My life paths

A hypertext narrative by

Roxane Toussaint

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1046

Choice count: 19

Section count: 14

Image count: 14

Error count: 10

Field Related Analysis

Education : 92 matches

(advanced, choice, college, colleges, compensation, course, courses, degree, don, failed, field, field of study, first, grade, high school, learn, portfolio, reader, school, semester, social, teacher, teachers, trainee)

Business : 25 matches

(business, clients, company, investment, lead, manager, money, office, pay, profits, salary, team, trainee)

Sociology : 15 matches

(internet, school, sexual, social science)

Target Structure: (16 matches)

compensation (1 match)

hr (1 match)

income (1 match)

interns (1 match)

office politics (2 matches)

overtime (1 match)

compensation packages (1 match)

pension (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

retirement (2 matches)

set aside (1 match)

sexual harassment (1 match)

trainee (1 match)

wage (1 match)

wages (1 match)

volunteer (1 match)


My life paths

Start at the beginning.

It’s the end of my grade eleven at George Vanier. I complete most of my basic courses, but I have one important course left. It’s my advanced math course. My API suggest to me to stay in high school for an extra one-year, so I will be able to finish my math course. But I think that I’m too older to be in high school, so I check on the internet and some colleges allows me to be in their school without my advanced math course I just have to change my field of study.

Choice 1 : Go to college.

Choice 2 : Stay in high school.

Left or right

I go to college.

After high school I decide to go to college. I don’t know witch college should I choose because I live in Laval and there’s only one college.

Choice 1 : I stay in Laval

Choice 2 : go to Montreal.

I stay in high school.

I choose to stay in high school, but I’m not happy. I’m always alone because all of my friends are in college now. I only have course 2 days a week, and I hate my teacher I want to give up.

Choice 1 : Give up high school and go work at McDonald’s.

Choice 2 : Don’t give up high school.

George Vanier

I stay in Laval.

I choose to stay in Laval and went to Montmorency College. Now I need to choose my program, but I can’t go to the program that will lead me to my dream career because I didn’t do my advanced math course in high school.

Choice 1 : Springboard to a DCS .

Choice 2 : Change program.

I go to Montreal.

I went to Ahuntsic College and I hated the experience. The teachers were mean and the school was too far from home. I failed most of my courses, so I give up. I decided to work at the bank as a cashier, and I really liked it. After 10 years, I found the love of my life, and we decided to get married it was the best decision I’ve ever made.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.

Ahuntsic college

Give up High school.

I start working at McDonald’s, and I hate it, there’s too much work to do, and they don’t pay me enough. I don’t want to be poor for the rest of my life, but I don’t have a degree, there’s not a lot of work that accept to hire people without a degree.

Choice 1 : Work without degree.

Choice 2 : Stay work at McDonald’s for the rest of my life even if I’m not happy.

Don’t give up high school.

After one year of unhappiness I finish high school. After I finish my math course I realize that I want to change my field of study at college because I don’t want to stay in an office for 8 hours. I want to live and have new experiences in life. I always wanted to travel, but I never find the right moment. I as like if I take one year of it will not impact my future, I could still have a great retirement by the age of 65, but I don’t know which country should I visit.

Choice 1 : Visit Bali.

Springboard to a DCS Montmorency.

I am now doing a Springboard to a DCS in Montmorency. This program will help me finish most of my basic courses, so I could go to my desired program. After one year in Springboard to a DCS I’m done with my basic courses. I can now go to the program that will lead me to my dream career. The program is Social Science business, and that’s the program that will help me be an accounting or a portfolio manager. It’s almost the end of my semester and I need to know which career will be the best for me.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.

Montmorency college


Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.

Change program.

I’ve decided to change my program and went in computer science. I loved it and graduated from this program. I found a job at the Google office I started as trainee it went really well, and they pay really well. With my salary I was able to set aside a lot of money and make some really good investment. I’m now retired at 60 years old, and I’m receiving my pension every month.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Work without degree.

I found a job as an HR for a company. At first it was amazing I respect the office politics, and I always came to work early. In October the work environment has change. My coworkers hate me they always try to convince the manager that I don’t deserve the premium wage and that they should fire me. I get fired in December I was super depressed because of that, so I decide to leave the country and travel.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Work McDonald’s.

I hated working at McDonald’s because it’s minimum wages, so I quit. I couldn’t find another work, so I stayed home, was alone for the rest of my life.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Visit Bali.

I stay in Bali for one year. I worked there as a volunteer, I helped build schools and houses it was the best experience of my life.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.


Portfolio manager.

I decide to be a portfolio manager and my job will be to investment my clients money to maximize their profits. I decided to build my own company and I hired a great team to work with me. We learn to maximize our income together. Every 5 months there’re new interns in the company. My employees live to do overtime, but I want them to feel appreciated, so I gave them compensation packages every month. All employees respect the office politics, they are never late and there’s no sexual harassment. I make sure that they have a great retirement plan. I’m really happy with my job.

Choice 1 : Start at the beginning.

Portfolio manager