My career as a Digital Imaging technician.

A hypertext narrative by

Amélie Martel

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 1990

Choice count: 25

Section count: 25

Image count: 25

Error count: 0

Field Related Analysis

Education : 154 matches

(academic, behavior, choice, class, classes, classmates, college, course, courses, don, first, grades, graduate, high school, jean, lesson, management, motivation, private, school, semester, teach, teacher, teachers, teaches, term)

Web development : 45 matches

(behavior, class, client, drop, ignore, open, pass, position, private, request, session, show, stop, write)

Business : 40 matches

(business, client, employee, financial, making money, management, manager, meeting, money, motivate, orders, paid, pay, request)

Target Structure: (15 matches)

dead-end job (1 match)

foot in the door (1 match)

hr (3 matches)

internship (1 match)

overtime (1 match)

premium wage (1 match)

pull off (1 match)

purpose (1 match)

put aside (2 matches)

set aside (1 match)

straight a's (2 matches)

though (1 match)

time management (3 matches)

undermine (1 match)

wage (4 matches)


My career as a Digital Imaging technician.

The end of high schools.

I just finished high school, and I have to make my final decision for college. It's a very important decision since it's my future, but it stresses me because I don't want to make the wrong decision and not like college. Where should I go?

Choice 1 : Go to Rosemont College.

Choice 2 : Go to Ahuntsic College.

High school graduation

Go to Rosemont College.

I'm quite satisfied about my decision. The teachers know their subject and teach it well. It also is a beautiful college. On the other side, it's quite far from home, it takes me one hour by bus and metro. It's the first day of school at Rosemont College, and my lesson starts at 8:00 in the morning. I am very tired and don't want to go to school. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Stay in bed.

Choice 2 : Go to school.

Rosemont College

Go to Ahuntsic College.

I love this school. The teachers are nice, the school is great, my program is super interesting, and I have friends in my classes. In addition, the college is not too far from my house, just 20 minutes by metro. I want to be able to pay for my notebooks, and make some money to put aside for the future. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Focus on my studies.

Choice 2 : Work part-time in a Jean Coutu.

Ahuntsic College

Stay in bed.

I regret staying in bed because the first day of school was the most important one. I got into the habit of not going to school, so I missed too many classes which led to me not passing my session. I decide to work full time on a dead-end job in a restaurant with a low wage, and try again next sessions. I'll put more efforts into it.

Choice 1 :

The Best Part Time Jobs for Teens

Focus on my studies.

I put all my energy and time in school, and I'm doing pretty well. I have straight A's in almost every class. Now that I have good grades in school, I have to start making money. I need to put aside some money, so I will not have financial problems in the future. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Start a business.

Choice 2 : Work part-time as a waitress.

Stack of art books from own library

Work part-time in a Jean Coutu.

I managed to have a good management of my time and I really like this job! I make some money for my future, and I am able to set aside some of it. Should I work full time at Jean Coutu to make more money or stay in school?

Choice 1 : Work full time at Jean Coutu.

Choice 2 : Stay in school to get the job I want.

Jean Coutu Pharmacy – Vaudreuil-Dorion.

Start a small business.

I decided to open a candle small business. It works very well, and I have a lot of demand. I make my own schedule, so I don't work overtime. I really like the fact that I'm my own boss, and no one gives me orders. Should I drop out of school and just focus on my business?

Choice 1 : Drop out of school.

Choice 2 : Continue my business and stay in school.

 Display of soybean wax candle in Texas store.

Work part-time as a waitress manager in a cafe.

Being a waitress manager is very demanding and stressful, but I make a lot of money. However, the work environment is very toxic. The employees undermine my authority by complaining and lying on purpose about me to my boss. I don't want to give them de satisfaction by leaving this job, they could easily take my position since it will be free. But, this job is very toxic, and takes a lot of my energy. Having good time management with school is also tough. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Make a complaint to the Human Resources.

Choice 2 : Quit the job.

Choice 3 : Do nothing and keep working in this cafe.

waitress in a café in the centre of oudewater, the netherlands

Working full time at Jean Coutu.

I decided to work full time at Jean Coutu since I really like it. The environment is not toxic, and I love my colleagues. Me and an employee have even become friends. However, the wage is not very high, but it's okay, I still can afford things I need.

Write a choice here.

Jean Coutu.

Stay in school to get the job I want.

I decided to stay in school in order to get the job of my dreams, and that's what happened! My efforts paid off. I now work in a well-known private clinic with really great employees. I love my job, and I get a very well wage. I'm very proud of having made the decision to pursue my studies.

Write a choice here.

Future Careers: Radiodiagnostic Technology.

Make a complaint to the Human Resources.

I decided to go see HR to tell them about the toxic environment at my job. They took my complaint seriously, and told me they'll do everything to solve this problem. However, they said it could take a certain amount of time to solve this problem, one to two months. I think it's way too long, and I don't know if I am be able to continue working in a toxic work environment like that. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Wait for one to two months for the HR to fix this problem.

Choice 2 : Quit the job.

