The beginning of a new chapter, but which one?

A hypertext narrative by

Gabrielle Savard-Dion

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1106

Choice count: 19

Section count: 11

Image count: 11

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 59 matches

(choice, class, college, don, faith, first, grades, graduate, high school, jean, knowledge, learn, management, research, school, student, taught, teacher, training)

Law : 24 matches

(arrangement, case, harassment, house, living, month, parent, priority, privacy, rent)

Sociology : 21 matches

(care, class, narrative, school, self, sexual, small)

Target Structure: (15 matches)

foot in the door (1 match)

ins-and-outs (1 match)

intern (1 match)

internship (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

learn the ropes (1 match)

on-the-job-training (2 matches)

overwhelmed (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

straight a's (1 match)

thoroughly (1 match)

though (1 match)

time management (1 match)

worthwhile (1 match)


The beginning of a new chapter, but which one?

Where to?

Welcome time travelers! You have been given the chance to explore the possibilities of your future in this hypertext narrative story that will take you where you think you want to go, but be aware, not every path lead to success or healthy life habits! Let's start from the beginning of your life where all of your choices will really start to matter. You are about to finish high school and are now asked to make a college choice. You are currently living in Saguenay Lac-Saint-Jean with your father, Hugo, and you are looking forward to start a new adventure, but where too? Keep in mind that you have a great talent for dancing, but you also love movies. You love to help people, but you are also scared to move out of your parent's house and leave the city. What would you decide?

Choice 1 : Jonquiere College - Television and Movie Production

Choice 2 : Ahuntsic College - Pre-Hospital Emergency Care

Choice 3 : Montmorency College - Dance and Exploration

Where to?

You are moving to Jonquiere!

You chose to follow your passion for cinema, and are now looking for roommates to move in with! You can also decide to find an apartment by yourself, but you have no experience in living alone whatsoever. Will you take a big leap of faith or play it safe?

Choice 1 : I want to find my own apartment!

Choice 2 : I don't want to move out!

Choice 3 : I will move out with 3 other girls that I met online!

Jonquiere College

You are moving to Montreal!

You chose to follow your heart, and want to live a life where helping others is your priority! To do so, you had to move out from your parent's house and are now in research of a place to live. What will you choose to look for?

Choice 1 : I want to find my own apartment!

Choice 2 : I want to rent a room in the student dorm!

Choice 3 : I want to find roommates to live with!

Ahuntsic College

Not this time!

You wanted to study dance, but your parents won't allow you to move to Laval to do so. They think that dancing is not a real career. They decide that they will not help you with the money and the things you need for school. You have no choice but to go back and choose a different career.

Choice 1 : Start again!

Not this time...

Roommates of hell!

You chose to move in with people you didn't know, and that was a mistake. They are always partying and your apartment is always trashed. It is really not the experience you were hoping for! Go back and choose another living situation that will help you focus on school and make you feel at home.

Choice 1 : You are moving to Montreal!

Your kitchen every morning...

Roommates of hell!

You chose to move in with people you didn't know, and that was a mistake. They are always partying and your apartment is always trashed. It is really not the experience you were hoping for! Go back and choose another living situation that will help you focus on school and make you feel at home.

Choice 1 : You are moving to Jonquiere!

Your kitchen every morning...

I need privacy!

You decided to stay at your parent's house, but since you started College, they are acting like you are 10 years old. They don't want you to come home late, they are always calling to see if you are at school, and they make comments on how late you go to sleep every night! You realize that you can't experience college life like you wanted to by living in your parent's house. You are now looking for another living arrangement.

Choice 1 : You are moving to Jonquiere!

I am not a child anymore...

Ideal for focus and self-care!

You chose to find your own apartment, and it was the best decision you could make! You are a little tight with money, but you parent offered to help for rent until you graduate. One thing thought, you have to succeed in school and have good grades otherwise they will cut you off. You don't like being threatened, so you are looking for a job that will help you provide a little bit more for yourself, just in case. What will you go for?

Choice 1 : I want to work in a restaurant!

Choice 2 : No, I want to focus on school!

Your home!

Life of the party!

You chose to rent a room in the student dorm of your college. You have been there for a week, and you have met a lot of friends! The place is small, but can do the job for now. School is starting soon, and you have to find a job to provide for yourself. You are worried that you will not be able to pull off straight A's in school by having to work at the same time. You have to think this thoroughly before making a decision. What will it be?

Choice 1 : Find a job!

Choice 2 : Focus on school!

Your room!

Your new job!

You chose to find a job at the nearest restaurant. You work as a waiter and have to receive an on-the-job-training for 2 weeks in whom you will be taught the ins-and-outs of the job. After your training is done, you start to feel invaluable to the company you work for because your boss always tries to flirt with you. His misconducts are too much to handle, and are not stopping, even after you complain about sexual harassment to human resources. You decide to quit. Unfortunately, you realize that your time management with school and work is not ideal and that you should have focus on school instead of finding work!

Choice 1 : If you had focus on school!


Focus on school!

You chose to focus on school. Great idea! You are now in your final year of your program and choosing not to work during your studies was worthwhile. You are the first of your class and your teacher offers you the best internship you could ever ask for! You are overwhelmed with emotions and cannot wait to become the best intern anyone could have. You will have 1 month of on-the-job-training to learn the ropes of your new career even though you already have a foot in the door with all the knowledge you have acquired in your 3 years of school. Congratulations, you are now one step to closer to becoming a Paramedic as you wished for!

Choice 1 : The end!

Your new career!