Help me choose!

A hypertext narrative by

andrea vera

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 470

Choice count: 13

Section count: 14

Image count: 14

Error count: 2

Field Related Analysis

Law : 40 matches

(cartel, children, courthouse, criminology, evidence, fact, government, international, international law, law, lawyer, living, market, paralegal, private)

Education : 39 matches

(choice, college, don, graduation, knowledge, market, private, technology, university)

Archaeology : 21 matches

(here, keep, market, ph, study, technology)

Target Structure: (1 matches)

put aside (1 match)


Help me choose!

Graduation at Ahuntsic College in Paralegal Technology.

After my graduation, I have the choice to pursue my study in law at University of Montreal or go on the job market.

Choice 1 : University of Montréal.

Choice 2 : Job market.

University of Montreal.

Now that I have chosen University of Montreal should I go to Criminology or International law?

Choice 1 : Criminology.

Choice 2 : International law.

Job market.

Now that I'm in the job market, should I work for the government or work for myself?

Choice 1 : Work for the government.

Choice 2 : work for myself.

Work for the government.

I am accepted at the courthouse, I have several offers. I make a good living and my parents are proud of me.

Write a choice here.

Work for myself.

I make a risk of working for myself. Either I open a public practice or a private practice.

Choice 1 : Private practice.

Choice 2 : Public practice.

Private practice.

I win big cases. I become the most famous lawyer in Quebec. Year after year I get more and more folders.

Write a choice here.


Now that I have a Ph.D in criminology, I can keep studying or go on the job market. What's the better choice?

Choice 1 : Job market.

Choice 2 : Keep studying.

Job market.

I am accepted in a private detective company, and I can put my knowledge into practice.

Choice 1 : Dead.


After a few months of work, I die. The investigations prove that it was cartel men who wanted to revenge for the fact that I found evidence that incriminated their leader.

Write a choice here.

Keep studying.

I continue my studies with the aim of having a good position in the job market. After, my studies there are two choices that arise.

Choice 1 : enjoy life.

Choice 2 : End up alone.

enjoy life.

I decide to take full advantage of life after so many years of study. Unfortunately I get pregnant.I'm going to have to put aside the life I imagined to now educate my children.

Write a choice here.

End up alone.

I finished my life alone without children and without a husband in an apartment. I work every day without having any descendant who can benefit of my money.

Write a choice here.

Public practice.

I don't get any business. My. firm does not make a profit. I put all my money at my company and I go bankrupt. I fall into severe depression, I go to Douglas for a year.

Write a choice here.

International law.

Now that I have graduated from my studies in International law, I can now start my career. I will have the opportunity to visit several countries and cities while working too.

Write a choice here.