The choice of a life

A hypertext narrative by

Yacoub Bougrine

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 452

Choice count: 6

Section count: 4

Image count: 4

Error count: 1

Field Related Analysis

Education : 26 matches

(choice, classes, college, degree, diploma, education, field, first, management, master's degree, school, task, university)

Business : 15 matches

(budgets, business, company, entrepreneur, gross, management, money, office, profit, profits, real estate, salary, team)

Accounting : 12 matches

(accountant, accounting, gross income, gross profit, invest, investments, net earnings, profit, profits, reports, salary)

Target Structure: (2 matches)

income (1 match)

wage (1 match)


The choice of a life

The end of college.

College was not an easy task. From the start, I had to make decisive choices, such as changing programs. Indeed, I started in health, and I quickly realized that it was not for me... I decided to change to a program in management. Since then, I really like it. I feel like I belong in school, and I like going to my classes, unlike when I was in the health program. I am proud to be able to finish college in this program which will allow me to open a lot of doors for the future, regardless of the choice I make for the future.

Choice 1 : Continue my studies at university.

Choice 2 : Focus on my music career.

the decisions I had to make in college

Continue my studies at university.

School is the path to comfort and stability. Education will allow me to have a more secure future with a diploma in my pocket. I have been thinking about doing my studies in business since that's the path I chose to take in college. In addition, I really like this environment. I find it very interesting and stimulating! I'm thinking of going to the University of Montreal. I would like to do my baccalaureate and a master's degree there. This path will take me about 5 years.

Choice 1 : Choose the career of accountant.

Choice 2 : Focus on my music career.

The school path

Focus on my music career.

My dream since childhood is to become a professional singer. I have always dreamed of succeeding in this field in order to live from my passion. Touring, performing, having an audience that likes and follows what I do, that would be my success in life. During my college years, I focused on finding myself as an artist. Finding my voice and forming a small team of professional musicians were the first step towards my dream. It's finally time to release some music and show everyone what I'm worth!

Choice 1 : The end of college.

A musical dream

Choose the career of accountant.

Accounting is an office job. It consists in managing budgets and the finances of a company. I would like to be employed by a big company. It will be more interesting to manage their money, namely their gross income, their gross profit and their investments. Finally, be responsible for the net earnings reports that the company will have made during the year. I still hope to have a good wage to be able to invest in real estate by purchasing properties to make profits and have an additional salary. I could finally end my professional life as an entrepreneur with an empire of houses and apartments.

Choice 1 : The end of college.

Accounting and management path