my own business.

Choice 1 : Hyundai seller

Choice 2 : Continue my studies to create its own companies.

cegep Thetford

The lucky winner.

During the road trip, I take the chance to buy a lottery ticket and I win several million in the lottery. My friends don't know that I won the jackpot, should I tell them?

Choice 1 : No and go back to quebec to do something useful with the money

Choice 2 : Yes and split the money with them


Other programs.

I have the choice to do the studies I want except that I have no idea what I want to do, during my training I had the chance to explore two areas. the first is the many specificities of the humanities and the second is visual art.

Choice 1 : Human science

Choice 2 : Visual art with friends who are going to do their lessons in saguenay


Hyundai seller.

After my internship, I have been in this company for several years and I have proven myself. The general manager of the company is about to retire and offers me a unique opportunity to take up his position.

Choice 1 : Take control of the business

Choice 2 : Try something new and volunteer abroad


A promising future.

One of my friend offers me to help him to launch his cryptocurrency mining business which is very promising in the next few years. a second friend asks me to come and see him in my native village so that we can recount everything we have done for several years.

Choice 1 : Go see my old friend

Choice 2 : See my friend with his interesting project

go back to school

A good retirement.

Good choice you earn several million and you have a dream life as well as a retirement which allows you to do what you want.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


A situation that goes wrong.

I change everything to volunteer abroad and during the sea trip I fall into the sea during a storm which caused my death.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


A golden offer.

By chance I return to my first job at the convenience store and I talk about the many years with him and what I have as diplomas. He then offered to take my place as owner. I cannot refuse this golden offer and I become, the owner of several businesses.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


Futuristic millionaires.

In an environment where I know almost nothing, me and my friend are doing very well and your knowledge of entrepreneurship helps you greatly.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


A wise choice.

I go back to school to learn more about the stock market and thus invest my money in it and live without problems until my retirement.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


An unpromising future.

I keep spending my money and I have almost nothing left, I will have to make a choice to survive.

Choice 1 : Go back to my old life

Choice 2 : Try something to risk to have money with my friends

no more money

A life like before.

I go back to school to complete my studies and have a very ordinary life.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


A decision that costs me dearly.

We try to rob a bank but bad luck we get arrested and we all have to go to jail. During my visit to prison, I get stabbed in a general fight only 2 weeks before my release.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


A choice has to be made.

During my research, two programs interest me. The first is consumer science and the second is a degree in psychology.

Choice 1 : Consumer Science

Choice 2 : Degree in psychology.


A creative field.

I now have my diploma in visual art and a company with which I did my internships, offers me to join them immediately. My friends with whom I am doing the course with them continue to have greater knowledge in the field.

Choice 1 : Work for them

Choice 2 : Go to university with them


Consumer science.

Here is finally the program that I am looking for and that really interests me not like human resources my friend is doing right now.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


I then need to specify myself.

During my studies I had the chance to be with people who lead in diferent fields. I then have to choose my domain. What are my choices?

Choice 1 : Sexologist

Choice 2 : Psychologist


An area that helps others.

I have been in the field for several years now. I have my own firm and I have become very well known in the field.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


In search of solutions.

Thanks to the many experiences I have had, I am able to help others through all that the pandemic has caused.

Choice 1 : The beginning.


A lot of problems.

After a few months in this business, i was arrested for stealing paintings and selling art on the black market. What I didn't know was that the company where I was was a supervisor for a big charge and when I signed my contract, they made me the sole responsible and they left with it. money without the police being able to find them. I was then their only suspect and I was arrested even though I was innocent.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

job art

A work of friends.

With my friends, we started our own art business, we weren't living in wealth, but we were living a dream life of being able to work together.

Choice 1 : The beginning.

nice job