Gain HR Manager Skills To Advance Your Career With Confidence.

Quit the job.

I quit, and I feel so much better. The toxicity of my old job was causing me a lot of anxiety, and was preventing me from sleeping at night. I managed to get back a good time management, and pull off my last semester. I have straight A's in all of my classes, I'm really proud of myself. I have been accepted for an internship at the CHUM hospital in Montreal, which means I'll have a foot in the door to work as a Digital Imaging technician in this hospital.

Write a choice here.

CHUM hospital.

Do nothing and keep working in this cafe.

I decided to stay and work full time. I make a lot of money since I have a premium wage because the client gives me tips. My boss hired my best friend, so we have fun together more than often. I dropped out of school since I didn't have enough energy to go to school and work.

Write a choice here.

Waitress In a Cafe.

Go to school.

I decided to go to school since it's the first day. It's the day when I can make new friends, and understand the way the teacher teaches. It's also important because we talk about the semester and exams. However, I don't like the people in my class at all, I don't know anyone, and my French teacher is very rude. I don't think an attitude like that will motivate me to show up for her classes, and get good grades. What should I do?

Choice 1 : Cancel this course and redo the next session.

Choice 2 : Continue this course anyway with the same teacher.

Classes, Ahuntsic College.

Cancel this course and redo it next session.

I decided to stop this course to redo it next session because I don't want to do a course with an unpleasant teacher. I have eight classes in my schedule, so taking one off would be nice too. I'm just going to have one more class next semester, it's nothing serious. I just hope I get a different teacher.

Write a choice here.

How ‘cancel culture’ caught on so quickly | The Angry Grammarian.

Continue this course with the same teacher.

It's impossible for me to finish this course, my teacher corrects the exams far too harshly, and she's very mean, so it takes away all the motivation I have. Plus, it causes me too much anxiety. What should I do with this course?

Choice 1 : Don't do anything and continue my course despite my anxiety.

Choice 2 : Make a request for permanent incomplete.

Bad teacher.

Don't do anything and continue my course despite my anxiety.

I think I am able to manage my anxiety during my session and get good grades. On the other side, the bad attitude of my teacher really bothers me. She laughs at us when we get the wrong answers, says disparaging comments, and is way too harsh on us. What should I do with her?

Choice 1 : Send her a message.

Choice 2 : Make a complaint to management about the behavior of this teacher.

Choice 3 : Don't do anything.

A woman feeling stressed.

Make a request for permanent incomplete.

I decided to make a request for a permanent incomplete to cancel this lesson. My doctor accepted to get me a medical note for my anxiety to retake this course next term. The school accepted this request, and I feel a lot better, I am not anxious anymore. I will still continue to pursue my other courses though.

Write a choice here.

Doctor Talking with a Patient.

Send her a message.

I tried to make her understand that I found her really unpleasant with us, and that her comments were mean. Contrary to what I thought, she immediately understood and apologized. I then had a very nice end of session.

Write a choice here.

On the phone and online.

Make a complaint to direction about the behavior of this teacher.

I decided to make a complaint because my teacher was really mean to me, all of my classmates, and even to her other group. The direction accepted my complaint, and one week later, they contacted me again. They told me I wasn't the first one who had made a complaint about her, and they will meet her. Turns out she retired, so she will never teach again. I will be able to have a nice end to this session, and graduate.

Write a choice here.

Customer complaint.

Don't do anything.

I decided not to do anything because I didn't want to do the whole procedure. Filing the complaint, waiting for it to be accepted... I thought it was way too complicated, and it would have caused me more anxiety than before. I preferred to do my things on my side, and ignore the unpleasant comments of my French teacher. I still managed to pass my session! For this summer, I intend to go and rest at the beach at my grandfather's from the heavy semester I had.

Write a choice here.

a green rowboat on the shore of lake. It is windy. In the background is the Lac Monroe service centre.

Wait for one to two months for the HR to fix this problem.

I chose to wait, and two weeks after my meeting with them, my manager was met by the human resources. When he came back, he felt bad and made a meeting with all the employees to say he wasn't going to tolerate this kind of behavior anymore. A few days later, the work environment was no longer toxic. My boss also offered me a new position which is an assistant manager, and I took it! I feel less anxious than before, and I like my new job a lot more.

Write a choice here.


Quit the job.

I decided to quit, and I feel better than before. I am less anxious, and I have decided to restart my studies to work as a Digital Imaging technician. I know it's going to be a long and hard academic journey, but I'm ready to put efforts in all of my schoolwork.

Write a choice here.

Quit a job.

Drop out of school.

I decided to drop out of school, and focus on my candlelight business. It's doing great, and I'm making a lot of money. It's my my dream job, I'm super happy!

Write a choice here.

How to make candles based on soy wax and scented with essential oils.

Continue my business and stay in school.

I'm able to have good time management with school and my small business. I don't know if I will keep doing it all my life, but right now, I am loving it. For the moment, I am focusing more on my studies than on my business to be able to have good grades and pass this term.

Write a choice here.

Getting Students Ready for “Back To School”: The College And University Edition.