My Administration Hypertext Narrative Project

A hypertext narrative by

Lyes Mansouri

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 413

Choice count: 16

Section count: 12

Image count: 12

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 39 matches

(cegep, choice, class, college, courses, degree, diploma, fail, first, grade, grades, high school, school, score, semester, social, students, teachers, university)

Business : 8 matches

(administration, business, company)

Sociology : 7 matches

(class, depression, narrative, open, school, social science)

Target Structure: (0 matches)


My Administration Hypertext Narrative Project

The beginning.

You have just finished high school, and you have the choice of studying administration in Montmorency or in Ahuntsic.

Choice 1 : Going to school in Ahuntsic

Choice 2 : Going to school in Montmorency



You start your studies in Social Sciences with a profile in administration, but you find that the teachers, and students are not helpful to others, and you have bad grades.

Choice 1 : You continue your studies in Ahuntsic

Choice 2 : You decide to take your studies in hand and choose to change cegep to go to Montmorency


You are starting your studies in Social Science administration profile, and you like your first semester very much.

Choice 1 : You continue your studies in Montmorency

The adventure continues in Ahuntsic.

Despite all the effort and time you put into your studies, you are unlucky and fail several courses. Your R-score is greatly impacted, and you fall into depression.

Choice 1 : A new way.

Choice 2 : You continue your studies in Ahuntsic

The beginning of a beautiful journey in Montmorency.

Your school career is going very well, and you even find a girl in your administration class. You think she is pretty and wonder if you should dare to talk to her.

Choice 1 : Crazy love.

Choice 2 : Continue in spite of everything.

A new way.

You get your professional diploma in plumbing and decide to start your own business.

Choice 1 : You continue

Crazy love.

You talk to him and introduce yourself, then you decide to go for a drink and become very close to each other.

Choice 1 : You finish cegep

Continue in spite of everything.

You finish your college studies single but with a good grade and decide to go to university.

Choice 1 : You go to university

A happy ending.

You finally found a wife and have children and live a good life with the successful plumbing business and end up happy until you die.

Choice 1 : Restart

The university.

Your studies are going very well, and you end up with a degree in accounting.

Choice 1 : A beautiful ending.

A beautiful ending.

You finish your university studies and find a stable job in a company as well as an accountant.

Choice 1 : Restart

Beautiful end.

You finish the cegep and decide to open your accounting business with your wife and quickly become a millionaire.

Choice 1 : Restart