The path to my career.

A hypertext narrative by

Justine Benoit

Created with

The Virtual Writing Tutor Grammar Checker


Word count: 994

Choice count: 22

Section count: 15

Image count: 15

Error count: 3

Field Related Analysis

Education : 70 matches

(assessment, behavior, cegep, choice, course, doctorate, educational, emotional, enterprise, field, first, learn, learning, learning difficulties, market, method, options, private, project, reader, research, school, test, testing, university)

Sociology : 30 matches

(care, clinical, competition, function, industrial, language, learning difficulties, open, private, processes, psychology, school)

Web development : 26 matches

(behavior, build, client, field, function, method, open, option, path, private, setting, style, test, write)

Target Structure: (2 matches)

internship (6 matches)

overtime (2 matches)


The path to my career.

After Cegep.

I have finally finished my three years in psychology at Cegep. I still have doubt whether or not I want to continue my studies in psychology or enter my dream program in an interior design.

Choice 1 : Enter the Psychology program.

Choice 2 : Enter the Interior Design program.


Enter the Psychology program.

I enter University in psychology, and I think it is interesting. I end up finishing my bachelor. I know have to decide if I want to finish my study with only a master or continue school for other few years and finish with a doctorate.

Choice 1 : Finish with a master.

Choice 2 : Finish with a doctorate.


Enter the Interior Design program.

I end up really liking my program in interior design, and after only three years of school I finish with a bachelor. I apply for an internship, and they give me two options. Do an internship in industrial design (office, coffee shop, hotel, etc.) or home design? What should I choose?

Choice 1 : An internship in industrial design.

Choice 2 : An internship in home design.

interior design

Finish with a master.

I finish with a master, not as much option are offered to me that if I had finish with a doctorate. I am interested in clinical psychologists, it provides assessment and treatment services for individuals or groups who have emotional and behavioural problems. I am also interested in educational psychologists. It consists of basic research on effective learning strategies and the assessment of learning difficulties.

Choice 1 : Clinical psychologist.

Choice 2 : Educational psychologist.

master degree

Finish with a doctorate.

Now that I have finished my doctorate, there is different option that I can choose. I can work as a counselor for the government, or I can open my own practice.

Choice 1 : Open a private practice.

Choice 2 : Researcher.


An internship in industrial design.

I love working has an industrial interior designer, I get to be creative in the new project I take, it is different every time and the project can get bigger overtime.

Choice 1 : Open my own enterprise.

Choice 2 : Work for an enterprise.

industrial design

An internship in home design.

I love working as a home designer I get to meet new people and be part of different project. But the downside is I always do the same thing there is not a lot of place for creativity.Since there is not enough for me to do in Montreal, I decide that I could go work in another country. Where should I go?

Choice 1 : Go to Italie.

Choice 2 : Go to France.


Clinical psychologist.

Write this part of the story here and present your reader with choices.

Choice 1 : End

clinical psychologist

Educational psychologist.

I like working as an educational psychologist, I spend my day investigating human learning processes in individual. I also get to work with children in the classroom and educational setting to help them with their needs. This job is fulfilling because I get to help children get better with their problem and see them evolve.

Choice 1 : End

educational psychologist

Open a private practice.

I decided to open my own practice, I like being my own boss and make my own schedule, which mean that I could choose to make some time for me and my family. Since the job can be hard, I like to take some breaks. I have my typical clients that come and see me and over the years, I build a clientele that trusts me and confide in me.

Choice 1 : End

private practice


I decided to become a psychological researcher. Most of the time I examine questions and test hypotheses with the aim of understanding human thought and behavior. I sometimes work with patients to test those hypotheses. I love being a researcher because I get to learn new function of the brain and how the human interacts. I am testing my own hypotheses and researching new possibility to help develop new method to psychology.

Choice 1 : End


Open my own enterprise.

After a few years working in industrial design, I decided to start my own enterprise. I already had friends in this field that agreed to help start and take own some of my project. I decided to build a clientele online by showing pictures of my other project to bring contracts. At first, it wasn't easy because I had to build a new team and organise the different plans, but overtime I build up a great team of designers and constructors.

Choice 1 : End


Work for an enterprise.

I love working in a company in industrial design. We can get bigger project because we are a larger firm, and we also are multiple designer that work on the same project which means that we can exchange some ideas and be more creative. Of course, they are also a lot of competition because you can be the designer in chief which mean that it is your draft that has been chosen.

Choice 1 : End

work for an enterprise

Go to Italie.

I decided to go to Italy and continue my work there. At first, it was difficult to learn the language, but I learn it very fast. In the mean times I work for a company that takes on different project and collaborate with architects. These project is to build new houses and decorate them to put them on the market. I hand up liking this job it is different, and I love working in teams.

Choice 1 : End


Go to France.

I decide to go to France and continue working as an interior designer, I am now work for a company that takes care of different client, and all have different style for their homes. I really like the style over their, and I decided to stay there. I have many opportunities to travel around France, and meet new clients.

Choice 1 : End
