Choices of a paramedic

A hypertext narrative by

Gabrielle Thuot

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1133

Choice count: 20

Section count: 21

Image count: 21

Error count: 19

Field Related Analysis

Paramedics : 81 matches

(ambulance, cardiac, cardiac arrest, care, cpr, department, depression, emergency, emergency care, epinephrine, hospital, intervention, medication, patient, pulse, respiratory, salbutamol, shift, siren, supervisor, transport)

Education : 47 matches

(choice, college, degree, don, down, first, inclusion, intervention, jean)

Nursing : 32 matches

(ambulance, contact, cpr, depression, emergency care, epinephrine, hospital, hr, insult)

Target Structure: (10 matches)

dread (1 match)

hr (3 matches)

internship (1 match)

invaluable (1 match)

lack of (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

overwhelm (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

retirement (1 match)

the drive of work (1 match)


Choices of a paramedic

After College.

You just manage to pull off your college degree in Pre-Hospital Emergency Care. Now, you have to decide in which company you would like to work.

Choice 1 : Urgence Santé.

Choice 2 : SPLL.

Map of Montreal

Urgence Santé.

On your first shift, you’re being called for a cardiac arrest. You already have done two cardiac arrests during your internship, but it is still stressful for you. Overwhelm by the situation, do you decide to be the leader of the intervention?

Choice 1 : You’re the leader of the intervention.

Choice 2 : You’re not the leader of the intervention.



Even with your lack of experience, you still are doing great in the ambulance. The drive of work makes you love every second of it. However, for the last 5 days you’re not happy. Your colleague had been late all weeks, and it slows you down. You talked to him many times, but he doesn’t really care. You dread that this situation will continue for a long time. Do you talk to the Human Resources or you let it go again?

Choice 1 : Talk to the HR.

Choice 2 : Let it go again.

A clock showing 8h15. The shift started at 8h.

You’re the leader of the intervention.

The intervention is going very well. You did every care that was necessary and even got a pulse back for 10 seconds. In which Hospital do you bring your patient?

Choice 1 : Jean-Talon Hospital.

Choice 2 : Sacré-Coeur Hospital.

Paramedics doing cpr

You’re not the leader of the intervention.

Your colleague is close to retirement and isn’t the fastest. While he was doing CPR, you almost did everything else. Even it wasn’t the best cooperation, you still were able to resuscitate the patient.

Write a choice here.

Monitor with the vital signs on it.

Jean-Talon Hospital.

There’s a lot of construction and traffic on the way to the hospital, what do you do?

Choice 1 : Wait in line with the other cars.

Choice 2 : You put on the siren and the lights.


Sacré-Coeur Hospital.

You arrive at the hospital within 7 minutes. Your patient is in good hand and have a high chance of survival.

Write a choice here.

Sacré-Coeur Hospital

Wait in line with the other cars.

It wasn’t the best decision! Your patient is really unstable and needs to get to the hospital the fastest possible. You make it in 26 minutes and your patient have fewer chances of survival. It was your last call of the day and you finished overtime, but saving someone’s life is still something invaluable.

Write a choice here.

traffic jam

You put on the siren and the lights.

It was the best decision! You and your patient arrive at the hospital in 12 minutes. The patient is now taking care of by the staff of the hospital and will probably survive his cardiac arrest.

Write a choice here.

Ambulance with the lights on

Talk to the HR.

Just after your shift, you got in contact with the human resources. They told you they will work on it and give you some news within next week. Four days later, your colleague is really mad and ask you why you talk about him with the HR. What do you do?

Choice 1 : Insult him.

Choice 2 : Explain yourself calmly.

An angry person

Let it go again.

He finally arrived 25 minutes late. He apologized and then start to pack his things in the ambulance like nothing happened. On your second call, the patient as a respiratory distress. He ate a kiwi and he didn’t know he was allergic. What medication do you give first?

Choice 1 : Salbutamol.

Choice 2 : Epinephrine.

A person having some difficulty to breath


The salbutamol is a good idea, but it’s not the priority. The respiratory distress is caused by the allergic reaction, so you need to take care of that first. After giving the salbutamol, the patient still has a difficulty to breath. Back in the ambulance you give the epinephrine and his state becomes a lot better. In what type of transport will you use to bring your patient to the hospital?

Choice 1 : Urgent.

Choice 2 : Not urgent.

A person with oxygen and salbutamol


It was the best decision for the situation. The respiratory distress is caused by the allergic reaction. The patient firstly need the epinephrine. The epinephrine will most likely stop his distress, and you won’t even need to give the salbutamol. He will maybe need it if there is some inclusion criteria.

Write a choice here.

A flask of epinephrine


It was the best decision to make. Your patient is unstable because of his respiratory distress and needs to get to the hospital really fast. At least, the epinephrine helped a lot during the transport.

Write a choice here.

An ambulance with the lights on

Not urgent.

Your patient is in a respiratory distress, so he needs to get to the hospital the fastest possible. The urgent transport was the one for this type of situation.

Write a choice here.

An ambulance with no lights or siren

Insult him.

You tell him that it is not you fault that he’s dump to not follow the simple rule to arrive on time. After a heavy conversation, your college exits the room and went home. What do you do next?

Choice 1 : Apologize for your words.

Choice 2 : Ask your supervisor to never work with him again.

An heavy conversation

Explain yourself calmly.

You explain that you were tired to wait for him. You really like the cooperation the two of you have, but you don’t like to start late. He understands your point and apologize. After a little talk, he tells you that he is going through a depression, and it is really hard for him to get up in the morning. What do you do next?

Choice 1 : Propose him to talk about it.

Choice 2 : Propose him some help.

Some people talking

Apologize for your words.

On your next shift with him, you decide to apologize for the mean things you said. He accepts your apologies and apologize too. He also tells you that’s he will arrive on time next shifts.

Write a choice here.

People shaking hands

Ask your supervisor to never work with him again.

Your supervisor accepts your demand. There’s a lot of other people to work with, so it’s not a problem. Sometimes, you bump into this colleague and the two of you just ignore each other.

Write a choice here.

People that ignore each other

Propose him to talk about it.

You propose to talk about it. He accepts and the two of you talk for one hour. He thanks you for the time you gave him and is feeling a lot better.

Write a choice here.

Two person holding hands.

Propose him some help.

You mention a place that you know could help him. It’s called “La vigile” and is known to help workers in the emergency department. Two weeks later, he tells you that he’s going to this place, and he is really thankful for your help.

Write a choice here.

“La Vigile”